38 MARCH 16-22, 2023 westword.com WESTWORD | REAL ESTATE | RENTALS | HEALTH WELLNESS | SERVICES | EMPLOYMENT | ADULT | MUSIC | CLASSIFIED | FIND MORE MARIJUANA COVERAGE AT WESTWORD.COM/MARIJUANA Medium Well BY HERBERT FUEGO From drive-thrus to beaches to steakhouses, you can always fi nd a tasty burger. As sinful as the whole “fries come separate” thing is, restaurant greed still hasn’t lessened my consumption. It’s hard to cook a bad one, so when in doubt, burgers out. After a few experiences on the cannabis side, I’m starting to think growing a bad burger is hard, too. Han-Solo Burger had a fun run through Denver dispensaries a couple of years ago, and I really enjoyed thick, piney joints of Double Burger before hitting up In- N-Out in Phoenix. Catching Donny Burger on the menu at a Denver pot shop was a clear chance at a personal three-peat, so I grabbed a bag of Burgers on the way home. There’s a reason I’ve enjoyed weed Burg- ers so much: They’re largely inbred from GMO and cuts of OG and Skunk, giving most Burger strains heightened piney, savory and old-school fl avors at big THC levels. Donny Burger is a mix of GMO and Han-Solo Burger, which is also a GMO cross, so I wasn’t shocked to smell sharp jabs of garlic and onion, pine and skunky rubber — but a slice of cheese and a drizzle of chemical cleaner were fun surprises. In no world but cannabis does that sound attractive, but I frickin’ loved it. I’ve come to expect a blissful high with varying levels of functionality after smoking Burger strains, and Donny Burger fi ts right in the middle of that spectrum. My brain and body were cooked medium well for a few hours, yet the high wasn’t impossible to escape. The short euphoria is perfectly adequate for afternoon and evening sessions, but probably not special enough to break the required taste out of OG and GMO fan circles. For those of us who only tolerate candy-fl avored weed, that’s just fi ne. Looks: The Donny Burger I’ve seen likes to stretch, with shamrock-colored nugs made brighter by a heavy fl ock of trichomes. The buds are average in density, tend to foxtail and have a decent amount of rusty orange pistils, as well. Smell: Full of classic cannabis smells, Donny Burger starts with a thick, dry whiff of pine, followed by a noticeable cheesy funk, hints of ammonia and a rubbery onion fi n- ish. It reminds me of old-school dank, only stronger and with more spice. Flavor: Although slightly harsher with more onion and garlic than anticipated, Donny Burger’s smoke is pretty close to the aroma. Pine dominates, and sharp hints of chemical and rubber cling to my tongue afterward. Effects: Donny Burger’s effects are more calming than uplifting, but it’s not an unbreak- able spell, either. Focus and control return after a few minutes of stoned disorientation, yet stress and tension stay gone. I wouldn’t recommend working out after smoking Donny Burger, but a few chores or errands are very doable. Beware of the single-scope vision, how- ever, because this high kills my peripherals. Where to fi nd it: We’ve seen Donny Burger at A Cut Above, Colorado Harvest Company, Cookies, Eclipse Cannabis, Elements, Golden Meds, Green Depot, Green Valley Dispen- sary, the Healing Treee, the Herbal Center, Horizon Cannabis, Igadi, Lemonnade, Life Flower Dispensary, Lightshade, Mana Supply Co., Mighty Tree, Nature’s Medicine, Oasis Cannabis Superstores, Park Hill Gardens, Silver Stem Fine Cannabis and Solace Meds, but more stores probably carry it. Bubba’s Kush, Flatiron Cannabis, In the Flow, Meraki and Shelf A all grow Donny Burger on a wholesale level, while Colorado Harvest Company grows a respected version internally, and Igadi grows and extracts the strain in-house. Binske, Glacier Concen- trates, Harmony Extracts, Herbal Selections and Soiku Bano also extract Donny Burger. If you’re looking for the best cuts of Donny Burger, then it’s worth seeking out Bubba’s Kush’s version or driving to Colo- rado Harvest Company. Dabbers who are into piney terps and lucky enough to see Soiku Bano’s rosin should jump on it. Is there a strain you’d like to see profi led? Email [email protected]. Who else loves a tasty Burger? MARIJUANA S T R A I N G A N G HERBERT FUEGO