PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property belonging to those in- dividuals listed below at the lo- cation indicated: 8900 NW 12th St Miami, FL 33172 Ph. Number:786-714-3299 Date: 12/26/2024 Time of Sale: 10:30AM Basilio Romaguera Bedroom and living room furniture ALFONSO SCHNEIDER boxes,furniture The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transac- tion. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the win- ning bidder takes possession of the personal property. NOTICE OF SALE BEST LIEN SERVICES:7290 SW 41 ST MIAMI, FL 33155 WILL SELL AT A RESERVED PUBLIC SALE AT 9:00 AM THE VEHICLES LISTED BELOW AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS TO SATISFY LIEN PURSUANT TO SECTION 713.585 OF THE FLORIDA STATUTES. 2020 MERZ 4D WDD5J5BB6LN073031 JAN.6,2025 AT MAGIC FINISH AUTO BODY REPAIR INC: 10134 NW 80 AVE HIALEAH GARDENS, FL 33016 P#:305-986-2667 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $2,460.00 2020 MERZ 4D W1N4M4GBXLW015670 JAN.6,2025 AT LT CARLINE BODY SHOP INC: 9605 NW 79 AVE #31 HIALEAH GARDENS, FL 33016 P#:786-927-8382 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $2,825.00 2013 FORD 2D 1ZVBP8JZ6D5251093 JAN.6,2025 AT YSD BODY SHOP INC: 2478 NW 78 ST MIAMI, FL 33147 P#:786-222-6108 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $2,630.50 2020 HOND 4D 1HGCV1F33LA134085 JAN.6,2025 AT DYLLAN AUTOMOTIVE INC: 23601 SW 133 AVE # 8-18 MIAMI, FL 33032 P#:786-644-7432 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $9,883.92 2022 TOYT UT 2T3P1RFV1NC308494 JAN.6,2025 AT ALEXIS PAINT AND BODY SHOP INC: 1917 W. FLAGLER ST MIAMI, FL 33135 P#:305-541-7744 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $3,658.15 2024 RAM TK 1C6RREFT6RN157616 JAN.6,2025 AT L&Y COLLISION CENTER CORP: 10734 SW 190 ST CUTLER BAY, FL 33157 P#:786-328-0030 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $18,355.31 2021 MERZ 4D W1KZF8DB7MA928846 JAN.6,2025 AT DYNAMIC MOTOR ENTERPRISE INC: 6026 SW 23 ST MIRAMAR, FL 33023 P#:954-589-0991 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $13,496.00 2017 LEXS UT 2T2ZZMCA3HC086930 JAN.6,2025 AT PACIFIC COLLISION CENTER CORP: 14090 SW 139 CT MIAMI, FL 33186 P#:786-344-5447 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $10,752.02 2022 HOND UT 5FNYF7H58NB005403 JAN.7,2025 AT Y & Z AUTO SALES CORPORATION: 2495 NW 77 TER MIAMI, FL 33147 P#:954-795-4061 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $12,503.04 2020 JAGU 4D SAJAE4FXXLCP56523 JAN.7,2025 AT Y & Z AUTO SALES CORPORATION: 2495 NW 77 TER MIAMI, FL 33147 P#:954-795-4061 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $9,487.20 2017 CHEV 4D 2G1105S30H9118102 JAN.7,2025 AT JUMBO AUTOMOTIVE INC: 1205 N 21 AVE HOLLY- WOOD, FL 33020 P#:954-926-2500 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $1,445.74 2008 CHEV 4D 3GNFK16398G290944 JAN.7,2025 AT JUMBO AUTOMOTIVE INC: 1205 N 21 AVE HOLLY- WOOD, FL 33020 P#:954-926-2500 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $1,766.48 2021 KIA 4D KNAE15LA2M6087565 JAN.7,2025 AT JUMBO AUTOMOTIVE INC: 1205 N 21 AVE HOLLYWOOD, FL 33020 P#:954-926-2500 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $2,226.10 2018 CADI 4D 2G61M5S37J9144541 JAN.7,2025 AT JUMBO AUTOMOTIVE INC: 1205 N 21 AVE HOLLY- WOOD, FL 33020 P#:954-926-2500 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $1,766.48 THE LIEN CLAIMED BY THE LIENOR IS SUBJECT TO ENFORCEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 713.585, F.S. AND THE VEHICLE MAY BE SOLD TO SATISFY THE LIEN. THE LIEN IS CLAIMED FOR LABOR, SERVICES PERFORMED, AND STORAGE CHARGES, IF ANY, AND THE AMOUNT DUE IN CASH ON THE DAY OF SALE, IF PAID TO THE LIENOR, WOULD REDEEM THE MOTOR VEHICLE. AT ANY TIME BEFORE THE DATE OF THE SALE OR PROPOSED SALE THE OWNER OR ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTEREST OR A LIEN ON THE VEHICLE MAY FILE A DEMAND FOR HEARING WITH THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN THE COUNTY WHERE THE VEHICLE IS HELD TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE VEHICLE HAS BEEN WRONGFULLY TAKEN OR WITHHELD FROM HIM OR HER. AT ANY TIME BEFORE THE DATE OF THE SALE OR PROPOSED SALE A CUSTOMER OR A PERSON OF RECORD CLAIMING A LIEN ON THE VEHICLE MAY POST A CASH OR SURETY BOND IN THE AMOUNT STATED ON THE INVOICE WITH THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT WHERE THE DISPUTED TRANSACTION OCCURRED. ANY PERSON(S) CLAIMING ANY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE VEHICLES SHOULD CONTACT BEST LIEN SERVICES (1-866-299-9391) AT LEAST 1 WEEK PRIOR TO THE LIEN SALE. 713.585_12/12 NOTICE OF SALE BEST LIEN SERVICES: 7290 SW 41 ST MIAMI, FL 33155 WILL SELL AT A RESERVED PUBLIC SALE AT 9:00AM THE VEHICLES LISTED BELOW AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS TO SATISFY LIEN PURSUANT TO SECTION 713.78 OF THE FLORIDA STATUTES. TERMS OF THE SALE ARE CASH, NO CHECKS. SELLER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO FINAL BID. ALL SALES ARE FINAL, NO REFUNDS, NO GUARANTEES. VEHICLES ARE SUBJECT TO RELEASE PRIOR TO SALE. BEACH TOWING SERVICES INC: 1349 DADE BLVD MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 P#:305-534-2128 DEC.26,2024 2008 MAZD 4D JM1BK12FX81875697 2008 BUIC 4D 2G4WD582781351615 1995 JEEP UT 1J4FY19P7SP236545 2020 DAIX MS L37MMJBV7LZ050390 2019 ZHNG MS L5YACBPJ3K1141141 2023 YNGF MC HZ2TABGF6P1003216 2023 JIAJ MS LLPTGKDH0N1080039 2018 JIAJ MC LLPVGBAA0J1E26572 1999 YAM MC JYA3EPA05XA251425 2008 PONT UT 2CKDL33F586066467 2021 ZHNG MS L5YACBPZ2M1153791 2021 KAWK MC JKBZXNJ14MA013623 WHITT’S TOW AWAY INC: 5885 COM- MERCE LN SOUTH MIAMI, FL 33143 P#:305-226-9333 DEC.26,2024 2019 CHEV UT 2GNAXHEV2K6131466 2020 KIA 4D 5XXGT4L38LG391405 DEC.27,2024 2009 NISS 4D JN8AS58T89W055191 DEC.30,2024 2018 DODG 2D 2C3CDZBT1JH155459 2023 TESL 4D 5YJ3E1EA1PF429813 DIAZ M. TOWING INC: 4555 E 10 CT HIALEAH, FL 33013 P#:786-620-0184 DEC.30,2024 2015 INFI 4D JN1BV7AR4FM393425 2021 HYUN 4D 5NPEG4JAXMH129498 PRESTIGE AUTO TRANSPORT TOWING AND RECOVERY INC: 1491 NE 130 ST NORTH MIAMI, FL 33161 P#:305-947-1100 DEC.26,2024 2017 MERZ 4D WDDZF4JB0HA025103 2017 ZHNG MS L5YACBBT1H1183289 2011 BMW 2D WBAKG7C55BE263785 DEC.30,2024 2007 HYUN 4D KMHFC46F67A215838 2010 CHRY CV 1C3BC4EB4AN147481 2023 BMW 4D WBA53BJ08PWY07748 PRESTIGE AUTO TOWING CORP: 14352 SW 142 AVE MIAMI, FL.33186 P#:305-517-3681 DEC.30,2024 2024 TOYT 4D 4T1G11AK6RU237594 2007 BUIC 4D 1G4HD57247U135265 2015 NISS UT 5N1AR2MN8FC681622 2023 TOYT 4D JTDB4MEE9PJ000463 1984 MERZ 2D WDBBA45A3EA014215 2007 NISS 4D 1N4AL21EX7N409627 SOUTHSIDE TOWING & RECOVERY LLC: 8210 NW 64 ST MIAMI, FL 33166 P#:786-484-6998 DEC.30,2024 2006 HOND UT 2HKYF18676H540022 2006 HOND TK 2HKYF18426H508996 2018 BUIC UT KL4CJASB6JB697690 UNCLE CHI TOWING TRANSPORT AND RECOVERY LLC: 1448 10 ST LAKE PARK, FL 33403 P#:561-562-9100 DEC.26,2024 2015 MAZD 5D JM1BM1M73F1238695 DEC.30,2024 2012 VOLK 4D 3VWGP7AJ0CM310352 TOWING MASTERS LLC: 3017 NW 79 ST, MIAMI FL 33147 P#:786-557-0900 DEC.30,2024 2019 CHEV UT 1GNSKHKC0KR404821 2018 FORD CV 1FATP8UH4J5111507 2017 CHEV PK 1GCRCNEH3HZ391517 L.L. TOWING LLC: 1888 NW 27 ST MIAMI, FL.33142 P#:305-300-1317 DEC.27,2024 2015 JEEP UT 1C4RJFAG9FC625488 HOLY TOWING LLC: 2118 NW 18 AVE MIAMI, FL 33142 P#:305-450-2783 DEC.26,2024 2023 HYUN UT 5NMJE3AE5PH222447 2018 HYUN 4D 5NPD74LF9JH350042 CORDOVI TRANSPORTATION LLC: 3001 NW 79 ST MIAMI, FL 33147 P#:786-201-0665 DEC.26,2024 2009 STRN UT 3GSCL53769S538559 PRIME TOWING AND TRANSPORTA- TION INC: 6915 NW 46 ST MIAMI, FL 33166 P#:786-672-8136 DEC.26,2024 2006 HOND 4D 1HGFA16596L140007 713.78 _12/12 PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below be- longing to those individuals list- ed below at the location indi- cated: 8890 SW 72nd St Miami, FL 33173, December 21st ,2024, 12:15 PM German Gobel Furniture boxes and household goods Junia Fontaine clothes, mattress, cosmetics Maria Magdalena Cartagena Boxes William Viola furniture, boxes, household Gustavo Gomez furniture and fridge Gabriel Fernandez Household items Alicia Dimitriou boxes, household goods, papers Fey Adenrele Boxes, furniture and clothes Teresa Calejo furniture and boxes Nicole Plotner furniture, boxes, clothes, accessories Maria Jimenez personal items The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any pur- chase up until the winning bid- der takes possession of the personal property. PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below be- longing to those individuals list- ed below at the location indicated: 10760 SW 186th ST, Miami, FL – 33157, 12/21/2024 at 12:30 PM Lonnie Robinson ONE DRESSER, BAGS OF CLOTHES Thomas Gonzalez furniture Angela Jackeline Escobar queen bed, boxes Roilan Pineiro bags Yelena Elida Anria, The Sugar Boutique Boxes, Freezers, Household Items Ariel Jeanty furniture Thomas Gonzalez furniture Zeporia Edmondson one bedroom set dresser, Queen Bed, TV stand 3 TVs, toys and boxes Lovely Edwards boxes Freddy Diaz furniture Lesley Knox Hobbies Glenda Cordero bikes extra items for her aptm This auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transac- tion. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the win- ning bidder takes possession of the personal property. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2010-055112-CA-01 OCEAN BANK, Plaintiff, vs. AIS CONSTRUCTION INC., ALFREDO SOCORRO, et al., Defendants. Notice is hereby given that un- der and by virtue of a writ of execution issued in the above styled cause, I Stephanie V. Dan- iels, Sheriff of Miami-Dade County, Florida, have levied upon and will offer for sale sub- ject to all liens of records, all the right, title, and interest of said defendant AIS CONSTRUCTION INC, AND AL- FREDO SOCORRO, the below described property. The sale will be held at 601 NW 1 Court, on the 9th Floor, in Miami, Miami- Dade County, Florida, on the 08 day of January 2025 at 11:00 a.m. and continue from day to day, except Saturday and Sun- day, until such property is dis- posed of to the highest and best bidder for cash. The following property is of- fered for sale: LOT 7, BLOCK 7, GREENE SUB- DIVISION – SECOND ADDI- TION, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 51, PAGE 12, PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORI- DA. Folio: 30-5032-003-0070 Address: 10015 SW 170TH TERRACE, MIAMI, FL as the property of the said de- fendant, AIS CONSTRUCTION INC, AND ALFREDO SOCORRO to satisfy said Writ of Execution. Dated this 25 day of November, 2024 Stephanie V. Daniels Director and Metropolitan Sher- iff Miami-Dade County Florida ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF PETER A. TAPPERT, ESQ. ONE SE 3RD AVE., SUITE 1700 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33131 By: Sergeant E. Valdes, Deputy Sheriff SHERIFF'S SEAL For information regarding this case contact Arianne Caceres at: (786) 469-3659 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2024-008031-CA-01 LAKE TOWER CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC, Plaintiff(s) vs. EDUARDO PEREZ et al Defendant(s) Notice is hereby given that un- der and by virtue of a writ of execution issued in the above styled cause, I Stephanie V. Dan- iels, Sheriff of Miami-Dade County, Florida, have levied upon and will offer for sale sub- ject to all liens of records, all the right, title, and interest of said defendant EDUARDO PEREZ, aka EDUARDO ENRIQUE PEREZ DIAZ, aka EDUARDO ENRIQUE DIAZ, aka EDUARDO D PEREZ, FLAVIA SALAH, and MANNY QUALITY PLUMBING CORP., the below described property. The sale will be held at 601 NW 1 Court, on the 9th Floor, in Miami, Miami- Dade County, Florida, on the 15 day of January 2025 at 11:00 a.m. and continue from day to day, except Saturday and Sun- day, until such property is dis- posed of to the highest and best bidder for cash. The following property is offered for sale: BELT BUCKLES, WATCHES, IPHONES, JEWELRY, SHOES, JACKETS, PERFUMES, PENS, SUNGLASSES, PURSES, WAL- LETS, LARGE CANVAS, TRUNK COFFEE TABLE as the property of the said defendant, EDUARDO PEREZ, aka EDUARDO ENRIQUE PEREZ DIAZ, aka EDUARDO ENRIQUE DIAZ, aka EDUARDO D PEREZ, FLAVIA SALAH, and MANNY QUALITY PLUMBING CORP., to satisfy said Writ of Execution. Dated this 03 day of December, 2024 Stephanie V. Daniels Director and Metropolitan Sheriff Miami-Dade County Florida ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF RONIEL RODRIGUEZ IV, P.A. 12555 BISCAYNE BLVD., 915 N. MIAMI, FLORIDA 33181 By: Sergeant E. Valdes, Deputy Sheriff SHERIFF'S SEAL For information regarding this case contact Arianne Caceres at: (786) 469-3659 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 17th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. CACE1707442 Henry Vega Plaintiff(s) / Petitioner(s) vs. Geovera Specialty Insurance Co Defendant(s) / Respondent(s) Notice is hereby given that un- der and by virtue of a writ of execution issued in the above styled cause, I Stephanie V. Dan- iels, Sheriff of Miami-Dade County, Florida, have levied upon and will offer for sale sub- ject to all liens of records, all the right, title, and interest of said defendant HENRY VEGA, the below described property. The sale will be held at 601 NW 1 Court, on the 9th Floor, in Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida, on the 15 day of Janu- ary 2025 at 11:00 a.m. and con- tinue from day to day, except Saturday and Sunday, until such property is disposed of to the highest and best bidder for cash. The following property is of- fered for sale: Lot 17, Block 329, CURTISS PARK, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 50, page 2, of the Pub- lic Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida. Property Address: 785 SULTAN AVE OPA-LOCKA FL 33054 Folio: 08-2121-001-2120 as the property of the said defendant, HENRY VEGA, to satisfy said Writ of Execution. Dated this 05 day of December, 2024 Stephanie V. Daniels Director and Metropolitan Sheriff Miami-Dade County Florida ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF ANDRE LAW FIRM P.A. 1125 NE 125TH ST NORTH MIAMI, FLORIDA 33161 By: Sergeant E. Valdes, Deputy Sheriff SHERIFF'S SEAL For information regarding this case contact Arianne Caceres at: (786) 469-3659 PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE Extra Space Storage, on be- half of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell per- sonal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indi- cated: 5903 NW 183rd St, Miami Gardens, FL 33015, 305-621-7775, on 1/1/2025 at 10:45am The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any pur- chase up until the winning bid- der takes possession of the personal property. Beverly Hill Household items Rashan White King size mattress/Canopy Bed Queen mattress/Bed Storage contain- ers Kitchen News Music Food & Drink Arts & Culture Film & TV 19 December 12-18, 2024 | New Times | Classified | Adult | heAlth wellness | ReAl estAte | employment |