157 APRIL 4-10, 2024 westword.com WESTWORD | CLASSIFIED | CANNABIS & MORE | EMPLOYMENT | SERVICES | RENTALS | REAL ESTATE | Ten years ago, Mile High Xtrac- tions founders Tom and Eric were looking to escape the cubicles where they worked as engineers. “We were talking about ways in which we could free ourselves and do something a lot more fun,” Tom recalls. “Eric had some experience dabbling in various forms of cannabis extraction, and we had this ‘Aha!’ moment.” In- spired by the potential to revolu- tionize the distillate market, they left their desk jobs, and Mile High Xtractions was born. After Tom’s brother-in-law, Steve, joined the pair, their award-winning Origi- nal Terps distillate hit dispensary shelves in 2017. Today, MHX is still a family-operated business run by a small but mighty team of seven people: Tom, Eric, Steve, Charles, Nick, Sophy and Diana. Mile High Xtractions changed the distillate game with small-batch, strain-specifi c distillate products combining high quality and high value. “When we launched, there were only half-gram carts; they had cheap hardware and didn’t provide a very good experi- ence. Our vision was to produce a high-quality distilled cannabis product that had a great fl avor and a great feeling,” says Tom. Adds Eric, “The source material in those cases wasn’t high-quality or strain-specifi c. We wanted to honor the original terps. So if we get Bubba Kush fl ower, we take that and honor those terpenes in our own product.” The Original Terps distillate line, available in one-gram cartridges, disposable vapes and syringes, starts with fl ower sourced from local grows personally vetted by MHX. Then their 200-proof food-grade ethyl alcohol extraction process begins. “How we’re preparing the distil- late in this case is very different. We use no solvents other than pure food-grade alcohol under very cold temperatures. It’s very strong, potent and clean,” Steve explains. By preserving each strain’s unique terpenes, MHX’s distillate provides a true-to-the- fl ower experience. “We’ve had growers say, ‘I feel like I’m in my grow tasting my fl ower.’ You can’t do better than that.” But Mile High Xtractions recog- nizes that not everyone loves the taste of pure cannabis, so in 2023 they introduced the Freshies line of fl avored distillate cartridges and disposable vapes. “There’s a very large market of people who would like to get that THC feeling, that enjoy that 100% cannabis experience, but don’t like the fl avor of can- nabis. So Freshies is fl avored distillate done differently,” Steve clarifi es. Freshies come in eight different fruity fl avors, each with its own detailed terpene profi le. Freshies products are fl a- vored mainly with cannabis- derived terpenes using just a dash of botanical terpenes, so they have a more sophis- ticated, grown-up taste than the syrupy sweetness of other fl avored concentrates. “It’s kind of like a glass of wine, where in that fi rst sip you taste one thing, but the aftertaste is where the fl avor develops,” continues Steve, who draws from his culinary background to build complex, enticing fl avors. “It’s something for the person who says they don’t like fl avored distillate.” Sold at a lower price point than the Original Terps line, Freshies products are a fun, accessible option for the terpene- curious and discerning terpene hunters alike. On the fl ip side, Mile High Xtrac- tions developed its “Rosillate” cartridges and disposables to ap- peal to staunch rosin purists. “We understand why people want only rosin, but it’s not always function- al,” admits Tom. Pure rosin tends to clog vapes, so unless you carry a portable dab rig, it’s hard to use on the go. MHX wanted to change that, says Steve: “Rosil- late came about because we wanted to provide a better-value experience for the rosin user. It’s a proprietary blend that we came up with, and we have a very spe- cifi c, unique way of mixing it to- gether.” A fusion of rosin sourced from experts like Nokhu Labs and Mighty Melts and MHX’s Original Terps distillate, rosillate offers a smoother pull and a more cere- bral high than rosin alone. Put simply by Steve, “Rosin gives you a nice body feel. THC distillate gives you the head high. So rosil- late is a very balanced high.” Like the Freshies line did for fl avored distillate, MHX’s rosillate has con- verted many non-believers into distillate fans. Get all the benefi ts of rosin at a lower cost – no dab rig necessary. Mile High Xtractions Original Terps, Freshies and Rosillate lines are available in recreational dispensaries across Colorado, including Good Chemistry, Mile High Dispensary, and DANK. For a full list of where to buy MHX products, visit milehighx- tractions.com. Plus, in honor of 4/20, Freshies products are buy one, get one for $1 during April! Check online for the exact promo dates at participating dispensa- ries. With three specialized lines, a passionate team, and a promise to bring consumers only the best, Mile High Xtractions has a little something for everyone. ADVERTORIAL MILE HIGH XTRACTIONS WILL CHANGE YOUR MIND ABOUT DISTILLATE