PLACE YOUR ONLINE ORDER AT GOODMEDS.COM! COLORADO’S PREMIER MEDICAL DISPENSARY SINCE 2009 A SK A STONER BY HERBERT FUEGO Dear Stoner: I got tricked into taking a 50-milligram edible. This happened about three weeks ago, and I have a pee test next week. Should I be concerned? Will it stay in my system longer than a smoked joint? Oyekanmi Dear Oyekanmi: Breathe. The worst is behind you. That’s a lot of THC for someone who doesn’t consume often, and unknowingly ingesting it can quickly lead to puking over a toilet, sweating in a curled-up ball or pay- ing for an unnecessary-but-understandable ambulance ride. Hopefully you were able to avoid most of that. Now for the good news. You ate a lot of THC for a novice, and MEMBER BOSM PRICING LIVE RESIN NEW LIVE BATTER BUDDER 1G JAR $16.36 | 5G JAR $80.11 20G JAR $293.25 | 28G JAR $403.75 40G JAR $576 1G JAR $21.25 | 5G JAR $102 1G JAR $12.20 | 5G JAR $59.30 20G JAR $227 | 28G JAR $310.15 WE CARRY YOUR FAVORITE BRANDS! smoked weed doesn’t linger around the bloodstream as long as edibles, but you’re almost certainly in the clear if this is a urine test. Your body has probably fl ushed out the THC already if this edibles scare was a one-time thing, as infrequent users generally test negative around a week after eating edibles. Work out and drink a lot of water if you’re that worried, but you should sleep easy — unless you’re ever around the person who slipped you a 50-milligram edible. We’ve seen lawsuits over this kind of stuff before. Not cool. Dear Stoner: I found a seed in my CBD weed. Should I expect it to have the same amount of CBD if I grow it? Joshua MENTION THIS AD FOR MEMBER PRICING ON YOUR FIRST VISIT! LAKEWOOD ENGLEWOOD 8420 W COLFAX AVE 303-238-1253 10AM-6:55PM 40 3431 S FEDERAL BLVD 303-761-9170 10AM-6:55PM GOODMEDS.COM Dear Joshua: Not necessarily. While you should expect something similar, that’s not guaranteed. That cannabis may have been pollinated from a different strain than what you’re smoking, and whatever grows from the seed could be a hybrid strain. Even if the seed has the same parents, the plant will be a new phenotype with slight differ- ences in smell and fl avor, and not identical to older siblings. Because customers seek out a level consistency in cannabis, most growers depend on cloning instead of growing from seed. If you’re a home grower or experiment- ing with CBD strains, this isn’t a very big deal. In fact, phenotypes usually add a little fun and discovery to the experimentation process. The CBD content will probably be close to what you’re smoking now, just with some slight differences here and there. If you’re a hemp grower who needs to main- tain federal compliance or growing CBD weed for commercial purposes, though, those distinctions matter. Send questions to [email protected]. MARIJUANA EMAIL SIGN UP FOR OUR MARIJUANA EMAIL LIST Stay informed of the latest marijuana news and views with updates about dispensaries, strains, products, changes to the law, and special offers in your area. www.w tword o /new go to wsletters DECEMBER 2-8, 2021 WESTWORD | REAL ESTATE | RENTALS | HEALTH WELLNESS | SERVICES | EMPLOYMENT | ADULT | MUSIC | CLASSIFIED |