NOTICE OF SALE BEST LIEN SERVICES LOCATED AT: 7290 SW 41 ST MIAMI, FL 33155 WILL SELL AT A RESERVED PUBLIC SALE AT 9:00AM THE VEHICLES LISTED BELOW AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS TO SATISFY LIEN PURSUANT TO SECTION 713.585 OF THE FL ST. 2019 HOND UT 3CZRU5H52KM712450 JUN.17,2024 AT:N&R BODYSHOP 2455-57 NW77TER MIAMI,FL33147P#786-223-4647SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$12,345.00 2013 TOYT 4D 5YFBU4EE3DP151161 JUN.17,2024 AT:N&R BODYSHOP 2455-57 NW77TER MIAMI,FL33147P#786-223-4647SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$6,345.00 2017 NISS 4D 1N4AL3AP6HC116358 JUN.17,2024 AT:AUTO LOVE US 60 NW20ST MIAMI,FL33127P#786-763-5078SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$4,250.00 2020 LINC UT 5LM5J9XCXLGL09065 JUN.17,2024 AT:G&F LUX BODY SHOP9605 NW79AVE #32 HIALEAHGDNS,FL33016P#305-842-4661SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$14,695.50 2014 FORD UT 1FMJU1J51EEF09089 JUN.17,2024 AT:GOLDEN AUTO SALES1784 NW23TER MIAMI,FL33142P#786-277-6106SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$1,800.00 2020 TOYT 4D 4T1G11AK0LU999052 JUN.17,2024 AT:THE 1 AUTO SOLUTION2550 ALIBABA AVE OPALOCKA,FL33054P#786-508-1300SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$3,302.99 2017 JEEP UT 1C4PJLCS2HW650516 JUN.17,2024 AT:THE 1 AUTO SOLUTION2550 ALIBABA AVE OPALOCKA,FL33054P#786-508-1300SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$2,689.99 2018 HOND 5D SHHFK7H79JU401885 JUN.17,2024 AT:THE 1 AUTO SOLUTION2550 ALIBABA AVE OPALOCKA,FL33054P#786-508-1300SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$3,302.00 2024 TOYT 4D 5YFB4MDEXRP080596 JUN.17,2024 AT:THE 1 AUTO SOLUTION2550 ALIBABA AVE OPALOCKA,FL33054P#786-508-1300SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$4,145.00 2021 VOLK UT 1V2ME2CAXMC231526 JUN.17,2024 AT:RAINBOW COLLECTION BODY SHOP8725 NW117ST #10 MIAMI,FL33018P#786-716-2769SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$15,828.08 2018 TOYT 4D 4T1B11HK2JU654392 JUN.17,2024 AT:RAY CAR REPAIR9550 NW79AVE #20 HIALEAHGDNS,FL33016P#786-940-2021SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$2,225.00 2022 LEXS 4D JTHP3JBH0N2052625 JUN.17,2024 AT:RAY CAR REPAIR9550 NW79AVE #20 HIALEAHGDNS,FL33016P#786-940-2021SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$2,270.00 2017 BMW 4D WBAJA5C38HG897945 JUN.17,2024 AT:RAY CAR REPAIR9550 NW79AVE #20 HIALEAHGDNS,FL33016P#786-940-2021SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$2,233.00 2017 LEXS 4D JTHCM1D24H5014970 JUN.17,2024 AT:RAY CAR REPAIR9550 NW79AVE #20 HIALEAHGDNS,FL33016P#786-940-2021SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$2,143.00 2016 HYUN UT KM8J33A22GU151790 JUN.17,2024 AT:JAVIER BODY SHOP3725 NW81ST MIAMI,FL33147P#786-474-8823SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$7,056.60 2016 VOLK 4D 3VWC57BU7KM168626 JUN.17,2024 AT:CHRIS BODY SHOP COLLISION CENTER4211 SW74AVE MIAMI,FL33155P#305-261-1800SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$14,740.23 2017 MERZ 4D 55SWF4HBXHU228959 JUN.17,2024 AT:Y&Z AUTO SALES2495 NW77TER MIAMI,FL33147P#954-795-4061SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$10,743.57 2022 JEEP UT 3C4NJDBB4NT161325 JUN.17,2024 AT:Y&Z AUTO SALES2495 NW77TER MIAMI,FL33147P#954-795-4061SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$14,236.37 2006 SAHO TL 1S9GH212760873179 JUN.18,2024 AT:PICASSO BODY SHOP8421 NW64ST MIAMI,FL33166P#305-305-6766SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$15,830.60 2012 NISS 4D 1N4AL2AP9CC180977 JUN.18,2024 AT:DYNAMIC MOTOR ENTERPRISE6026 SW23ST MIRAMAR,FL33023P#954-489-0991SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$4,955.00 2019 CHEV UT 1GNSCAKC2KR246535 JUN.18,2024 AT:A+AUTO COLLISION CENTER8050 NW58ST DORAL,FL33166P#786-452-9912SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$2,170.00 2019 TOYT 4D 4T1B11HK1KU789669 JUN.18,2024 AT:A+AUTO COLLISION CENTER8050 NW58ST DORAL,FL33166P#786-452-9912SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$3,961.39 2014 NISS 4D 1N4AL3AP3EC272773 JUN.18,2024 AT:AACTION TRASMISSIONS13905 NW19AVE OPALOCKA,FL33054P#305-688-4444SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$5,599.15 2014 PORS 2D WP0AB2A94ES120404 JUN.18,2024 AT:NEW AGE PERFORMANCE9695 NW79AVE HIALEAHGDNS,FL33016P#786-290-6256SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$6,733.00 2022 KIA UT 5XYRH4LFXNG103645 JUN.18,2024 AT:THE 1 AUTO SOLUTION2550 ALIBABA AVE OPALOCKA,FL33054P#786-508-1300SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$4,749.35 2019 CHEV UT 1GNSCJKC9KR325717 JUN.20,2024 AT:NUNEZ BODY SHOP PAINTING3444 NW27AVE MIAMI,FL33142P#786-534-8054SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$18,925.25 2016 CHEV UT 1GC2KWEG0GZ197690 JUN.20,2024 AT:NUNEZ BODY SHOP PAINTING3444 NW27AVE MIAMI,FL33142P#786-534-8054SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$12,525.00 2018 NISS 4D 1N4AL3AP6JC478132 JUN.20,2024 AT:WORLDWIDE CAR CONNECT680 NW71ST MIAMI,FL33150P#786-247-8901SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$3,604.25 2014 BMW 4D WBA3B3C5XEJ977807 JUN.20,2024 AT:AUTO LOVE US60 NW20ST MIAMI,FL33127P#786-763-5078SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$4,900.00 2023 LEXS 4D JTHGZ1B29P5061111 JUN.20,2024 AT:PICASSO BODY SHOP8421 NW64ST MIAMI,FL33166P#305-305-6766SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$16,078.31 2018 HYUN 4D KMHH35LE3JU025415 JUN.20,2024 AT:HANGER MOTOR BODY SHOP13450 SW134AVE #B007 MIAMI,FL33186P#786-393-2243SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$14,027.97 2015 JEEP UT 1C4BJWEG4FL649774 JUN.20,2024 AT:JEEPERS 4X4 15420 SW136ST #41 MIAMI,FL33196P#305-234-5820SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$9,485.50 2019 DODG 2D 2C3CDZBTXKH694874 JUN.20,2024 AT:MIAMI COLLISION CENTER815420 SW136ST MIAMI,FL33196P#305-494-8096SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$9,125.00 2020 TOYT 4D 5YFS4RCE4LP054906 JUN.20,2024 AT:ALTERNATIVE AUTO INVESTMENT3820 NW135ST #S OPALOCKA,FL33054P#305-563-6603SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$9,616.74 2021 TOYT 4D 4T1G11AK0MU480102 JUN.20,2024 AT:HG BODY SHOP8034 NW103ST #18-19 HIALEAHGDNS,FL33016P#305-748-8093SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$10,736.87 2021 NISS UT 5N1AZ2AJ8MC105155 JUN.20,2024 AT:Y&Z AUTO SALES2495 NW77TER MIAMI,FL33147P#954-795-4061SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$12,525.07 THE LIEN CLAIMED BY THE LIENOR IS SUBJECT TO ENFORCEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 713.585, F.S. AND THE VEHICLE MAY BE SOLD TO SATISFY THE LIEN. THE LIEN IS CLAIMED FOR LABOR, SERVICES PERFORMED, AND STORAGE CHARGES, IF ANY, AND THE AMOUNT DUE IN CASH ON THE DAY OF SALE, IF PAID TO THE LIENOR, WOULD REDEEM THE MOTOR VEHICLE.AT ANY TIME BEFORE THE DATE OF THE SALE OR PROPOSED SALE THE OWNER OR ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTEREST OR A LIEN ON THE VEHICLE MAY FILE A DEMAND FOR HEARING WITH THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN THE COUNTY WHERE THE VEHICLE IS HELD TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE VEHICLE HAS BEEN WRONGFULLY TAKEN OR WITHHELD FROM HIM OR HER. AT ANY TIME BEFORE THE DATE OF THE SALE OR PROPOSED SALE A CUSTOMER OR A PERSON OF RECORD CLAIMING A LIEN ON THE VEHICLE MAY POST A CASH OR SURETY BOND IN THE AMOUNT STATED ON THE INVOICE WITH THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT WHERE THE DISPUTED TRANSACTION OCCURRED. ANY PERSON(S) CLAIMING ANY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE VEHICLES SHOULD CONTACT BEST LIEN SERVICES (1-866-299-9391) AT LEAST 1 WEEK PRIOR TO THE LIEN SALE. DEVELOPER, POWERBI (Dania Beach, FL) Dsgn, dvlp, update & optimize dashboards & reports to meet bus. reqmts across the org. Work closely w/ Data Engg Team to determine strategy for data extraction & report dsgn. Train bus. users on leveraging reports & dash- boards using Power BI. Deep dive into data to find trends & problems. Answer key bus. questions using SQL, Excel, Power BI & other data manipu- lation tools. Reqs Master's Deg in Electrical Engg, & 2 yrs of exp. Send resumes to: Kimberly Maya, Spirit Airlines, Inc., 1731 Radiant Drive, Dania Beach, FL 33004. MANAGERS PGM TECH Uber Tech- nologies, Inc. has openings for the following positions (all levels/types) in Miami, FL. May telecommute from home: Managers, PgM Tech (Job ID: U198): Build framework for analysis behind company-wide decisions relating to operations, process, and optimiza- tion. Collaborate across the team to document and interpret business data. 25% International and Domestic travel required. The base annual salary range for this position is: $140,000 to $170,000/year. You will be eligible to participate in Uber's bonus program, and may be offered other types of comp. You will also be eligible for various benefits. More details can be found at the following link " benefits". To apply, send resume to: Must reference Job ID# in subject line. PRODUCT MGR - (Miramar FL). Lead end-to-end prodct mrktg mgmt & prodct dvlpmt projcts for the Cloud Prtfolio. Reqs: Bs. SW Eng’g, IT, Grphic Dsign or clsly reltd discpln or US eqvlt + 2yrs/exp in job or as Cloud Srvcs Mgr, Cloud Prodct Mgr, Cloud Projct Speclist or clsly reltd occptn resp for integrtn mgmt of cloud operatns/ prodct dvlpmt w/n the tele- com/IT ind internatnlly. Must have projct mgmt exp in vrsion contrl of exist’g Cloud prodcts, contnuous prtfolio grwth, monitr’g commrcl rsults, budgt mgmt, maintnanc & expansn to potentl telcom mrkts. Exp must include work’g on Cloud so- lutns, tech terms & their commrcl apps, prodct dvlpmt, digitl communctn, IT mrkts & user exp. Must have exp utilz’g Adobe creativ dsign suite SW, Office 365 suite SW, Jira projct mgmt SW, websphere portal content mgr, Cloud blue pltfrm, VMware Cloud tech, Mi- crosoft CSP, graphc dsign, Cloud pltfrm opertns & Cloud pltfrms deplymt expertis. Complt’n of a contin’g eductn progrm in projct mgmt reqrd. Resumes: SOFTWARE DEVEL (Weston, FL). Design, code, troubleshoot & implement company's higher education-related software. Bach's Electrical Eng, Comp Sci or closely rel field; PMP Cert; 2 yrs' IT exp, incl some solid exp in each: C#; MS SQL Server; MySQL; VB.Net; VBA; MS Excel; Comp Networks; Customer Support (incl providing train- ing); Project Mgmt skills. Tele- commuting from any location in the US is an option for this position. Must send CV & cvr ltr to Marcia Mohrer, Genius SIS, LLC, 14359 Miramar Pkwy #376, Miramar, FL 33027 w/in 30 days, ref Job #2021-042. SR. JAVA DEVLPR (Fort Lauderdale, FL): Prvde softwre desgn, dvelpmnt, im- plemnttion & mgmt of health- cre & health insrnce usng Java basd software applctions. Reqs: Mast deg or equiv in Comptr Science, Comptr Info Systms, Softwre Engnerng or rel & 2 yrs exp as sftware devlpr, progrmmr or techncl lead utlzng Java. Alterntively, emplyr also accpts Bach deg or equiv in Comptr Science, Comptr Info Systms, Softwre Engnerng or rel & 5 yrs exp as sftware devlpr, progrmmr or techncl lead utlzng Java. Remte workng option availble, may telecm- mute from any location in US. Mail resume to: HR, HHS Tech- nology Group LLC, 6600 N An- drews Ave, Ste 570, Fort Lau- derdale, FL 33309. SR. DATA WAREHOUSE ANALYST, Carnival Corporation (Miami, FL). Dsgn, dvlp, & doc cmplx code integrating ware- house & transactional biz apps using current knowl of enter- prise application techs & dvlpmt techniques. REQS: Bachelor’s or frgn equiv in CS, Engg, or rltd tech field followed by 10 yrs of progressively respsbl exp in the job offered or rltd occupation involved in data warehousing, Informatica prdcts, & Oracle d/b's. In the alt, employer will accept a Master’s or frgn equiv in CS, Engg, or rltd tech field & 7 yrs of exp in the job offered or rltd occupation involved in data warehousing, Informatica prdcts, & Oracle d/b's. Must have exp in the following: 7 yrs of exp w/ PL/SQL dvlpr, func- tions, procdrs, packages, & trig- gers; 7 yrs of exp w/ Informati- ca Power Center version 9.x. incl Workflow Mgr, Workflow Monitor, Repository Mgr, Dsgnr, Server Mgr, Power Exchange & ETL; 5 yrs of exp in SQL Naviga- tor and/or Toad; 5 yrs of exp understanding of the concept of code objects re-use & biz rules standardization; Any amount of exp dvlpng on Ora- cle 11G/10G. Any suitable com- bo of edu, trng or exp is ac- ceptable. Hybrid remote/in- office work sched avail. Send resumes to: Stephen Carney via e-mail at SUPERVISOR, QUALITY ENGINEERING, Carnival Corporation (Miami, FL). Build & manage QE team, incl hiring, coaching, & mentoring team members. REQS: Bachelor’s or frgn equiv in CS, Comp Info Sys, or rltd followed by 5 yrs of progressively respsbl exp in the job offered or as En- gineer, Analyst, or a rltd s/w testing/quality engg pos. Must have 5 yrs of exp in the follow- ing: 1. Leading qlty engg re- sources & defining/managing qlty standards & practices; 2. Test automation frameworks, perfrmnc, security & mobile de- vice & functional tstng; 3. NET, MS Stack, C#, Mobile web apps, CDN, AJAX, JS, Oracle & SQL d/b's, iOS & Android for mobile, CMS pltfrms, APS, Cisco Chat UCM & Adobe iDesign; 4. Ship- board apps & sys, Routers, switches, & h/w; 5. Mainframe (Unisys Platform), COBOL, Pega, Apex, VB, PRO*C, Oracle Data In- tegrator, Java, Json, Perl, Oracle EPM, Oracle Essbase, Oracle HSF, Oracle Exalytics Appliance Server tech, Hyperion BI, Oracle Dataguard, & Oracle Golden- gate, casino equipment & rltd shipboard prdcts. Up to 15% of domestic shipboard trvl req. Hybrid remote/in-office work sched avail. Send resumes to Stephen Carney via e-mail to 140 Financial/Accounting ACCOUNTANT - Prepare, examine, & analyze accounting records & financial statements to assess accuracy, complete- ness, & conformance to report- ing & procedural standards. Req's: Bach’s deg in Accounting + 12 mos of exp. Interested ap- plicants contact Ms. Mercedes Aguino, Casa Q, Inc., 561 NE 79th St, Ste 340, Miami, FL 33138. ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST TAMA Corp. - Accounting Spe- cialist- Bookkeeping, accounts payable and receivables, payroll payments, assistance with end- of-month close, grant report- ing, audit preparation, budgets. Analyze monthly financial state- ments. Bachelor's degree, 2 years exp. req'd. Mail Resume to TAMA Corp. 7921 NW 21 Street Miami, FL 33122. 127 Education PRESCHOOL TEACHER,(West Park, FL) - F/T. Teach basic skills, such as color, shape, number & letter rec- ognition, personal hygiene, & social skills. Establish & enforce rules for behavior & procedures for main- taining order. Adapt teaching methods & instructional materials to meet students' needs & interests. Provide various materials & resources for children to explore, manipulate, & use in learning activities & imaginative play. Serve meals & snacks following nutritional guidelines. Attend to children's basic needs by feeding them, dressing them, & changing their diapers. Bachelor's deg in Education, STEM, Psychology, Sociol- ogy, Communications, History, or Liberal arts. At the time of hire, to have completed the reqd FL Dept of Children & Families Childcare Training. Email resume to Global Axis 1912 Inc, Attn: Miguel Abilahoud, General Mgr at: miguel.abilahoud @pandalittle. com 145 Management/Professional AGILE LEADER wanted by Florida Power & Light Company in Miami, FL for coordination of break/fix activities & management of IT support organi- zation, managing day-to-day release management administrative tasks, project transition to support & moni- tor execution, & high-profile/esca- lated project management. Requires: Bachelor’s Degree or foreign equivalent, in Electronics Engineer- ing, Comp Sci, or related field & 6 years experience in IT role w/ 3 years as developer or programmer analyst. Must be Scaled Agile - Scrum Master Certified. Spec Reqs: 5 years ex- perience as a Scrum Master or Project Manager; & 5 years working w/ Customer Channel or Mainframe Plat- form Technologies. Hybrid remote work schedule available. Resumes: Nadine Guagliano, 700 Universe Blvd, Juno Beach, FL 33408 or resumes@ – Ref: “Agile Ldr (FPL) GENERAL MANAGER -Direct & coordinate financial & budget activities to fund operations of company, maximize investments, & increase efficiency. Req's: H.S. dip or foreign equiv + 24 mos of exp. Interested applicants contact Mr. Manuel Faria Dos Santos, MM & SB Investments, LLC, 8024 Pines Blvd., Pembroke Pines, FL 33024. GENERAL MGR: Plan & dir. salon’s admin. & sales opera- tions. Oversee mrktng & cus- tomer relationship mgmt. initia- tives. Ensure compliance w/ all labor & sanitation laws. Min 2 yrs exp in any salon mgmt. po- sition req. Atma Beauty, Miami Bch, FL Email CV: INTERIOR DESIGNER(S) (FULL- TIME; MULTIPLE POSITIONS) sought by M. Arthur Gensler Jr. & Associates, work in Miami, FL to participate in mrktng & bus dev efforts for new commercial interior dsgn projs. Create conceptual dsgn packages for feasibility studies, projs, & competitions. Lead & direct team members on the dvlpmt of dsgn throughout schematic & dsgn dvlpmt phases. Must have valid NCIDQ license. Incidental telecom- muting may apply. EEO. Apply at: https://gensler.wd1.myworkdayjobs. com/genslercareers/job/Miami-FL- US /Interior-Designer _R-12576. LOGISTICS MANAGER (Homestead, FL): Oversee all lo- gistics & admin. duties. Resp. for the matching up physical in- ventory, w/ SILO system. Resp. for sea & air freight coord. & lo- gistics of imports carried out. Min. req.: bach.’s deg. in bus. Admin. or foreign equiv. plus 1 yr of exp. Mail resumes to: Gus- tavo Espinosa, New Asian Tropi- cal Produce LLC, 16705 SW 256 Street, Homestead FL 33031. LOGISTICS OPERATIONS MANAGER sought by People & Tech USA Corp. (dba Easy Im- port Auto Group) (Fort Lauder- dale, FL) w/ 5 yrs exp. managing vehicle import/export logistics. Apply by mailing resume: Easy Import Auto Group, Attn: Log Ops Mgr, 5911 SW 39th Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312. PROJECT MANAGER Highway Studio, LLC in Pine- crest, FL is seeking a Project Manager for highway design projects. Will supervise 2-4 civil engineers & civil drafters. Must have a master’s degree in civil engineering & 5 years experi- ence as a Project Manager or any related occupation in which required exp. was gained. 3D modeling design and delivery experience, FDOT project deliv- ery/management experience, and FL P.E. license. May tele- commute from Miami-Dade/ Broward/Palm Beach County. Incidental travel to project sites in Miami-Dade/ Broward/Palm Beach County once a month. Submit resumes to PROJECT MANAGER sought by RCI Engineering, Inc. (Davie, FL) Must possess Bache- lor's deg in Architecture or its foreign equiv or Civil Engg or its foreign equiv plus 2 yrs of exp in Job Offd. Send resume via U.S. mail to 5230 S. University Dr, Ste 106, Davie, Florida 33328, Attn: Oscar Sebelen. PWR SYS STUDIES MNGR: Conduct electrical power stud- ies. Req: Master’s Elec Eng. & 2 yrs. exp. Travel 4-6x/yr to Colombia from FLL or MIA. 40hrs/wk. Contact Gers USA LLC email Weston, FL. STATISTICAL ASSOCIATE/ ANALYST, RE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS in Hollywood, FL. Analyze & interpret statistical data of RE construction pro- jects, both residential & com- mercial, using analytical models to provide mgmet reports on capital preservation, risk mgmet & value creation; among other duties. Req: Bachelor of Science in Information Systems and Oper. Mgmt or in Statistics plus Certificate in Artificial Intelli- gence. Send resumes to Le Prestige, 1416 N Dixie Hwy, Unit 3, Hollywood, Florida 33020 167 Restaurants/Hotels/Clubs EXECUTIVE SOUS CHEF sought by Hospitality Mgmt Group to oversee executive and manage- rial aspects of kitchen operations, as well as leading the operations and development of the restau- rant. Position req. exp. in day- to-day kitchen operations, food safety & inventory management, developing recipes, overseeing the line cooks, assisting in man- agement duties, control of schedules and organization of day-to-day kitchen needs. HS + 30M exp. as food service worker, line cook, chef de partie, or related position req. In the alt., BS in Culi- nary Arts or Hospitality related field + 6M exp. as food service worker, line cook, chef de partie, or related position or any suitable combina- tion of education, training, or exp. will be accepted. Job Site: Miami, FL. No travel or lang. fluency req. Please send resumes by postal mail only to: David Larrazabal, Ac- counting and HR Manager, Ten Six Three LLC DBA The Gibson Room, 3225 Franklin Ave., #C-101, Miami, FL 33133. 172 Sales BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST - Responsible for improv'g comp's profitability by generating new clients using understanding of industry trends, as the basis for strategic planning & forecasting. Req's: 24 mos of exp. Interested applicants contact Mr. Patrick Danciu, Skinlabs LLC d/b/a Delfin USA, 755 NE 164th Terr, Miami, FL 33162. INTERNATIONAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE sought by GLOBAL DR GROUP INC (Aventu- ra, FL). Req. Bach. Deg. or for- eign equiv. in bus. admin + 2 yrs. exp. in bus. mgmt., over- seeing bus. ops. & implem. corp. policies using DRTV. Req. 20% dom. & int'l travel. Apply: Mail resumes to GLOBAL DR GROUP INC, Attn: Intl Sales Rep, 19790 W Dixie Hwy, Ste 1204/ 1205, Aventura, FL 33180. MARKET RESEARCH ANALYST - Collect & compare pertinent data on the target market to make recs & proposals. Forecast & track marketing & sales trends, analyzing collected data. Req's: Associate’s deg in Marketing + 24 mos of exp. Interested applicants contact Ms. Laura Dambolena, Independencia Asset Management LLC, 98 SE 7th St, Ste 620, Miami, FL 33131 PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE STORAGE TREASURES AUCTION ONE FACILITY – MULTIPLE UNITS Extra Space Storage will hold a public auction to sell personal property described below belonging to those individuals listed below at the location indi- cated: 1100 NE 79th St Miami, FL 33138 Wednessday, June 12th,2024 at 1:15pm Cazell Mitchell Boxes clothes Luggage Graciela Mayoz Furniture Boxes clothes Bags Luisanna M Hernandez Veras Boxes Bins Frames Gerrardo Jose Perez furniture boxes bins Justin Parker Boxes luggage Nicole Bazelais Furniture clothes boxes STORAGE TREASURES AUCTION ONE FACILITY – MULTIPLE UNITS The auction will be listed and advertised on Purchases must be made with cash only and paid at the above referenced facility in order to complete the transac- tion. Extra Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any purchase up until the win- ning bidder takes possession of the personal property. PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE is hereby given that beginning on the date as enumerated be- low, between the hour of 10:00 a.m. and continuing from day to day, until all goods are sold. We will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash at the warehouse of ACO Self Storage, located at: 1789 22nd Court, Pompano Beach, FL 33069. The following goods, wares and merchandise for storage and other charges for which a lien on same is claimed to wit: Date of sale: June 04, 2024 A017 JOHN SARACIONE HOME GOODS B125 ROGER STEPHA HOME GOODS B224 EBERLE AUGUSTIN HOME GOODS B229 JEAN MICHAUD HOME GOODS B253 LAURA DEL TORO HOME GOODS B324/328 VILMAR BEAUFOSSE HOME GOODS B363 JESSE PHILLIPS HOME GOODS B407 FEDNER SAINT LEGER HOME GOODS B410 RODNEY CARROL HOME GOODS B516 MICHELLE BRODERICK HOME GOODS TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE: Date of Sale: 06/17/2024 at 1:00 PM Place of Sale: 1555 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL 33401; On sidewalk under walkway from garage near building entrance. This Notice is re- garding that certain timeshare interest owned by Obligor in Oceana Palms Condomin- ium, located in Palm Beach County, Florida, as more spe- cifically described in the Lien(s) referred to on Schedule “1”. The Obligor has failed to pay when due the Assessments, Fees, and Taxes as assessed or advanced and is thereby in de- fault of the obligation to pay such amounts as and when due Pursuant to that certain Declaration for Oceana Palms Condominium. Accordingly, the Oceana Palms Condomin- ium Association, Inc., a Florida not-for-profit corporation (As- sociation) did cause a Claim of Lien (“Lien”) to be recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach, Florida, as described on Schedule “1”, thereby perfect- ing the lien of Assessments, Fees, and Taxes pursuant to the Declaration and sections 721.16 and 192.037 Florida Statutes. The Obligor and any junior lien- holders have the right to cure the default and to redeem its respective interest, up to the date the trustee issues the cer- tificate of sale, by paying in full the amounts owed as set forth on Schedule “1” attached here- to, which include the amount secured by each lien, per diem up to and including the day of sale, plus the estimated foreclo- sure costs in the amount of $415.00, by delivering cash or certified funds to the Trustee. See Schedule “1” attached hereto for (1) the name and address of each Obligor, (2) the lien(s) reflecting the legal de- scription of the timeshare inter- est, (3) the recording informa- tion for each Lien, (4) the amount secured by each Lien, and (5) the per diem amount to account for the further ac- crual of the amounts secured by each Lien. See Exhibit “A” attached hereto for the name and address of each Junior In- terest holder, if applicable. The Association has appointed the following Trustee to conduct the trustee's sale: First American Title Insurance Company, a Nebraska corpo- ration duly registered in the state of Florida as an Insu- rance Company, 400 S. Rampart Blvd, Suite 290, Las Vegas, NV, 89145. Foreclosure HOA 138916-SN19-HOA. Schedule “1”: Obligors, Notice Address, Lien Recording Reference, Per Diem, Default Amount; John J. Byrne and Carole E. Byrne, 30 Stengel Pl Smithtown, Ny 11787 United States, Inst: 20240075656 Bk: 34868 Pg: 186, $2.26, $5,305.11; Bessie H. Gunnell, 23 Featherbed Ct Law- rence Township, Nj 08648 Unit- ed States, Inst: 20240075650 Bk: 34868 Pg: 178, $4.16, $10,999.60; Garry L. August, 815 Kiley Pkwy Unit 2806 Sparks, Nv 89436-6045 United States, Inst: 20240075817 Bk: 34868 Pg: 557, $5.94, $17,692.71. Exhibit “A”: Junior Interest Holder Name, Junior Interest Holder Address; None, N/A. 102 Architecture/Engineering 103 Auditions/Show Biz 105 Career/Training/Schools 110 Computer/Technical 112 Construction/Labor 115 Customer Service 120 Drivers/Delivery/Courier 125 Domestic Jobs 127 Education 130 Entertainment 140 Financial/Accounting 143 Government 145 Management/Professional 150 Medical/Dental/Health 155 Medical Research Studies 160 Office/Clerical 165 Professional 167 Restaurants/Hotels/Clubs 170 Retail 172 Sales & Marketing 100 Employment 102 Architecture/Engineering CIVIL ENGINEER (Miami, FL) Bachelor's in Civil Engg req'd. Perform engg duties in plan- ning, dsgng, & overseeing con- struction & maintenance of building structures for con- struction Co. Resume to Juan Avila, Coastal Construction, 5959 Blue Lagoon Dr, #200, Mia- mi, FL 33126. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER (Sunrise, FL) Master's deg in Electrical Engg reqd. Dsgn, implmt, maintain, or improve electrical instruments, eqpmt, facilities, components, prod- ucts, or systems for commer- cial, industrial, or domestic pur- poses. Resume to Samuel Robertson, Financial Recovery Group, 1351 Sawgrass Corpo- rate Pkwy, Ste 101, Sunrise, FL 33323. SENIOR FIELD SERVICE TEST ENGINEER, MARINE SANITATION (FORT LAUDERDALE, FL): Oversee workflow, ISO 9001 QMS document control, and people as it relates to produc- tion of type-approved marine equipment and environmental regulations; Perform testing ac- tivities of Marine Sanitation De- vices (MSD) and related type-ap- proved marine equipment. Master’s degree (or foreign equivalent) in Mechanical Engi- neering or Ocean Engineering plus 1 year of experience in an engineering position to include supervision of test engineers, experience with Labview pro- gramming language, ISO 9001 and ISO 17025 standards, and AutoCAD. This position requires 6 to 10 weeks of independent annual travel to various domes- tic and international shipyards. Mail resume to Headhunter, Inc., Attn: M. Mellinger, 3380 SW 11th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315 110 Computer/Technical APPL DEVELOPER (Weston, FL) Develop software appls, supporting the entire de- velopmt lifecycle. Bachelor's Comp Sci or rel field. 2 yrs' IT exp, incl some solid exp in each: MS .Net Framework; C#; MS Visual Studio; Javascript; MS SQL Server; software architecture & patterns; Amazon Web Services; Azure DevOps; code & infra- structure security best practic- es; REST; SOAP. Telecommuting from any location in US is an option for this position. Must send CV & cvr ltr to Marcia Moh- rer, Genius SIS, LLC, 14359 Mira- mar Pkwy #376, Miramar, FL 33027 w/in 30 days, ref Job #2021-571. QUANTITATIVE DEVELOPER (Citadel Securities Americas Ser- vices LLC – Miami, FL); Mult. Pos. Avail. Provide adv tech expertise to supp & enhance core trading apps at the foundation of daily functions. Resp for analyzing complex tech problems & work- ing w/ various teams & stake- holders to gather the tech needs of the bus. F/T. Re- sumes: citadelrecruitment@citadel. com. Job ID: 8226002. ADMINISTRATIVE SUPERVISOR Doral (Miami Dade) Supervise administrative staff. Provide guidance, training, and support to personnel. Manage schedules, handle correspondence, organize meetings. Maintaining accurate recordsof inventory, personnel, finance, customers. Overseeing inventory.Handle customer service.. Assist with financial tasks. Implement efficiency strategies including software. Requires at least 2 years of experience manag- ing administrative tasks such as inventory and bookkeeping. Send resume to Q Buono, Inc. 21 May 23-29, 2024 | New Times | Classified | Adult | heAlth wellness | ReAl estAte | employment |