8 June 6-12, 2024 miaminewtimes.com | browardpalmbeach.com New Times | music | cafe | culture | Night+Day | News | letters | coNteNts | miaminewtimes.com MIAMI NEW TIMES | MUSIC | CAFE | FILM | ART | STAGE | NIGHT+DAY | METRO | RIPTIDE | LETTERS | CONTENTS | vulnerable members of the LGBTQ community. In all, host Matthew Darren promises a night of thrill for both your eyes and ears and a celebration of Pride. 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 12, at the Manor, 2345 Wilton Dr., Fort Lauderdale; matthewdarren.com. Tickets cost $39 5to $149 via eventbrite.com. Thursdays at PAMM Pride Night The Pérez Art Museum Mi- ami is opening its exhibition “Xican-a.o.x. Body,” which explores artists who foreground the body as a site of political agency and imagination, in June feels appropriate. On its opening night, the museum will also host its Pride Night edition of Thursdays at PAMM, cele- brating Miami’s LGBTQ community through art, performance, and music. Tif- fany Fantasia will host the evening, featur- ing a drag show and DJ sets by Hottpants and Angel Boi. 5 to 11 p.m. Thursday, June 13, at Pérez Art Museum Miami, 1103 Biscayne Blvd., Miami; 305-375-3000; pamm.org. Ad- mission is free with RSVP. M!c Drop at the Sandbox Underground concert promoter Always Lunes will host its queer edition of M!c Drop on Saturday, June 15, at the Sandbox. The event brings together local musicians, artists, DJs, and vendors, bringing together many different corners of the underground scene under one roof. 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Saturday, June 15, at the Sandbox, 6752 Collins Ave., Ste. B, Miami Beach; instagram.com/thesandbox.mi- amibeach. Tickets cost $8 via shotgun.live. Stonewall Pride Parade The cornerstone of Pride Month in South Florida, Stonewall Pride in Wilton Manors is the area’s largest celebration this month. The block party meets parade kicks off at 3 p.m., featuring several stages hosting everything from live music to drag performers. In a new twist this year, the parade is set to glow when it kicks off at 8 p.m. with illuminated floats and participants. 3 to 11 p.m. Saturday, June 15, at Wilton Drive between NE 20th and 26th streets, Wilton Manors; stonewallpride.lgbt. Tickets cost $10 to $275 via tickettailor.com. Drag Me to Care- A-Lot at Spanish Marie Down in the depths of suburban Mi- ami-Dade, next to Miami Executive Airport, Spanish Marie Brewery hosts a drag show to re- member. Drag Me to Care-A- Lot will have queens bringing all the love and sparkle you could hope for with a show that spoofs on the Care Bears. Sting Dion, Jellika Boom, and Tayanna Love are on the evening’s lineup. 8:30 to 11 p.m. Saturday, at Spanish Marie Brewery, 14251 SW 120th St., Ste. 108, Miami; 305-456-5490; spanishmarie- brewery.com. Admission is free with RSVP via eventbrite.com. Bae Watch Pool Party at Arlo Rooftop SheLife Events and Wynwood Pride are hosting Bae Watch Pool Party at the rooftop of the Arlo Wynwood on Sun- day, June 16. The ladies will gather to mingle and dance to beats by DJs Turnup Tee and Ic3. 3 to 8 p.m. Sun- day, June 16, at Arlo Wynwood, 2217 NW Miami Ct., Miami; 786-522-6600; arlohotels.com. Tickets cost $26 to $44 via eventbrite.com. FlockFest Splash at the Easton On Sunday, June 16, the Easton’s rooftop pool will host FlockFest Splash. The Sunday tea dance takes place on the ninth floor, over- looking downtown Fort Lauderdale. Enjoy beats Cesar Hernandez and Tito’s specials throughout the party. Noon to 5 p.m. at the Easton Rooftop Pool & Lounge, 721 N. Federal Hwy., Fort Lauderdale; flockfestevents.org. Tickets cost $15 to $100. Vagabundos Mega Pride Mega Pool Party at Kimpton Shorebreak On Sunday, Rramon MIA hosts his Vagabun- dos Mega Pride Mega Pool Party at the Kimp- ton Shorebreak in Fort Lauderdale. Put on your fanciest Speedo and dance to beats by Alex Ra- mos and Kidd Madonny and a performance by Kitty Meow. Whether you’re a twink or a bear, everyone’s welcome to participate in the festiv- ities. 1 to 7 p.m. Sunday, June 16, at Kimpton Shorebreak, 2900 Riomar St., Fort Lauderdale; 954-908-7301; shorebreakfortlauderdale.com. Tickets cost $30 via eventbrite.com. Indie Pride at My Mama’s Books Records and Café Local band At the Starlight will host Indie Pride at My Mama’s Books Records & Cafe in Dania Beach on Saturday, June 22. There will be live music by Heneseas, 33 Lions, After the Sunset, and Baby Gold, as well as vendors and raffles. All proceeds from the evening will be donated to the Wellness Program at the Pride Center at Equality Park. 1 to 5:30 p.m. Saturday, June 22, at My Mama’s Books Records & Cafe, 218 E. Dania Beach Blvd., Dania Beach; 754- 400-9275; mymamasdania.com. Tickets cost $10 via eventbrite.com. Chicas Love Chicas at the Sylvester Chicas Love Chicas at the Sylvester is an al- ter-Latina party for queen women on Thursday, June 27. Lesbian and queer women are invited close out Pride Month by dancing the night away at the Wynwood hot spot. The evening will be filled with Latin music and drinks courtesy of Topo Chico. 9 p.m. Thursday, June 27, at the Syl- vester, 3456 N. Miami Ave., Miami; 305-364- 5635; thesylvesterbar.com. Tickets cost $20 to $25 via eventbrite.com. Family Pride Celebration at the Museum of Discovery and Science Celebrate Pride at the Museum of Discovery and Science, which will host a family- friendly event with programming that fits into the theme of “You Belong Here!” There will be a Rainbow Science Lab where you can create colors with prisms, make your own Pride flag, and make rainbow tie-dyed T-shirts. There will also be animal encoun- ters and LGBTQ organizations present. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, June 26, at the Mu- seum of Discovery and Science, 401 SW Sec- ond St., Fort Lauderdale; 954-467-6637; mods. org. Admission is free. Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida at the Parker Founded in 2010, the Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida is led by artistic director Gabe Salazar and performs regularly across the re- gion. On Saturday, June 29, the choral group will help close out Pride Month with its con- cert, “Pride: Then, Now, & Forever,” at the Parker. The multi-generational event will provide a musical backdrop to how far the LGBTQ community has come. 8 p.m. Sat- urday, June 29, at the Parker, 707 NE Eighth St., Fort Lauderdale; 954-462- 0222; parkerplayhouse.com. Tickets cost $43.75 to $68.75 via ticketmaster.com. The Shady Bunch Pride at Domicile Party collective Internet Friends says fare- well to Pride Month with a rave at Domi- cile. Dubbed the Shady Bunch Pride, the party brings together Miami’s shadiest DJs for an unforgettable night. The lineup includes LOLSnake, Dana Montana, Schacke, Ultra- them, Winter Wrong, Sdrv, and Aphex Twink. 10 p.m. Saturday, June 29, at Domicile, 6391 NW Second Ave., Miami; instagram.com/domicile. miami. Tickets cost $21.82 to $30.31 via dice.fm. Jose.Duran@MiamiNewTimes.com Pride Guide 2024 from p7 S u n d a y , J u n e 9 : A l e x N e w e ll a t C o m m u n i T e a D a n c e a t t h e A d r i e n n e A r s h t C e n t e r P ho t o co ur te sy o f a rti st m an ag em e nt S a t u r d a y , J u n e 1 5 : S t o n e w a ll P ri d e P a r a d e St o ne w al l P ri de p ho to