NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE PERSONAL PROPERTY Extra Space Storage on be- half of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express will hold a public auction to sell per- sonal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indi- cated: August 21st, 2024, at 12:30 PM Extra Space Stor- age located at 212 NE 26th ST Miami, FL. 33137 786.472.6672 Yamil Insignares Furniture, Boxes, pillows Alexa Carolina Loynaz Bins Yasmina Raissi Furniture Randy Rodriguez Bags, Sports &outdoors, Boxes Denasha Mitchell Toys,baby&games The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transac- tion. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the win- ning bidder takes possession of the personal property. NOTICE OF SALE A+ MINI STORAGE announces the sale of the contents of sev- eral storage units containing personal property consisting of an assortment of household goods such as furniture, gar- dening tools, items used around the home or in the gar- age, business items and other miscellaneous items. The con- tents of these units will be sold at 2:00pm, THURSDAY, Au- gust 8, 2024, at 8395 SW 67 AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33143, to satisfy liens for amounts due, in accordance with FLORIDA STATUTES, SELF STORAGE SPACE ACT, SEC- TION 83.806. Terms of the sale are CASH; no checks will be ac- cepted. All goods are sold in “AS IS” condition. Sales tax must be paid, or resale number furnished. Buyers must provide their own locks and units must be left clean by Saturday 10, 2024. Minimum bids may be required. This is not an ABSOLUTE AUCTION. #0364 Suzanne Renfrow $280.645 Personal items #2102 Elena Martinez $595.80 Personal items NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE COUNTY COURT, IN THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: 12-4750-CC-23 DODGE ENTERPRISES, INC., Plaintiff, vs. CARIDAD DIAZ, an Individual, Defendant Notice is hereby given that un- der and by virtue of a Writ of Execution issued in the above styled cause, I, Stephanie V. Daniels, Sheriff of Miami-Dade County, Florida, have levied upon and will offer for sale sub- ject to all liens of records, all the right, title, and interest of said defendant, CARIDAD DIAZ in the below described proper- ty. The sale will be held at 601 NW 1 Court, on the 9th Floor, in Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida, on the 21 day of Au- gust, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. and continue from day to day, ex- cept Saturday and Sunday, until such property is disposed of to the highest and best bidder for cash. The following property is offered for sale: 2017 CADILLAC XTS I.D.# 2G61M5S39H9145779 STORAGE LOCATION: DIXIE TRANSPORT INC 395 E. 10 Avenue Hialeah, FL 33010 as the property of the said defendant, CARIDAD DIAZ, to satisfy said Writ of Execution. Dated this 08 day of July, 2024. Stephanie V. Daniels Director and Metropolitan Sheriff Miami-Dade County Florida ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF HIDAY & RICKE, P.A. POST OFFICE BOX 550858 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32255 By: Sergeant E. Valdes, Deputy Sheriff SHERIFF’S SEAL For information regarding this case contact Arianne Caceres at: (786) 469-3659 505 Automotive Services 510 Bus Services 515 Computer Services 520 Financial Services 525 Legal Services 527 Legal Notices 530 Misc. Services 533 Home Services 537 Adoptions 540 Travel/Getaways 500 Services 527 Legal Notices FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE is hereby given that Safety & Rescue Training, desiring to en- gage in business under the fic- titious name of N.E.S.W. Prop- erty Management intends to register the said name in Bro- ward County with the Divison of Corporations, Florida Depart- ment of State, pursuant to sec- tion 865.09 of the Florida Stat- ues. FICTITIOUS NAME Notice is hereby given that AGRANCO CORP. (USA) desires to engage in business under the fictitious name Better Flock. Location in Miami-Dade County and intends to register said name with the Secretary of State, division of corporations in Tallahassee, FL. FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE is hereby given that Xcellence Realty, Inc desires to engage in business under the fictitious name in Miami- Dade County and intends to register said name with the Sec- retary of State, division of cor- porations. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lion ADV, Inc. will engage in business under the fictitious name "Port St Lucie Talks" with a mailing address at 80 SW 8th Street, Suite 2000, Miami, FL 33130. The fictitious name has been registered with the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations. NOTICE OF ACTION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 11TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2023-015785-CA-01 DAVID M. GERSTEN, et al., Plaintiffs, v. VOLRICK WALLACE HIGGS, et al., Defendants. TO: JOYE ANTOINETTE GREEN Last Known Address: 395 NW 177TH STREET, UNIT 104 Miami, Fl, 33169. Current Address: Un- known. AND ALL PARTIES HAV- ING OR CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an ac- tion for Partition and Declarato- ry Judgment has been filed against you regarding the prop- erty known as New World Con- dominium Apartments, located at 395 N.W. 177 Street, Miami, Florida 33169. This action seeks partition of the property and to terminate the condominium and for other related relief. The complaint also requests to ad- vance the case on the calendar. You are required to file your written defenses, if any, with the Clerk of this Court and serve a copy to Peter Valori, Esq., the plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 1000 Brickell Ave, Suite 1020, Miami, FL 33131, on or before September 14, 2024 (60 days from the first date of publication); otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. This notice shall be published once a week for four consecu- tive weeks in Miami New Times. DATED on July 16, 2024. [Clerk of the Court's Name] As Clerk of the Court By: ______________________ As Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) NOTICE OF ACTION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 11TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2023-015785-CA-01 DAVID M. GERSTEN, et al., Plaintiffs, v. VOLRICK WALLACE HIGGS, et al., Defendants. TO: CLAUDE COOPER Last Known Address: 395 NW 177th Street, Unit 106, Miami, FL 33169 Cur- rent Address: Unknown. AND ALL PARTIES HAVING OR CLAIM- ING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for Par- tition and Declaratory Judg- ment has been filed against you regarding the property known as New World Condominium Apartments, located at 395 N.W. 177 Street, Miami, Florida 33169. This action seeks parti- tion of the property and to ter- minate the condominium and for other related relief. The complaint also requests to ad- vance the case on the calendar. You are required to file your written defenses, if any, with the Clerk of this Court and serve a copy to Peter Valori, Esq., the plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 1000 Brickell Ave, Suite 1020, Miami, FL 33131, on or before September 14, 2024 (60 days from the first date of publication); otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. This notice shall be published once a week for four consecu- tive weeks in Miami New Times. DATED on July 16, 2024. [Clerk of the Court's Name] As Clerk of the Court By: ______________________ As Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) NOTICE OF ACTION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 11TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2023-015785-CA-01 DAVID M. GERSTEN, et al., Plaintiffs, v. VOLRICK WALLACE HIGGS, et al., Defendants. TO: IRA D. COHEN FAMILY TRUST Last Known Address: 5521 SW 185TH Way Southwest Ranches, Fl 33332. Current Address: Un- known. AND ALL PARTIES HAV- ING OR CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an ac- tion for Partition and Declarato- ry Judgment has been filed against you regarding the prop- erty known as New World Con- dominium Apartments, located at 395 N.W. 177 Street, Miami, Florida 33169. This action seeks partition of the property and to terminate the condominium and for other related relief. The complaint also requests to ad- vance the case on the calendar. You are required to file your written defenses, if any, with the Clerk of this Court and serve a copy to Peter Valori, Esq., the plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 1000 Brickell Ave, Suite 1020, Miami, FL 33131, on or before September 14, 2024 (60 days from the first date of publication); otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint or petition. This notice shall be published once a week for four consecu- tive weeks in Miami New Times. DATED on July 16, 2024. [Clerk of the Court's Name] As Clerk of the Court By: ______________________ As Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) NOTICE OF ACTION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 11TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2023-015785-CA-01 DAVID M. GERSTEN, et al., Plaintiffs, v. VOLRICK WALLACE HIGGS, et al., Defendants. TO: BENEFICIAL FLORIDA, INC., Last Known Address: 636 GRAND REGENCY BLVD. BRAN- DON, FL 33510. Current Ad- dress: Unknown. AND ALL PAR- TIES HAVING OR CLAIMING TO HAVE ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR IN- TEREST IN THE PROPERTY HERE- IN DESCRIBED. YOU ARE NOTI- FIED that an action for Partition and Declaratory Judgment has been filed against you regard- ing the property known as New World Condominium Apart- ments, located at 395 N.W. 177 Street, Miami, Florida 33169. This action seeks partition of the property and to terminate the condominium and for other related relief. The complaint also requests to advance the case on the calendar. You are required to file your written de- fenses, if any, with the Clerk of this Court and serve a copy to Peter Valori, Esq., the plaintiff's attorney, whose address is 1000 Brickell Ave, Suite 1020, Miami, FL 33131, on or before Septem- ber 14, 2024 (60 days from the first date of publication); other- wise a default will be entered against you for the relief de- manded in the complaint or pe- tition.This notice shall be published once a week for four consecutive weeks in Miami New Times. DATED on July 16, 2024. [Clerk of the Court's Name] As Clerk of the Court By: ______________________ As Deputy Clerk (Court Seal) NOTICE OF LAND PATENT BENEFIT I, Kenya Huston am bringing forth a Land Patent benefit for the following parcel located at 3756 NE 3rd Ct, Flori- da Republic, usA NON-DOMES- TIC. Any party interested in viewing or challenging this claim can view the associated documents here: https://www.statenationalhelp. com/kenya-huston NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORI- DA PROBATE DIVISION File Number: 2024-003090 IN RE: ESTATE OF JOSE LUIS VERCESI Deceased. Division: CP 02 The administration of the estate of JOSE LUIS VERCESI De- ceased, File Number ____________, is pending in the MIAMI-DADE County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 73 WEST FLAGLER STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE NOTI- FIED THAT: All persons on whom this notice is served who have objections that challenge the validity of the will, the qualifications of the personal representative, venue, or jurisdiction of this Court are required to file their objections with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against the decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is served within three months after the date of the first publication of this notice must file their claim with this Court WITHIN THE LAT- ER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLI- CATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIR- TY DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the dece- dent and persons having claims or demands against the decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. Attorney for Personal Representative: Odalys Ibrahim, Esquire 11200 Pines Boulevard Suite 200 Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 954-438-8393 Florida Bar No. 773077
[email protected] Personal Representative: ELIZABETH RIOS c/o Ibrahim Law, P.A. 11200 Pines Blvd., Ste. 200, Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE A+ MINI STORAGE announces the sale of the contents of sev- eral storage units containing personal property consisting of an assortment of household goods such as furniture, gar- dening tools, items used around the home or the gar- age, business items and other miscellaneous items. The con- tents of the units will be sold at 11:00 AM, August 8th, 2024, at 1640 NW 87th Ave, Doral FL 33172, to satisfy liens for the amount due, in accordance with Florida Statutes, self- service storage space act, Section 83.806. Terms of sale are cash, no checks accepted. All goods are sold in “as is” condition, sales tax must be paid, or resale number fur- nished. Buyers must provide their own locks and units must be left clean by 5:00 PM, Au- gust 10th, 2024. Minimum bids may be required. This is not an absolute auction. UNIVISION NETWORK MADELYN SOSA #2017 $517.47 VANESSA RUBIO-BULA #4041 $679.53 MASTER INVESTMENT PROPERTY - GUSTAVO VERA #4066 $680.94 MAYRA PENA #6021 $788.77 MARTHA LUCIA ARANGO #6027 $337.02 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Please take notice Smart Stop Self Storage located at 1235 NE 12th Ave Homestead, FL 33030, intends to hold an auction of the goods stored in the follow- ing units to satisfy the lien of the owner. The sale will occur as an online auction via on August 22, 2024 at 2:00 pm. Contents include personal property described below be- longing to those individuals list- ed below. Unit 3080 Ruth Lisa Christo- pher Chapman Retail Items, Shelves, Boxes Unit 3105 Arin Finocchiaro Household Items, Boxes Unit 3119 Lakia McCuller Household Items, Boxes Unit 3170 Juan Abrego Household Items, Boxes Unit 3221 Okoya Lipscomb Household Items, Boxes Unit 3242 Eva Caicedo Household Items, Boxes Unit 3260 Deborah Ramirez Household Items, Boxes Unit 3281 March Alejandro Household Items, Boxes Unit 1168 Adrianna Ramirez Household Items, Boxes Unit 1192 Jasmine Holloway Household Items, Boxes Unit 1039 Owen Britton Buisness Items, Boxes, House- hold Items Unit 1048 Jorge Mastrapa Household Items, Boxes Unit 1045 Lakia McCuller Household Items, Boxes Unit 2107 Victor Lugo Household Items, Boxes Unit 2128 Marialy Amador Household Items, Boxes Unit 2156 Yvonne Ortiz Household Items, Boxes Unit 2161 Jamiah Russell Household Items, Boxes Unit 2193 Chantura Cannon Household Items, Boxes Unit 3008 Alex Llians Household Items, Boxes Unit 3032 Shantis Clayton Household Items, Boxes Unit 2026 Iverson Ricardo Household Items, Boxes Unit 5021 David Reed Pack Rat Boxes, Piano Unit 6013 Tyrone Williams PreMadonna Business Boxes, Appliances Unit 1088 Francois Dadena Household Items, Boxes Purchases must be paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transac- tion. Smart Stop Self Storage may refuse any bid and may re- scind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes posses- sion of the personal property. Please contact the property with any questions (786)206-4229. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Please take notice Smart Stop Self Storage located at 18804 Pines Blvd Pembroke Pines, FL 33029, intends to hold an auc- tion of the goods stored in the following units to satisfy the lien of the owner. The sale will occur as an online auction via on 8/22/2024 at 2:00 pm. Con- tents include personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below. Unit 2020 Sheila Allen Bags, Boxes, Totes, Household Items Unit 2049 Deonte Coney Bags, Boxes, Totes, Household Items Unit 2075 Jacqueline M Wells Bags, Boxes, Totes, Household Items Unit 2129 Gesly Belizaire Bags, Boxes, Totes, Household Items Unit 2148 Gabriel Colon Bags, Boxes, Totes, Household Items Unit 2218 Elvis M Silcott Bags, Boxes, Totes, Household Items Unit 2333 Dalder Jean Paul Bags, Boxes, Totes, Household Items Unit 3183 Michelle Beharry Bags, Boxes, Totes, Household Items Unit 3223 George Slade Bags, Boxes, Totes, Household Items Unit 1003 Collete Venneta Linen, Shelves, Boxes Unit 1023 Charles Pereria Bags, Boxes, Totes, Household Items Purchases must be paid at the above referenced facility in or- der to complete the transac- tion. Smart Stop Self Storage may refuse any bid and may re- scind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes posses- sion of the personal property. Please contact the property with any questions (754)802-3110. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Please take notice SmartStop Self Storage located at 10719 Southern Blvd., Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411, intends to hold an auction of the goods stored in the following units to satisfy the lien of the owner. The sale will occur as an online auction via on 08/22/24 at 2:00 pm. Con- tents include personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below. UNIT A2109 Michelle Fuller UNIT C43 Disma Ferrante UNIT J33 Thomas Castillo UNIT J30 Thomas Castillo UNIT A2348 Terricka Bess UNIT A1119 Chanda Antoine UNIT J17 Dean Mangerian UNIT H26 Carmen McDuffie UNIT C33 Shakecia Moreland UNIT A1142 Zeb Johnson UNIT J3 Sabrina Arce Purchases must be paid at the above referenced facility in or- der to complete the transac- tion. SmartStop Self Storage may refuse any bid and may re- scind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes posses- sion of the personal property. Please contact the property with any questions (561) 208-6431 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Please take notice Smart Stop Self Storage located at 8135 Lake Worth Road Lake Worth Florida 33467 intends to hold an auction of the goods stored in the following units to satisfy the lien of the owner. The sale will occur as an online auction via on 08/22/2024 at 2:00 pm. Contents include personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below. Unit # 311 Patrick Nord Wood, Tools Unit # 602 Mario Doran Boxes, Appliances, Furniture Unit # 83 Michael Webb Tools, Boxes, Bags Unit # 610 Melissa Gibbs Furniture, Boxes, Plants Unit # 77 Myrquette Severe Clothing, Bedding, boxes Unit # 340 Scott Kaleita Boxes, Carriage, Furniture Unit# 742 Dieuline Jean Baptiste Clothing, Baby items, Boxes Unit # 78 Jessa Carter Boxes, Art work, Furniture Purchases must be paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transac- tion. Smart Stop Self Storage may refuse any bid and may re- scind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes posses- sion of the personal property. Please contact the property with any questions 561-208-6451 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Extra Space Storage, on be- half of itself or its affiliates, Life Storage or Storage Express, will hold a public auction to sell per- sonal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indi- cated: 430 N Dixie Highway Hollywood, FL 33020 8/21/2024 at 10:15am The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any pur- chase up until the winning bid- der takes possession of the per- sonal property. Gennaro Piscopc Clothes and personal items Racquel Guyton Boxes and seasonal items Bernie Camejo Tools, pressure washer, compressor NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Please take notice Smart Stop Self Storage located at 1341 S State Rd 7 Wellington, FL 33414, intends to hold an auction of the goods stored in the follow- ing units to satisfy the lien of the owner. The sale will occur as an online auction via on 08/22/24 at 1:00 pm. Con- tents include personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below. UNIT 3219 Anthony Mcintosh tools, boxes, bags UNIT 2009 Nubia Avalos Bedding, Boxes, Tools UNIT 2087 Christopher Lawrence Bedding UNIT C38 Michael Crudup Household UNIT 2117 Satu Lehikoinen Household UNIT 3122 St Hilaire, Zienco Household Items UNIT G89 Hicks, Chrs Construction Supplies, Spools of Wire UNIT G96 Hicks, Chrs Construction Supplies, Spools of Wire UNIT G97 Hicks, Chrs Construction Supplies, Containers UNIT B11 Hicks, Chrs Construction Supplies, Containers UNIT B22 Hicks, Chrs Monitor, Desk, Chairs, Fan, Cabi- nets UNIT B31 Hicks, Chrs Forklift, Tools, Compressor UNIT B9 Hicks, Chrs Forklift Forks, Construction Supplies, PVC Pipe Purchases must be paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transac- tion. SmartStop Self Storage may refuse any bid and may re- scind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes posses- sion of the personal property. Please contact the property with any questions 561-208-6451 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Please take notice SmartStop Self Storage located at 2581 Ju- piter Park Dr. Jupiter, FL. 33458 intends to hold an auction of the goods stored in the follow- ing units to satisfy the lien of the owner. The sale will occur as an online auction via www.self- on August 22, 2024 @ 11:30 a.m. Contents include personal property de- scribed below belonging to those individuals listed below 2128 Rob Orr - Clothing, house- hold items 2201 Caleb Williams - Mattress, Carpet. Purchases must be paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transac- tion. SmartStop Self Storage may refuse any bid and may re- scind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes posses- sion of the personal property. Please contact the property with any questions 561-701-6006. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Please take notice SmartStop Self Storage located at 189 Lin- ton Blvd., Delray Beach, FL 33444, intends to hold an auc- tion of the goods stored in the following units to satisfy the lien of the owner. The sale will occur as an online auction via on 8/22/2024 at 2:00PM. Con- tents include personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below. Unit 198 Gary McClain Boxes,bags,totes,furniture, bikes, head board Unit 373 Anthony Competiel- lo Boxes, bags, totes, col- lectibles, lamps, tools Unit 740 Warley Mondieser Tools, bikes, mini fridge, chair Unit 966 Dennis Troxell Boxes, bags, totes, tools, lad- der, jack Unit 744 Francesco Pier Francesco Household Items, Boxes Unit 353 Cintia Da Silva Household Items, Boxes Purchases must be paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transac- tion. SmartStop Self Storage may refuse any bid and may re- scind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes posses- sion of the personal property. Please contact the property with any questions (561)210-7991 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Please take notice SmartStop Self Storage located at 3101 S Federal Hwy Boynton Beach, FL 33435, intends to hold an auc- tion of the goods stored in the following units to satisfy the lien of the owner. The sale will occur as an online auction via on 08/22/2024 at 2:00 pm. Contents include personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed Below. Unit 0809 Jimenez, Marcial Household Goods, Boxes, Totes Unit 0608 Lori Durante Boxes, Totes, Bags Unit 0572 Murray, Dexter Boxes, Totes, Bags Unit 0596 Marks, Sherilynne Household Goods, Boxes Unit 0179 Borgeson, Roy Household Goods, Boxes, Totes Unit 0145 Adhemar, Emma- nuel Household Good, Boxes Unit 0148 Henderickson, Harry Boxes, Totes, bags Unit 0543 McDonald, Rod- drick Boxes, Totes, Bags Unit 0795 Frazee, Stanley Boxes, Bags, Totes Unit 1042 Martin, Sylvia Boxes, Totes, bags Unit 1122 Moise, Tatiana Boxes, Totes, Bags Purchases must be paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transac- tion. SmartStop Self Storage may refuse any bid and may re- scind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes posses- sion of the personal property. Please contact the property with any questions (561)-208-3972. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Please take notice SmartStop Self Storage located at 10451 NW 33 Street, Doral, FL 33172, intends to hold an auction of the goods stored in the follow- ing units to satisfy the lien of the owner. The sale will occur as an online auction via on AUGUST 22, 2024 at 2:00 pm. Contents include personal property described below be- longing to those individuals list- ed below. 2J DASWANI, RICKY boxes household items 273D MELENDEZ, ADIANIZ boxes household items 410D GUERRERO, HUMBERTO office file boxes 1016N PEREZ, RAFAEL household items 1110 LEYVA, YAIMA household items 1137 GONZALEZ, IVONNE household items shelves 1150 VERA, PEDRO household items Christmas decoration 2072 OTERO, MAHE household items 2103 CASTANO, TOMAS household items B2022 AMANDOR, JORGE LUIS household items Purchases must be paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transac- tion. SmartStop Self Storage may refuse any bid and may re- scind any purchase up until the winning bidder takes posses- sion of the personal property. Please contact the property with any questions (786) 206-4222 19 August 1-7, 2024 | New Times | Classified | Adult | heAlth wellness | ReAl estAte | employment |