28 SEPTEMBER 19-25, 2024 westword.com WESTWORD | REAL ESTATE | RENTALS | HEALTH WELLNESS | SERVICES | EMPLOYMENT | ADULT | MUSIC | CLASSIFIED | A S K A S T O N E R BY HERBERT FUEGO Dear Stoner: I’ve always had a more long- term view of my son’s probable cannabis use than my wife. Well, he’s now in college and defi nitely smoking pot, and I want to pass down my glassware, but my wife thinks it’s inappropriate. What say you? Papa Puffs Dear Papa Puffs: It’s great that cannabis prohibition and the taboo-like view of the plant are both going away, especially in Colorado, where recreational pot has been legal since late 2012. But with that comes new responsibilities for parents, because there’s no longer anywhere to hide from honest can- nabis conversations with their kids. Even with cannabis legalization and the 21-year-old age limit that comes with sales, every parent will naturally have their own limits and expectations with their child’s can- nabis use. And for Baby Boomers, Generation X and even some Millennials, those expecta- tions differ a lot. Your situation has an easy out, though: Since he is still in college, chances are your son is moving once a year and not taking great care of his smoking accessories. Wait until he’s graduated, working and living somewhere that isn’t a party pad, and then hand down the family glass. Everyone wins. Dear Stoner: Do any Colorado dispensaries sell cross joints or other artistically rolled joints? I don’t have the skill to do it on my own, and don’t mind paying the novelty tax. Gently Grasping Dear Gently Grasping: Cross joints aren’t as popular in cannabis culture as they were in the medical-only days, right after Pineapple Express hit theaters. And even at their peak popularity, cross joints weren’t that easy to fi nd in dispensaries, which almost ex- clusively rely on cones for pre-rolls. To be fair, the vast majority of shoppers are more concerned with the potency and burn rate of a joint than they are with its artistic shape. Wolf Pac dispensaries used to sell the exact joints you’re looking for, from cross joints to oc- topus joints, but Wolf Pac closed last year, and I don’t know where their talented roller went. Fear not, though: The Green Solution has well over a dozen dispensaries around Colorado, and they often carry cross joints. I can’t speak for the quality of what’s inside, but they do look very well rolled. Still, I suggest fi nding a friend to roll one for you, or attend one of the weekly events at Tetra cannabis lounge. Joints of all shapes and sizes are roasted there, and you’ll defi nitely fi nd a rolling expert. Send questions to [email protected]. WARNING: Use of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to: 1. Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic disorder (delusions, hallucinations, or difficulty distinguishing reality); 2. Mental Health Symptoms/Problems; 3. Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) (uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting); Cannabis use disorder/ dependence, including physical and psychological dependence Programmatic Cannabis Network Organic & Local SEO • Website Design Social Media Management • Print Media Get started today with a FREE Digital Audit. marijuanamarketingxperts.com