PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE Extra Space Storage, on be- half of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell per- sonal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indi- cated: 9848 Coral Way Miami, Fl 33165 Date: December 26,2024 Time of Sale: 10:00AM Dylan Segura couch, tables boxes and suitcases Maria Navarro Clothing, Christmas items Albert Perez 1 bedroom full set, 1/2 another bedroom Affordable Construction Re- modeling Services tools, pic- ture frames, boxes The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transac- tion. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the win- ning bidder takes possession of the personal property NOTICE OF SUMMONS (Family Law) Superior Court of California County of Los Angeles Case Number: 23STFL08192 NOTICE TO RESPONDENT MARIIA KHACHATRYAN Petitioner's name is: RUBEN KHACHATRYAN You have been sued. Read the information below and on the next page. You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are served on you to file a Response form (FL-120) at the court and have a copy served on the petitioner. A letter, phone call, or court ap- pearance will not protect you. If you do not file your Response on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage or domestic partnership, your property, and custody of your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs For legal advice, contact a law- yer immediately. Get help find- ing a lawyer at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (, at the California Legal Services website (, or by contacting your local county bar association. FEE WAIVER: If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form. The court may order you to pay back all or part of the fees and costs that the court waived for you or the other party. Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, California 90012 Petitioner's Attorney DONALD S. DESIMONE 303 N. GLENOAKS BLVD., STE. 200, BURBANK, CA 91502 phone: 818 840 1299 David W. Slayton, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court By L. Murillo, Deputy Clerk PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below be- longing to those individuals list- ed below at the location indicated: 12380 SW 8th Street, Miami, Florida, 33184 on Thursday December 26th, 2024, at 10:00 AM Damaris Siriani 2 bed fully frn Eliosbel Cruz Bed, tv Devin Mannings Clothes and Furniture The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any pur- chase up until the winning bid- der takes possession of the personal property. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA MARSHA H. PHILLIPS, a/k/a MARSHA PHILLIPS, a/k/a MARSHA LYNN PHILLIPS, a/k/a MARSHA L. PHILLIPS Deceased. PROBATE DIVISION File No. PR-C-24-0005508 Division 60J The administration of the estate of MARSHA H. PHILLIPS, also known as MARSHA PHILLIPS, also known as MARSHA LYNN PHIL- LIPS, also known as MARSHA L. PHILLIPS, deceased, whose date of death was April 16, 2024, 1is pending in the Circuit Court for Broward County, Florida, Pro- bate Division, the address of which is 201 SE 6 Street, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attor- ney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against de- cedent's estate, on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served, must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece- dent and other persons having claims or demands against de- cedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. The personal representative has no duty to discover whether any property held at the time of the decedent’s death by the decedent or the decedent’s surviving spouse is property to which the Florida Uniform Dis- position of Community Proper- ty Rights at Death Act as de- scribed in ss. 732.216-732.228, applies, or may apply, unless a written demand is made by a creditor as specified under s. 732.2211, Florida Statutes. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is: December 12, 2024. Signed on this ______ day of _________, 2024. Chantal M. Kaelbel Attorney for Personal Representative Florida Bar No. 1008518 Blade & Blade, P.A. 210 SW Natura Avenue Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 Telephone: (954) 429-1200 Email: Second Email: ALLYSSA B. PHILLIPS f/k/a ALLYSSA B. TESKE Personal Representative 1043 Thornbury Place Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2023-196991-SP-23 SAMUEL RAMIREZ, PLAINTIFF(S), vs. JOURNEY NV, LLC DEFENDANT(S) Notice is hereby given that un- der and by virtue of a writ of execution issued in the above styled cause, I Stephanie V. Dan- iels, Sheriff of Miami-Dade County, Florida, have levied upon and will offer for sale sub- ject to all liens of records, all the right, title, and interest of said defendant JOURNEY NV, LLC, the below described prop- erty. The sale will be held at 601 NW 1 Court, on the 9th Floor, in Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida, on the 08 day of Janu- ary 2025 at 11:00 a.m. and con- tinue from day to day, except Saturday and Sunday, until such property is disposed of to the highest and best bidder for cash. The following property is offered for sale: Unit 2310, The Club at Brick- ell Bay Plaza, a Condomin- ium, all as set forth in the Declaration of Condomin- ium and the Exhibits at- tached thereto and forming a part thereof, as recorded in Official Records Book 22843, Page 725, and all amendments thereto, of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida. The above description includes, but is not limited to, all appurtenances to the condominium unit above described, including the undivided interest in the common elements of said condominium Folio: 01-4139-086-2800 Address: 1200 BRICKELL BAY DRIVE, UNIT 2310, MIAMI, FL 33131 as the property of the said defendant, JOURNEY NV, LLC to satisfy said Writ of Execution. Dated this 25 day of November, 2024 Stephanie V. Daniels Director and Metropolitan Sheriff Miami-Dade County Florida ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF REVAH LAW GROUP 20200 W DIXIE HWY SUITE 906 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33180 By: Sergeant E. Valdes, Deputy Sheriff SHERIFF'S SEAL For information regarding this case contact Arianne Caceres at: (786) 469-3659 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 11TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2019-036014 CA 01 EDMUNDO HENRIQUEZ RON, Individual, and VICTOR A. DUCHARNE NONES, Individual Plaintiff(s), vs. SEI ELECTRIC, LLC., a Florida Limited Liability Company Defendant. Notice is hereby given that un- der and by virtue of a writ of execution issued in the above styled cause, I Stephanie V. Dan- iels, Sheriff of Miami-Dade County, Florida, have levied upon and will offer for sale sub- ject to all liens of records, all the right, title, and interest of said defendant SEI ELECTRIC, LLC., DANIEL GARCIA GELATT and INDUCON VENTURES SL., the below described property. The sale will be held at 601 NW 1 Court, on the 9th Floor, in Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida, on the 08vday of January 2025vat 11:00 a.m. and continue from day to day, except Saturday and Sunday, until such property is disposed of to the highest and best bidder for cash. The following property is offered for sale: 825,000 shares of Transfor- tech Engenhara LTDA, a Bra- zilian company identified under CNPJ 04.419.796/0001-72, incorpo- rated in State of Ceara. 119,988 shares in SEI Energy Do Brazil Industria De Ca- pacitores, LTDA, a Brazilian Company identified under CNPJ No. 03.392.675/0001-11 incorporated in State of Catarina. 180,000 shares in SEI Do Bra- sil Fabricacao de Compo- nentes Electricos LTDA, a Brazilian Company identified under CNPJ No. 10.223.082-0001-97, incorpo- rated in the State of Santa Catarina. as the property of the said de- fendant, SEI ELECTRIC, LLC., DANIEL GARCIA GELATT and INDUCON VENTURES SL to satisfy said Writ of Execution. Dated this 25 day of November, 2024 Stephanie V. Daniels Director and Metropolitan Sheriff Miami-Dade County Florida ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF CESAR R. SORDO, ESQ 3006 AVIATION AVENUE SUITE 2 ACOCONUT GROVE, FLORIDA 33133 By: Sergeant E. Valdes, Deputy Sheriff SHERIFF'S SEAL For information regarding this case contact Arianne Caceres at: (786) 469-3659 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: 08-16500 CC05 CHASE BANK U.S.A. N.A. Plaintiff(s), vs. JAMAL A HATTAR Defendant(s). Notice is hereby given that un- der and by virtue of a Writ of Execution issued in the above styled cause, I, Stephanie V. Daniels, Sheriff of Miami-Dade County, Florida, have levied upon and will offer for sale sub- ject to all liens of records, all the right, title, and interest of said defendant, JAMAL A HAT- TAR in the below described property. The sale will be held at 601 NW 1 Court, on the 9th Floor, in Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida, on the 15 day of January 2025, at 11:00 a.m. and continue from day to day, except Saturday and Sunday, until such property is disposed of to the highest and best bidder for cash. The following property is offered for sale: 2017 CHEVROLET SILVERADO I.D. # 1GCRCNEH6HZ303012 as the property of the said defendant, JAMAL A HATTAR, to satisfy said Writ of Execution. Dated this 03 day of December 2024. Stephanie V. Daniels Director and Metropolitan Sher- iff Miami-Dade County Florida ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF HUGH SHAFRITZ, ESQ 601 N CONGRESS AVENUE, SUITE 424 DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33445 By: Sergeant E. Valdes, Deputy Sheriff SHERIFF’S SEAL For information regarding this case contact Arianne Caceres at: (786) 469-3659 PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE Extra Space Storage, on be- half of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell per- sonal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indi- cated: 20240 NW 2nd Ave, Miami, Fl, 33169 on 01/01/2025 @9:30am The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any pur- chase up until the winning bid- der takes possession of the personal property. Kenneth Scanes couch, boxes, tv, mattress Diana Simpson Household furniture Frantz Dimanche 2 bedroom, living, boxes Abimbola Orukotan house item Precious Symonette School supplies PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE Storage Treasures Auction Extra Space Storage, on be- half of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell per- sonal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indi- cated: 9400 Sunset Drive, Mia- mi, FL. 33173 on December 21, 2024, at 10:15 AM Armin Akhtarekhavar business goods Julio Muniz Mattress Nohemi Herbello 2 bedroom Armin Akhtarekhavari business goods Manuel Huerta Christmas, Halloween decora- tions, household goods Javier Naranjo AC units Richard Allen Dickhaus Household Items BILL ALLEN RICHARD DICKHAUS 209 - Household Items Amber Mira Furniture and decorations The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any pur- chase up until the winning bid- der takes possession of the personal property. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 06-6897 NEW CENTURY FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. Plaintiff(s) vs. HUMBERTO LEYVA Defendant. Notice is hereby given that un- der and by virtue of a writ of execution issued in the above styled cause, I Stephanie V. Dan- iels, Sheriff of Miami-Dade County, Florida, have levied upon and will offer for sale sub- ject to all liens of records, all the right, title, and interest of said defendant HUMBERTO LEYVA aka HUMBERTO N. LEY- VA, the below described prop- erty. The sale will be held at 601 NW 1 Court, on the 9th Floor, in Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida, on the 15 day of Janu- ary 2025 at 11:00 a.m. and con- tinue from day to day, except Saturday and Sunday, until such property is disposed of to the highest and best bidder for cash. The following property is offered for sale: Lot 260, FLAGLER GROVE ESTATES EXTENSION, accord- ing to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 98, of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida Folio: 014106018225 Address: 25-27 NW 51 AVE, MIAMI FL 33126 as the proper- ty of the said defendant, HUMBERTO LEYVA aka HUMBERTO N. LEYVA, to satisfy said Writ of Execution. Dated this 04 day of December, 2024 Stephanie V. Daniels Director and Metropolitan Sheriff ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF SHAFRITZ AND ASSOCIATES, P.A. 601 NORTH CONGRESS AVE, SUITE 424 DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33445 By: Sergeant E. Valdes, Deputy Sheriff SHERIFF'S SEAL For information regarding this case contact Arianne Caceres at: (786) 469-3659 PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE STORAGE TREASURES AUCTION Extra Space Storage, on be- half of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell per- sonal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indi- cated: 17531 NW 2nd Ave Mia- mi, Florida 33169 305-849-5955 January 1st, 2025 @ 9:45am The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any pur- chase up until the winning bid- der takes possession of the personal property. Shannon mathis Boxes and clothes Nancy Diana Fields Clothes, boxes Latoya Linebarger Boxes Jacory Harris Miscellaneous Items Walter Inman Personal items Tania Williams beds, dresser, night stand, sofa, end tables, chairs, washer dryer, deep freezer Troy Rodman Household stuff, dresser , boxes Kim Damis Candles Charles Gaitor Bazelais 2 Suitcases, Dumb Bell, Basketball PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE STORAGE TREASURES AUCTION Extra Space Storage, on be- half of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell per- sonal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indi- cated: 5601 SW 135th Ave Miami, FL 33183 December 21st 2024 at 10:30 AM Jose Barrios golf clubs, coolers, garage items Jennifer Candella Christmas ornaments, house decor. The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any pur- chase up until the winning bid- der takes possession of the personal property. 810 Health & Wellness General 815 Mind Body Spirit 800 Health & Wellness 805 Licensed Massage Full Body Massage! In/outcalls Facials, Waxing, Chemical Peels, Derma Planning Microdermabrasion MA#53293. Accept CC's. Call Now! 786-285-3506 Couples Welcome FallSpecial, Limited Time 505 Automotive Services 510 Bus Services 515 Computer Services 520 Financial Services 525 Legal Services 527 Legal Notices 530 Misc. Services 533 Home Services 537 Adoptions 540 Travel/Getaways 500 Services 527 Legal Notices FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE is hereby given Steven Greenbaum desires to engage in business under the fictitious name of Prompt Software Ser- vices in the County of Miami- Dade and intends to register the said name with the Division of Corporations of the Florida Department of State, pursuant to section 865.09, Florida Statutes. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE This is a notice of public sale for the following self-stor- age units. The storage units contain items used on or around the home and other miscellaneous items. The sale will be held at Miami Mini Stor-It, LG-78 located at 4555 S.W. 72ND Avenue, Mia- mi, Florida 33155 on DECEM- BER 26TH, 2024 at 11:00 A.M. UNIT NUMBER TENANT’S NAME B-33 OFELIA CACERES D-209 VANIA ESCOBAR I-37 MICHAEL BOW NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALES OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Extra Space Storage, on be- half of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell per- sonal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indi- cated: 20625 NE 16th Ave Mia- mi, FL 33179 on January 1 @ 10:30AM Sara Oscar Personal Items Paul Christmas Household Items Ronald Joseph couch, boxes, tv The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any pur- chase up until the winning bid- der takes possession of the personal property. NOTICE OF SALE: BEST LIEN SERVICES: 7290 SW 41 ST MIAMI, FL 33155 WILL SELL AT A RESERVED PUBLIC SALE AT 9:00 AM THE VEHICLES LISTED BELOW AT THE FOLLOWING LO- CATIONS TO SATISFY LIEN PUR- SUANT TO CHAPTERS 83.806/83.805 & 328.17 OF THE FLORIDA STATUTES. CARSAFE STORAGE INCORPORATED: 595 E 10 AVE HIALEAH, FL 33010 P#: 305-635-9067 2018 MERZ 4D 55SWF4JB3JU279784 JAN. 3, 2025 OWNER/LIEN HOLDER: GERALDO DE SOUZA PAES DE A/NONE DELRAY STORAGE: 13366 S MILITARY TRAIL DELRAY BEACH, FL 33484 P#: 561-498-3555 2006 DUTM TL 47CFD3U216P613979 JAN. 3, 2025 OWNER/LIEN HOLDER: CHERYL ANNE CARROLL/NONE 2014 HYUN 4D 5NPEB4AC2EH821403 JAN. 3, 2025 OWNER/LIEN HOLDER: KAS- CEDRA DIREESE SHAWNAE STONE/REGIONAL ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION ANY PERSON(S) CLAIMING ANY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE VEHI- CLES SHOULD CONTACT: BEST LIEN SERVICES (1-866-299-9391) AT LEAST 1 WEEK PRIOR TO THE LIEN SALE. NOTICE OF SALE: TREMONT TOWING INC: 1747 BAY ROAD MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 P#: 305-672-2395 WILL SELL AT A RESERVED PUBLIC SALE AT 9:00 AM THE FOLLOW- ING VEHICLES TO SATISFY LIEN PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 713.78 OF THE FLORIDA STATUES. DEC.26,2024 2023 FLY MS 7TYFSABX4PF000011 2010 HOND 4D 2HGFA1F59AH531759 2017 TAOI MS L9NTEACB8H1004807 2016 BMW 2D WBA3V7C55G5A28811 2021 RAM VN ZFBHRFAB6M6T88191 2013 HOND MS MLHKF1210D5004879 2007 LINC UT 5LMFL28567LJ19041 1994 CHEV 2D 1G1YY22PXR5120219 2023 GENS 4D KMTG34TA5PU108300 2023 TQVC MC H0DTABFGXPX034487 2019 BMW UT 5UXUJ3C51KLG56797 2018 HOND 4D 19XFC2F56JE040253 2016 LEXS 4D 58ABK1GG0GU005296 2004 MERZ 2D WDBKK49F14F307700 2018 FORD UT MAJ3P1TE6JC169435 TERMS OF THE SALE ARE CASH, NO CHECKS. SELLER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO FINAL BID. ALL SALES ARE FINAL, NO REFUNDS, NO GUARANTEES. VEHICLES ARE SUBJECT TO RELEASE PRIOR TO SALE. PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE Extra Space Storage, on be- half of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell per- sonal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indi- cated: 13800 SW 84 ST, Miami, FL – 33183, 12/21/2024 at 12:00PM Cynthia Alfonso household items Santiago Garcia Boxes furniture, miscelaneos/ Danelle Bernten Garage Items, Plastic Bags, Toys, Books, Two TVs, Bike/ The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any pur- chase up until the winning bid- der takes possession of the personal property. PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below be- longing to those individuals list- ed below at the location indicated: 9015 SW 127 AVE Miami, FL 33186 December 21, 11:45 AM Izesther Mujica Furniture, Bicycle, Tools Sebastian Perez Fematt Boxes Samantha Perry requested 5x5 Samantha Perry Clothing, bags, boxes Danny Alonso Boxes of files. Eduardo Fuentes Furniture Jermaine Jones Furniture and boxes. The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transac- tion. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the win- ning bidder takes possession of the personal property. PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE Extra Space Storage, will hold a public auction to sell personal property at the specified location 17650 W. Cleveland Ave Palmetto Bay, FL 33157 12/21/2024 at 1:45pm Lourdes Neila Gauthier boxes, clothing Angela Davis bags, boxes, clothing Kimberley Scott household furniture, mattress, boxes, lamps Osbek De La Torre household items, furniture, tools, electronics Haydee Nunez household items, furniture, boxes Ashley Roth household items, electronics, boxes The auction will be listed on Cash-only purchases must be made at the facility mentioned above. Extra Space Storage re- serves the right to refuse bids and rescind purchases until the winning bidder takes posses- sion of the personal property 18 December 12-18, 2024 | New Times | EmploymEnt | REal EstatE | hEalth wEllnEss | adult | Classified |