MMJ DOCTORS ONLINE A SK A STONER BY HERBERT FUEGO Dear Stoner: I was smoking weed with one of those guys who sounds like he knows everything but makes up most of the shit he says. Anyway, he said hemp was once used to make armor, but I called bullshit. Couldn’t fi nd much online. Care to settle? Farrah Dear Farrah: Smoking weed socially tends to bring out droning rants that are loose with facts, but your friend is right. Hemp fi ber is both durable and a good base for clothing material, rope and paper, so it’s not crazy to think that past cultures used hemp for protection. Although metal was obviously preferred, cheaper armor made of hemp fi bers was used hundreds of years ago by Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Russian soldiers. One of these suits, made in eighteen-century Korea with hemp sewing, has become a popular display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Hemp armor appears to have extended into the present, too, as companies that make bul- letproof vests are now experimenting with hemp-based compounds as an alternative to Kevlar. Maybe the Du Pont family really did hate hemp.... Dear Stoner: I live next to a head shop that sells CBD isolate for cheap and might buy some, but I’m not sure how to smoke it. I was told to dab it, but it’s sort of powdery. Can I just smoke it in a bowl with fl ower? Kitch Dear Kitch: It does look sort of Breaking Bad at fi rst, doesn’t it? But anything called “isolate” usually tends to look white, pow- dered or crystallized, so I guess we can’t be shocked. Inhaling CBD raw isolate is bad for you, and smoking or dabbing anything isn’t good for the lungs, but smoking or dabbing CBD isolate has become popular among people seeking relief from pain, anxiety, past addictions or other ailments. Most of the dabbing is done with a honey straw, which is heated and used to dab the isolate and suck up the vapor, or a traditional rig, though that’s slightly more awkward because of isolate’s sprinkle-like nature. You can also top your fl ower with CBD isolate, but I recommend using a bong to make sure you don’t suck through any isolate particles. Isolate can also be mixed into fatty foods (butter, cooking oil and peanut butter in a pinch) if you don’t want to smoke. 28 Send questions to [email protected]. - ACCEPTING PATIENTS 18YRS + - HAVE LICENSE WHILE ON P - HIGHER OZ COUNTS $60 E ON PROBATION - SAVE $ ON PRODUCTS & TAXES - LATE EVENING APPOINTMENTS - AVAILABLE 7 DAYS A WEEK CALL OR TEXT 720-882-5521 303-356-2882 OF EVERY DOZEN $5 OFF OPEN WED-SUN 7:30AM UNTIL SOLD OUT 303-477-7000 BERKELEYDONUTS.COM 3920 TENNYSON ST. Programmatic Cannabis Network • Organic & Local SEO • Website Design • Social Media Management • Print Media Get started today with a FREE Digital Audit. FEBRUARY 11-17, 2021 WESTWORD | REAL ESTATE | RENTALS | HEALTH WELLNESS | SERVICES | EMPLOYMENT | ADULT | MUSIC | CLASSIFIED |