27 SEPTEMBER 19-25, 2024 westword.com WESTWORD | CLASSIFIED | MUSIC | ADULT | EMPLOYMENT | SERVICES | HEALTH WELLNESS | RENTALS | REAL ESTATE | CANNABIS CALENDAR The weather is too nice to stay inside right now, and cannabis event organizers agree. With a cannabis-friendly garden party and a patio session to end the summer, it’s time to roll up and put some shades on. If those two backyard shindigs don’t provide enough rays, the Cannabis Golf League and Colorado Leads are holding a cannabis industry golf tournament to close out the month. Find out more below in our Cannabis Cal- endar, and see the full version at westword. com/marijuana. Craft Your Vibe: Rolling Trays Friday, September 20, 5 to 7 p.m. The Coffee Joint 1130 Yuma Court Design your own custom rolling tray at the Coffee Joint, Denver’s fi rst licensed cannabis lounge. For less than $13, you’ll get entry into the lounge and a tray to personalize for ses- sions at home. Learn more and buy a ticket (21+) at eventbrite.com. End of Summer Sesh Friday, September 20, 6 to 10 p.m. Tetra Lounge 3039 Walnut Street Celebrate the end of summer with Rocky Road and Skunked dispensaries at Tetra can- nabis lounge. Live music, food and plenty of 4/20 activities will be taking place on Tetra’s patio, which is decked out with lounge areas and tables. Sign up to attend the party (21+) for free at eventbrite.com. Garden Party, 3 to 7 p.m. Saturday, September 21, 2 to 6 p.m. High Society Dispo & Lounge 7667 Washington Street Ever wish you could try cannabis products before committing to a $50 purchase? Head to the Garden Party, where licensed cannabis brands get together and hand out samples and single servings. Try anything for just $5 apiece, and admission is free (21+). Learn more by calling cannabis bar High Society Dispo & Lounge at 303-993-5760. Colorado Leads Annual Golf Tournament Thursday, September 26, 7:30 a.m. Thorncreek Golf Course 13555 Washington Street, Thornton Take a swing at cannabis industry network- ing (and a few hacks at a golf ball) during the third annual Colorado Leads Gold Tourna- ment. This day on the links, presented by the Cannabis Golf League and sponsored by nearly twenty Colorado cannabis brands, includes breakfast, range balls, networking, drinks, lunch and a round at Thorncreek Golf Course. Sign up as a foursome ($1,000) or an individual ($250) at cannabisgolfl eague.com. Ongoing cannabis events: Mile High Loop Tour (Daily) Green Spaces Marketplace 2590 Walnut Street This weed-friendly tour stops at a local dispensary, Larimer Square, the Denver Art Museum and more. It starts and ends at Green Spaces Marketplace in RiNo; tickets (21+) are $77 at mycannabistours.com. ■ 502 Community/Events 505 Automotive Services 510 Bus Services 515 Computer Services 520 Financial Services 525 Legal Services 527 Legal Notices 530 Misc. Services 537 Adoptions 540 Travel/Getaways 500 Services 527 Legal Notices Case No. 24C00905. Public Notice is given on Sept 6th, 2024 that a Petition for a Change of Name of an Adult has been filed with the Den- ver County Court. The Peti- tion requests that the name of Minh Hoang Tuan Le be changed to Brian Le. Case No. 24C01076. Public notice has been given on Sept. 13th, 2024 that a Peti- tion for a Change of Name has been filed with the Den- ver County Court. The Peti- tion requests that the name of Laura Suzanne Hendrix be changed to Lara Suzanne Hu. 527 Legal Notices Case No. 24PR494 Notice of Hearing by Publication Pursu- ant to §15-10-401 to Austin, Jessica, son, mother. A hear- ing on Petition for Adjudica- tion of Intestacy and formal appointment of personal rep- resentative will be held at the following time and location or at a later date to which the hearing may be continued: Oct. 25th 2024 at 8am, 1437 Bannock St. #230 Denver, CO, 80202. The hearing will take approx. 30 min. Public Notice is Given that a Petition for a Change of Name of a Minor Child was filed with the Denver District Court on May 23, 2024. The Petition requests that the name of Arya Luaine Martinez be changed to Arya Luaine Gallegos-Abeyta. Case Number 24CV431 530 Misc. Services AFFORDABLE TV & INTER- NET. If you are overpaying for your service, call now for a free quote and see how much you can save! 1-844-588-6579 AGING ROOF? NEW HOME- OWNER? STORM DAMAGE? You need a local expert pro- vider that proudly stands be- hind their work. Fast, free estimate. Financing available. Call 1-888-292-8225 Attention: VIAGRA and CI- ALIS USERS! A cheaper alter- native to high drugstore pric- es! 50 Pill Special - Only $99! 100% guaranteed. CALL NOW: 1-866-472-4367 BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Af- fordable prices - No pay- ments for 18 months! Life- time warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Dis- counts available. Call: 1-877-510-9918 BEAUTIFUL BATH UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Su- perior quality bath and show- er systems at AFFORDABLE PRICES! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Call Now! 1-855-402-6997 GOT AN UNWANTED CAR??? DONATE IT TO PATRI- OTIC HEARTS. Fast free pick up. All 50 States. Patriotic Hearts’ programs help vete- rans find work or start their own business. Call 24/7: 1-855-402-7631 NEED NEW WINDOWS? Drafty rooms? Chipped or damaged frames? Need out- side noise reduction? New, energy efficient windows may be the answer! Call for a consultation & FREE quote today. 1-877-248-9944. Needing Documentation and Counseling for your Emotional Support Animal Call Elaine Lustig PhD 303-369-7770 PAYING TOP CA$H FOR MEN'S SPORT WATCHES! Rolex, Breitling, Omega, Pa- tek Philippe, Heuer, Daytona, GMT, Submariner and Speed- master. Call 1-855-402-7109 PEST CONTROL: PROTECT YOUR HOME from pests safely and affordably. Roach- es, Bed Bugs, Rodent, Ter- mite, Spiders and other pests. Locally owned and af- fordable. Call for service or an inspection today! 1-833-237-1199 STOP OVERPAYING FOR AUTO INSURANCE! A recent survey says that most Ameri- cans are overpaying for their car insurance. Let us show you how much you can save. Call Now for a no-obligation quote: 1-866-472-8309 TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epi- phone, Guild, Mosrite, Ricken- backer, Prairie State, D'An- gelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins / Banjos. 1-855-402-7208 WATER DAMAGE CLEANUP & RESTORATION: A small amount of water can lead to major damage and mold growth in your home. We do complete repairs to protect your family and your home's value! For a FREE ESTIMATE, call 24/7: 1-888-290-2264 530 Misc. Services YOU MAY QUALIFY for disability benefits if you have are between 52-63 years old and under a doctor’s care for a health condition that pre- vents you from working for a year or more. Call now! 1-877-247-6750 805 Licensed Massage 810 Health & Wellness General 800 Health & Wellness 805 Licensed Massage MASSAGE Enjoy Denver's BEST Massage for men, given by a handsome Swedish mas- seur. 7 days/wk. CMT In/out Call Brock - 303-837-8956 605 Musicians Avail./Wanted 610 Musician’s Services 615 Music Instruction 620 Music Equip/Instruments 625 Plug the Band 600 Music 610 Musicians Services Multi Track Recording Studio The Mousetrap: $70/hr. Tracking, overdubs, mixing, mastering, MIDI, beats, Professional Sound. Call Brian 303-725-9489. Mousetraprecording.com SOUND STREAM RECORDING STUDIO Book 4 hrs, the 1st hr is FREE!!! Tracking* Mixing* Mastering* Major label experience. Top Mics and Preamps mean major label sound quality! In House Drums. $40.00 Hr Great Block Rates! Killer beats from $25.00. Call 303-429-5876 or 720-203-5902 for a tour and demos. soundstreamrecording.com 303-429-5876