30 FEBRUARY 16-22, 2023 westword.com WESTWORD | REAL ESTATE | RENTALS | HEALTH WELLNESS | SERVICES | EMPLOYMENT | ADULT | MUSIC | CLASSIFIED | A S K A S T O N E R BY HERBERT FUEGO Dear Stoner: Where has all the CBD gone? I loved high-CBD dabs and joints, but haven’t been able to fi nd anything besides edibles since I started smoking weed again. Shawn Dear Shawn: Extracting CBD from hemp is much cheaper than extracting it from mari- juana, so dispensaries began carrying fewer CBD products after industrial hemp was legalized in 2018. When Colorado pot shops were allowed to sell edibles and vape prod- ucts with hemp-derived CBD, that may have been the fi nal blow. I told this to a reader who was looking for CBD rosin last year: Finding CBD fl ower is hard, fi nding quality extracts even harder, and fi nding live rosin almost impossible. But even if the CBD fl ower or concentrate sold online or at head shops isn’t high-grade, it’s more convenient than going to a dispensary...and convenience wins. You can still fi nd CBD strains at a few dispensaries by searching menu services like Jane, Leafl y and Weedmaps, but CBD dabs will probably require creativity on your end. CBD strains aren’t attractive or lucrative for extractors, who strive for fl avor, potency and customer appeal, none of which CBD con- centrates currently offer. Here’s hoping you fi nd a diamond in the rough or more cannabis brands hear your plea; I’m all for more options. Dear Stoner: If you miss what Denver dispen- saries used to look like, then come up to Boul- der. The dispensaries are less corporate, so it feels like buying weed in Denver ten years ago. Amin Dear Amin: There are plenty of big-money dispensary owners and more than a few chains in Boulder, even if several of them look different from their Denver counterparts. Dis- pensary names like Green Dragon, Magnolia Road, Native Roots, Star Buds, Terrapin Care Station and Unity Road are all on pot shops in Boulder and across the state, and a few of them are even in other states around the country. Boulder has smaller dispensaries that are rightfully beloved for their inventory and pric- ing (Elements Boulder and Options Cannabis Co.), customer service (Maikoh Holistics) and talent in the grow (14er Boulder and Verde Natural). But Boulder’s local cannabis regula- tions are also stuck in 2015 and haven’t moved forward in years. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying Boulder’s cannabis scene, but it’s not worth touting, either. If you miss what Denver dispensaries used to look like, then go to a state that just legalized, not Colorado. Send questions to [email protected].