2 westword.com WESTWORD AUGUST 22-28, 2024 | MUSIC | CAFE | CULTURE | NIGHT+DAY | NEWS | LETTERS | CONTENTS | W ® 5 CANCELING BUFFALO BILL William F. Cody put his stamp on the West. But Denver is about to boot his souvenir shop off Lookout Mountain. BY MICHAEL ROBERTS 12 RUNWAY REMEMBRANCE The Isabella Joy Thallas Foundation is spreading the love of its namesake. BY KASTLE WASERMAN 15 SECOND SPIN Collaboration, creativity and community are key at Dry Clean Only and Hot Shot. BY TONY WHITE 19 PIECE OF HEAVEN Get down to live music and boogie with Bigfoot at the annual Caveman Music Festival. BY JUSTIN CRIADO 12 Culture 15 Cafe 19 Music CONCERTS/CLUBS ................................... 22 30 Marijuana CANNABIS CALENDAR ............................ 30 ASK A STONER ......................................... 32 VOLUME 47 NUMBER 52 AUGUST 22-28, 2024 E D I T O R I A L Editor Patricia Calhoun Editorial Operations Manager Jane R. Le News Editor Thomas Mitchell Culture Editor Emily Ferguson Food and Drink Editor Molly Martin Social Media Editor Katrina Leibee Staff Writers Catie Cheshire, Bennito L. Kelty, Hannah Metzger Senior Contributors Alan Prendergast, Michael Roberts Contributors Teague Bohlen, Hyde Chrastina, Jacqueline Collins, Justin Criado, John Flathman, Susan Froyd, Nick Hutchinson, Danielle Krolewicz, Karl Christian Krumpholz, Kristen Kuchar, Skyler McKinley, Abigail Nueve, Ryan Pachmayer, Kristin Pazulski, Adam Perry, Evan Semón, Amber Taufen, Toni Tresca, Kastle Waserman, Helen Xu Music Listings Matthew Jones Editorial Intern Jack Spiegel P R O D U C T I O N Production Manager Michael Wilson Assistant Production Manager Erin Kirk Graphic Designers Kami Miller, Tori O’Connor C R E A T I V E S E R V I C E S Senior Graphic Designer Allie Seidel A D V E R T I S I N G Account Manager Jack Baker Senior Multimedia Account Executives Amy Camera, Aaron Lembke, Danelle Trujillo Multimedia Account Executives Dominic Crocker, Remy Diamond, William Savoie, Allison Wissink Event Marketing Manager Jenae Bone Operations Coordinator Carver Hodgkiss Operations Director Anna Schoening Digital and Advertising Sales Manager Taylor Wheeler Advertising Director Teri Driskell C I R C U L A T I O N Circulation Manager Ty Koepke B U S I N E S S Business Manager Sarah Dunahay Financial Accountant Robert Scribner AR Coordinator Stacy Phillips IT Systems Manager Kris Robinson Receptionist Cindy Perez Associate Publisher Tracy Kontrelos Publisher Scott Tobias V O I C E M E D I A G R O U P Editorial Director Chelsey Dequaine-Jerabek Editorial Operations Director Bridget Thomason Audience Development Director Dallon Adams Corporate Controller Beth Cook Legal Counsel Steve Suskin Chief Financial Offi cer Jeff Mars Chief Executive Offi cer Scott Tobias V M G N A T I O N A L National Advertising: 1-888-278-9866, www.voicemediagroup.com Senior Vice President of Sales Operations Joe Larkin D I S T R I B U T I O N Westword is available free of charge. 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ILLUSTRATION BY MARCUS MURRAY “THE BIG SLEEP,” ALAN PRENDERGAST, AUGUST 15 R E M E M B E R I N G E L I J A H Thank you for keeping the memory of Elijah McClain alive and reporting not just on his murder, but other injustices in Colorado. When will we ever learn? Julie Masters Denver I know ketamine has helped many people, but the way it was used on Elijah McClain was criminal. Jeremiah Axtell is lucky to have survived. Please stay on this story. Lacey Fleming Aurora Beautiful cover illustration of Elijah. Thank you. Mark Washington Denver Bless you, Elijah. I have kept you in my thoughts and in my heart all these years. From one introvert to another. Ronda Toney-Lazar Posted on Facebook “PACKING UP TENTS,” BENNITO L. KELTY, AUGUST 8 H O M E , S W E A T H O M E A tuff shed with a bed isn’t a tiny home. Just a tiny place to stay. David Dyer Denver It’s better than sleeping in a tent on the sidewalk somewhere. It’s a step in the right direction. Scott Hanks Gilbert, Arizona These are lockable, well-insulated, tem- perature-controlled sleeping rooms. For each community, there is a larger unit with plumbing. All units must be permitted. Ev- ery year, every unit is inspected not only by fi re, but also by a building inspector. Social services must be provided. Number, loca- tion and duration of community depends on zoning and politics. They are not meant for permanent housing. Diane Didier Vollmer Denver Welcome to the Blue State Homeless Industrial Complex, where instead of invest- ing in the root causes of homelessness or just improving individual’s lives, we enrich companies with taxpayers’ money to build optically cozy projects that objectively do not help the problem whatsoever. Tate Che Boulder I stayed in a hotel as a homeless man paid for by the county. Less than sixty days later, I had a job, transportation and housing. Housing-fi rst programs are the only thing that work, not shelter programs. Shawn Breaux Denver These are short-term shelters, not gen- erational homes. They’re meant to keep people from sleeping in dangerous places, to give them a private somewhere out of the elements. Go build your tiny home. Stop complain- ing about the people who are trying to make a difference. Christopher Robinson Aurora There’s a difference between someone who needs a hand up and someone who wants a handout. Jon Havlik Castle Rock “TIME TRAVEL,” JACK SPIEGEL, JULY 11 S T A T E O F T H E U N I O N I regularly take the A Line downtown to com- mute for work and have not thought much of the ongoing renovations. I did not think the prior interior looked dated. However, I walked into Union Station after a night out and was stunned to see how great the lobby looked. Very impressive remodel. Matthew Freda Denver