26 JULY 20-26, 2023 westword.com WESTWORD | REAL ESTATE | RENTALS | HEALTH WELLNESS | SERVICES | EMPLOYMENT | ADULT | MUSIC | CLASSIFIED | A S K A S T O N E R BY HERBERT FUEGO Dear Stoner: From a technical perspective, what is the best way to roll a joint? Like, how do I roll one to ensure the best smoking experience? Frankie Dear Frankie: Your joint-smoking experi- ence depends on several factors, includ- ing the quality of the papers and cannabis as well as the skill and preferences of the roller. Joints burn more evenly, look more aesthetically pleasing and hit better when an experienced roller is at the helm. A sloppily rolled joint will get the job done, but weed is probably going to waste. There’s a little science involved in the grinding process, as well. According to public experiments from Canadian cannabis and psy- chedelic research facility Delic Labs, the size of the ground herb is also integral to how a joint hits. After placing joints in an artifi cial mouth- piece connected to air fl ow and analyzing the burn rate and inhalation data, Delic discovered that fi ner cannabis particles made for more potent joints than larger-ground fl ower, while less-ground fl ower burned slower than fi ner cannabis. This information won’t surprise veteran cannabis users, but it could be of use to newbies. At the end of the day, though, it really takes practice, so get twisting. Dear Stoner: Is it just me, or is the price of weed going up again? Davis Dear Davis: Craft cannabis prices have been inching up for a while, and now overall whole- sale prices are, too, according to state dispen- sary sales data. Although the increase was small, the median price per pound of cannabis fl ower rose for the fi rst time in nearly two years, going from $649 in April to $703 in July. You will still fi nd plenty of mids and shitty weed at bargain-basement prices in Colorado, but the good stuff isn’t as cheap as it was last year, especially if it’s sold in pre-packed jars. Cannabis users will gladly pay $40 to $50 an eighth for fl ower from the likes of 710 Labs, Green Dot Labs, Single Source and a few other top-tier cultivations selling their buds in swanky glass jars, and other growers are taking note. As more large-scale operations close and the truly talented growers separate themselves from the pack, expect this trend to continue on the craft side. Dispensaries still carry plenty of great unlabeled pot at $35 an eighth, though, and rosin has never been cheaper, so walking out of the store with a quality haul at an afford- able price isn’t impossible. Yet. Send questions to [email protected].