34 FEBRUARY 2-8, 2023 westword.com WESTWORD | REAL ESTATE | RENTALS | HEALTH WELLNESS | SERVICES | EMPLOYMENT | ADULT | MUSIC | CLASSIFIED | A S K A S T O N E R BY HERBERT FUEGO Dear Stoner: I’d love to be able to buy pre- rolled spliffs at dispensaries, like I could in Amsterdam. Do you know where can I fi nd any? Warden Dear Warden: Amsterdam’s coffee shops aren’t exactly licensed and regulated, so they operate under very different rules than the tightly knit regulations that apply to Colorado dispensaries. You won’t fi nd any tobacco products for sale at Colorado dispen- saries, because they’re all banned from sell- ing them and any other consumable product that doesn’t have some form of weed inside. If you want a true blunt or spliff, you’re going to have to roll it yourself. There are a few alternatives out there. A handful of companies sell pre-rolled blunts made with hemp or palm leaves instead of tobacco, and stuffi ng a mix of ground herb and tobacco inside of a joint cone isn’t very hard, either. The quality of the cannabis and tobacco is probably better than anything pre-rolled, anyway. If you really want to re- create your Amsterdam experience, though, you should buy a bubble hash stick. I’ve only seen them sold from Bubble Stix and Kind Love so far, but they’re essentially slender sticks of bubble hash that slide easily into joints and spliffs. For a true Amsterdam spliff, this is the way. Dear Stoner: Someone told me that THC distil- late can be bought in bulk for around $2 per gram. If that’s true, why aren’t edibles cheaper? Big Hungry Dear Big Hungry: We can’t verify whether THC distillate is that cheap, though prices have probably never been lower. That said, we’re seeing more affordable edibles than ever before, even if they’re not as cheap as you’d like. Do you remember seeing 100 mil- ligrams’ worth of gummies for sale for less than $10 before tax? Because that’s what I see at about half of the pot shops I visit, and the deal doesn’t always require a coupon. You get what you pay for, though. Cheap distillate edibles usually taste like hash and gasoline, and the highs aren’t always as good as expected. Any edible made with good starting cannabis material and decent ingre- dients will still cost around $20, but that’s not too bad compared to the price back in 2015. That’s why edibles made with rosin, a more expensive form of solventless extract, are becoming all the rage right now. With higher price tags, there’s more money to be made! Send questions to [email protected]. WARNING: Use of Marijuana Concentrate may lead to: 1. Psychotic symptoms and/or Psychotic disorder (delusions, hallucinations, or difficulty distinguishing reality); 2. Mental Health Symptoms/Problems; 3. Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) (uncontrolled and repetitive vomiting); Cannabis use disorder / dependence, including physical and psychological dependence Programmatic Cannabis Network Organic & Local SEO • Website Design Social Media Management • Print Media Get started today with a FREE Digital Audit. marijuanamarketingxperts.com