MON Buy a Tier 1 Eighth and Receive a 1g Pre-roll for .01 TUE $15 Bonsai Eighths ANY STRAIN (Limit 2) WED THU Buy One Get One 50% Off ALL WYLD Gummies A SK A STONER BY HERBERT FUEGO 20% off ALL Rosin FRI Buy One Get One 50% Off ALL Batch Cartridges SAT SUN Dear Stoner: Would cannabis help with pain from menstrual cramps? Tisha ALL FLAVORS Ripple Quicksticks for $20 OTD Tier 3 Oz for $99 OTD, Mix & Match COLFAX AVE & CHERRY CREEK POLICEANDTHIEVES.COM Dear Tisha: Using cannabis extractions for menstrual cramp relief dates back to Queen Victoria, but the supporting science is still hazy. Menstrual cramps are triggered by prostaglandins, which are inflammatory compounds that affect pain receptors in the brain and body tissue. Anti-infl ammatory drugs like ibuprofen can bind to those pain receptors to block the infl ammatory compounds, but THC and CBD are believed to target neuropathic and joint pain, and don’t have any direct effect on cramping pain. Tinctures, bath soaks and suppositories intended for cramping are all out there, however, and women have been learning through experience. Cannabis stimulates dopamine in the brain, Rec Deals Follow us on Instagram at: Rec: Please visit While Supplies Last! Prices are OTD. 36 providing euphoria and an easing of pain perception, while anecdotal evidence and surveys have shown a link between medical marijuana and menstrual pain relief. In a university survey of 192 Canadian women, 85 percent said they used cannabis products to treat menstrual pain, and 90 percent of those women said it was effective. Whether cannabis works on your cramps or not, be prepared to feel some effects from the THC, because it will be absorbed. Dear Stoner: Why is it so hard to fi nd pre-rolled blunts in dispensaries? The ones I have found are rolled with hemp. Do real ones even exist? Dutch Master Dear Dutch Master: Colorado law bans dis- pensaries from selling tobacco products, so let’s kill any notion of pre-rolls made with Dutch Masters, Swisher Sweets or those perfume-soaked blunt wraps you used in high school. Considering how much better a joint usually is when it’s made with weed we’ve seen, smelled and touched before smoking, that rule is probably in our best interest There are exceptions, of course, but pre-rolls aren’t to be blindly trusted. Gentleman Quinns and the Flower Col- lective have proven that a decent pre-rolled blunt can be made with hemp and cannabis leaves (though you’re paying for the conve- nience of not rolling your own). Cannabis leaves produce a fi ne burn, don’t have as many chemicals as their tobacco counter- parts and let the fl ower shine. Other than masking the taste of shitty weed, I can’t see the point of smoking a fl avored wrap. Send questions to [email protected]. AUGUST 4-10, 2022 WESTWORD | REAL ESTATE | RENTALS | HEALTH WELLNESS | SERVICES | EMPLOYMENT | ADULT | MUSIC | CLASSIFIED | Now accepting EPC Patients