52 APRIL 6-12, 2023 westword.com WESTWORD | MUSIC & VENUES | FOOD & DRINK | ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT | SHOPPING & SERVICES | CONTENTS | the likes of Denver art-scene veterans Tony Eitzel, Dave Stephens, Kevin Schwalbe and Scott Wilson. Wilson is a co-owner of the gallery, and his stunning “Anger Manage- ment,” a photo that captures the ferocious beauty of a wild Mustang kicking up dust, nabbed him the Open Photographer of the Year honors at the 2022 Sony World Pho- tography Awards. Best Underground Nightlife Photographer Shadows Gather shadowsgather.com A denizen of Denver’s underground nightlife, Shadows Gather has been sneaking into clubs since before she was legally allowed in. And she continues to revel in the club scene, taking spur-of- the-moment Instax photographs of the raucous moments, faces and T&A of the queer and punk communities. She’s gained a big following on Instagram for her snapshots of rebellion that echo the stylings of infl uential New York photog- rapher Nan Goldin. Her pics have also gotten her fl agged on social media, how- ever, given their subject matter, which ranges from a person sniffi ng poppers to someone doing a bump of blow off a blade. Each picture pulls you in and nudges you to unleash your own badass inner club kid. Best Arts Program for Youth PlatteForum’s ArtLab 2700 Arapahoe Street 303-893-0791 platteforum.org Denver is chock-full of arts organiza- tions that have become a solid founda- tion for the future of the city’s art scene, and PlatteForum is dedicated to serving youth through its ArtLab program. Stu- dents, often coming from Title I schools, are given the opportunity to study in a year-long internship under the guidance of professional artists in PlatteForum’s residency program, which attracts cre- ators from around the world. About thirty students are selected each year, and 95 percent graduate from high school and attend college. The program also provides its interns with mental health services, RTD passes, rideshares and a food pantry. Best Blossoming Artist Residency Denver Botanic Gardens’ Land Line 1007 York Street botanicgardens.org/land-line-artist- residency-program Artist residencies lift up creative people by allowing them the time and freedom to make quality work. The terms may vary, but for established creators in the visual arts who maintain practices that focus on our relationship to the natural world, Land Line at the Denver Botanic Gardens is a lifeline, with an honorarium and nearly un- limited access to the DBG’s public spaces, collections and research materials. Artists who specialize in botanical illustration also have the opportunity to work with the School of Botanical Art & Illustration alongside the Gardens’ research and con- servation team. Best Nonprofi t Gallery RedLine Contemporary Art Center 2350 Arapahoe Street 303-296-4448 redlineart.org After fi fteen years, RedLine is still going strong in its mission of fostering the next generation of Denver artists. Each year, its resident artists not only create magnifi cent works, but they engage with the surround- ing community through RedLine’s array of programs, including Youth Art Mentoring, which pairs students with professional art- ists who work with them on a year-long project centered on social justice issues. And the artists often tend to continue giv- ing back after their residencies; alumni in- clude Denver art community leaders like muralist Thomas “Detour” Evans, collage artist Mario Zoots, and Anthony Garcia, who created Birdseed Collective, a non- profi t that implements arts-based commu- nity outreach programs. Best Psychedelic Gallery Threyda 878 Santa Fe Drive 720-523-3683 threyda.com While Threyda is normally accessed only by appointment, it opens its doors to the public on First Fridays and during exhibition open- ings. And when those dates come, be sure to go, because a night at this gallery is one to remember. Threyda curates only the most mind-melting artworks by visionary artists, including Android Jones, Morgan Mandala, Stephen Kruse, Seth McMahon and more. Whether you’re gazing at a perfectly sym- metrical pattern meticulously rendered in oil paints or a digital work dripping with fractals, each piece found in Threyda’s ro- tating gallery is meant to be a catalyst for the type of transcendental experience you normally reach through psychedelics. Bo- nus: Opening nights and First Fridays often include live music, live painting and plenty of beverages. Arts and Entertainment continued from page 50 continued on page 54