updated OCt 2023 PAID GOOGLE ADS QUICK, SImPLE, EFFECTIVE. POWERED BY paid google ads are expert driven campaigns that are a quick, simple, and effective solution for driving paid traffic to a website making them perfect for: cultural events, concerts, festivals, culinary events, short run promotions, and entry level budgets. drive Google Search users who are close to making their final decision to contact a business or complete a purchase via text ads. Great for ticket sales, event responses, appointment booking. drive exposure and traffic via text ads from Google Search users performing searches relevant to the event or promotion being advertised. Great for building buzz, reaching new audiences, simply increasing digital exposure. drive impressions and clicks with visually appealing banners from users with relevant interests or who are researching relevant topics. Great for getting a message out to people that they might not search for on Google. engage youtube users with promotional videos that play automatically before their chosen video. Great for driving exposure and awareness of a specific message to a highly engaged relevant audience. GooGlE SEarCH DirECT rESPoNSE GooGlE SEarCH BraND aWarENESS GooGlE DiSPlaY BraND aWarENESS YoUTUBE BraND aWarENESS V DIGITAL SERVICES PAGE 72 aDD oNS Landing page creation (no content)....$400 • Landing Page with Content (400-600 words)....$750 • Call tracking....$25/month Set up Fee......$500 price can vary based on complexity of tracking and the content management system of the client’s site Campaign Kpi’s dedicated Csm ad networks google Campaign types Call tracking included landing page reporting minimum duration management fee impressions & Clicks n/a google display & youtube branded display Campaign & youtube in-stream skippable n/a n/a automated monthly reporting n/a 35% impressions, Clicks, Conversions, rOas, rOi 4 google display, search, shopping & youtube search, display, shopping, youtube, gdn retargeting 4 1 included monthly report, progression Call, and email update 6 months 30% impressions, Clicks, Conversions, rOas, rOi 4 google display, search, shopping & youtube search, display, shopping, youtube, gdn retargeting 4 1 included monthly report, progression Call, and email update 6 months 30% STaNDarD $1,000mo - $2,499mo ProfESSioNal $2,500mo - $9,999mo ENTErPriSE $10,000+mo