2 westword.com WESTWORD JANUARY 26-FEBRUARY 1, 2023 | MUSIC | CAFE | CULTURE | NIGHT+DAY | NEWS | LETTERS | CONTENTS | Certified personal trainer DaiJa Monet has traveled the world training clients from New York to Paris, and now she’s back in Colorado to help you make 2023 the year you look and feel your best. Born and raised in Denver, which consistently ranks as one of the healthi- est cities in the nation, DaiJa has always wanted to help people become their best selves. “I started working at Denver Health when I was seventeen. I wanted to be a doctor, and then I realized that there’s a lot of steps that people can take before getting sick, and I could get into preventative health,” she recalls. “So I changed my major from pre-med to exercise science, and here I am.” If you’re looking for a positive and motivating partner in your fitness journey, DaiJa has your back! DaiJa received her degree in human health and exercise science from Howard University, and is certified as a personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. She honed her personal training skills at Equinox before striking out on her own with her signature DAI FIT method. DAI FIT is built around three es- sential components needed for the body to change: exercise, nutritional guidance, and accountability. But, it’s also custom- ized for each client’s height, weight, and fitness goals. Every new client gets a free thirty-minute evaluation where they’re able to discuss their objectives, what has or hasn’t worked for them in the past, and ask DaiJa any questions they might have. “I start everyone with a free evaluation, because everyone has different needs. However we puzzle the plan together, I just want there to be a solution,” DaiJa explains. Whether you’re just beginning your fit- ness journey or looking to level up your current regimen in the gym, DaiJa will customize a workout plan tailored to your personal needs and goals. When it comes to getting clients in the routine of exercising regularly, DaiJa says, “I try to take out just one excuse.” So, if you’re confused about how to do an assigned exercise, DaiJa is available to walk you through it. No gym membership? No problem! DaiJa will provide clients with workout equipment, gym memberships, and more to help them succeed in any circumstance. DaiJa recognizes that diet plays a huge part in physical fitness as well, which is why DAI FIT also incorporates nutritional guidance into each individual’s program. “We have to start with the basics. We focus on cleaning it up, because most people need that,” she says of changing her clients’ eating habits. Implementing small changes, like eating more fruits and vegetables, skipping fast-food runs, and paying attention to nutrition labels, can lead to big results. But for those who need more structure, DaiJa can also pro- vide health-conscious grocery lists, meal ideas, and accountability checks to help keep you on track. Accountability is key if you’re looking to make a permanent change in your health. “A lot of the time we’re like, ‘I know I shouldn’t buy these shoes,’ but we do it anyway, right? It’s the same with health,” says DaiJa. Working with someone who is as invested in your health as you are gives you an extra set of eyes to guide your choices. Clients can send DaiJa pictures of their Apple watches, treadmills, or meals, so she can ensure that they’re making progress. It’s not always easy to motivate yourself, so DaiJa is there to give you that extra nudge towards your goals. While in-person training sessions are available in Colorado by special request, the beauty of DAI FIT is that it’s designed to work with you virtually, anywhere in the world. Everything from meal ideas to weekly exercise plans are sent directly to your phone, so that you can stay on track even during business trips, vaca- tions, or wherever life may take you. Plus, with 24/7 Q&A access to DaiJa, you’re guaranteed a response within an hour to any of your health questions. Says DaiJa, “That’s really my thing with DAI FIT, is it doesn’t matter where you are, we can still make sure that you’re being fit and healthy, and that you feel confident. I’m dedicated to people’s goals as long as they are, no matter how far they are.” Making a lifestyle change can be daunt- ing, but you don’t have to go it alone. With over five years of experience train- ing clients of all kinds, DaiJa is there to offer expert guidance and support every step of the way. “I actually care,” she em- phasizes. “My clients see me as a human, and I see them as humans. Doesn’t matter your race, job, gender, anything like that. You have legs, arms, and feet, and we have work to do.” Contact DaiJa for your free consultation today, and make 2023 your best year yet! Visit daifit.org for more information, or contact DaiJa today at info@daifit.org or via Instagram @daifitorg. -ADVERTORIAL- MAKE 2023 YOUR YEAR WITH DAI FIT