NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE SOUTH BEACH VACATION SUITES 35279.0029 (AREVALO GIORGIS) On 4/26/2024 at 11:00 a.m., GREENSPOON MARDER, LLP, 201 E. Pine Street, Suite 500, Orlando, Florida 32801, as Trustee pursuant to that Ap- pointment of Trustee recorded on 11/15/2023 in Official Records Book 33967, and Page 3287 of the Public Records of MIAMI-DADE County, Florida, by reason of a now continuing default by Obligor(s), (See Ex- hibit “A”), whose address is (See Exhibit “A”), in the pay- ment or performance of the obligations secured by said Claim of Lien recorded in Official Records Book (See Exhibit “A”), at Page (See Exhibit “A”), of the Public Records of MIAMI-DADE County, Florida, including the breach or default, notice of which was set forth in a Notice of Default and Intent to Fore- close provided to the last known address of Obligor (s), (See Exhibit “A”), by Certified/ Registered Mail or by publica- tion by the undersigned Trus- tee, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for lawful money of the United States of America, in conference room 2701 at 3850 Bird Road, Suite 602, Miami Flori- da 33146, all right, title and in- terest in the property situated in the County of MIAMI-DADE, Florida, described as: A (SEE EXHIBIT "A") undivided tenant in common interest in Phase(s) (SEE EXHIBIT "A") of SOUTH BEACH VACATION SUITES, A CONDOMINIUM (hereinafter the ("Condominium"), having an undivided interest identification number of (SEE EXHIBIT "A") as described in the Declara- tion of Condominium thereof as recorded in O.R. Book 18590, Page 1588 in the Public Records of Miami-Dade, Florida, and all amendments thereto (the “Declaration”). Grantee/Buyer owns a Type (SEE EXHIBIT "A") Vacation Own- ership in a (SEE EXHIBIT "A") Suite and shall be required to make a reservation for a Suite, with every (SEE EXHIBIT "A") oc- cupancy rights in accordance with the provisions of the Dec- laration. Together with an ap- purtenant undivided interest in common elements of the Project as described in the Declaration. SOUTH BEACH VA- CATION SUITES 1340 OCEAN DRIVE MIAMI, FL 33139 Said sale will be made (without cove- nants, or warranty, express or implied, regarding the title, possession or encumbrances) to pay the unpaid assessments due in the amount of (See Ex- hibit “A”), with interest accru- ing at the rate of (See Exhibit “A”) per day, pursuant to the Timeshare Plan, advances, if any, under the terms of said Claim of Lien, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Claim of Lien. Obligor(s) shall have the right to cure the default which occured on (See Exhibit “A”), and any junior lienholder shall have the right to redeem its interest up to the date the Trustee issues the Certificate of Sale by paying the amounts due as outlined above. This is a non-judicial foreclosure proceeding to permit South Beach Vacation Suites Condominium Associa- tion, Inc. to pursue its in rem remedies under Florida law. By: GREENSPOON MARDER, LLP, Trustee. EXHIBIT “A” – NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Owner(s) Address TS Undiv Int ICN Year Usage Occupancy Suite Type TS Phase Vac Ownership Type COL Rec Info Yrs Delinquent Default Dt Amount Per Diem GUILLERMO AREVALO GIORGIS & ROSARIO DE AREVALO LOMAS DEL GUIJARRO SUR CALLE M DRID CASA 3883 TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS, 3400/6, 171,200, 1 BEDROOM UNIT, 1, III, 33939/ 4795, 2021-2023, $6,258.31, $3.08; NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RE: ESTATE OF ELLEN WARNER GRAHAM, Deceased. Probate Division: PMH 05 CASE NO.: 2024-000639-CP-02 Judge: Yvonne Colodny The administration of the estate of Ellen Warner Graham, deceased, whose date of death was February 3, 2024, is pending in the Circuit Court for Miami-Dade County, Florida, Case Number 2024-000639-CP-02, Probate Division PMH 05, the address of which is 73 West Flagler Street, Miami, Florida 33130. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the estate of the decedent and other per- sons having claims or demands against the estate of the dece- dent on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORI- DA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is _________________. Attorney for Personal Representative: Marilyn Byrd, R.N., Esquire Attorney for Petitioner Florida Bar Number 879649 GRAHAM LEGAL, P.A. 814 Ponce de Leon Blvd., Suite 410, Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Phone (305) 445-9185 Personal Representative: Dillon Graham, III 102 Architecture/Engineering 103 Auditions/Show Biz 105 Career/Training/Schools 110 Computer/Technical 112 Construction/Labor 115 Customer Service 120 Drivers/Delivery/Courier 125 Domestic Jobs 127 Education 130 Entertainment 140 Financial/Accounting 143 Government 145 Management/Professional 150 Medical/Dental/Health 155 Medical Research Studies 160 Office/Clerical 165 Professional 167 Restaurants/Hotels/Clubs 170 Retail 172 Sales & Marketing 175 Telemarketing Center 177 Salon 180 Security/Law Enforcement 183 Trade Jobs 185 Miscellaneous Jobs 187 Part-Time Jobs 190 Business Opportunities 193 Employment Information 195 Position Wanted 198 Non-Profit 100 Employment 102 Architecture/Engineering LOGISTICS ENGINEER (Medley, FL): Resp. for QC, pro- ductivity, reliab., & costs for svcs. plng, delivery, & CSAT. Manage subcon. Coord. logis- tics Ops. Min req: B.Sc. in Eng. or foreign equiv. Mail resumes to HR Department, Prestige Management LLC, 8125 NW 74 Ave 8, Medley FL 33166 110 Computer/Technical CYBER / INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGERS Boca Raton, FL area. Lead team of information security analysts in building & maturing security processes, capabilities & tool- ing. Job duties will be per- formed from home. Some trav- el required. Send res to: Slavic Integrated Administration, Inc. DBA Slavic 401K, 1075 Broken Sound Pkwy. NW, Ste. 100, Boca Raton, FL 33487. ENGINEERING INTELLIGENCE ANALYST: Analyze the appro- priateness of future buying and selling (FFA) strategy to open/ close positions on freight and fuel derivatives ad futures; in- vestigating port traffic prob- lems and recommending meth- ods to improve tanker fleet traffic flow and safety; inspect- ing tanker fleet vessels to en- sure compliance with applicable standards and regulations; modelling tanker fleet transpor- tation scenarios to evaluate the impacts of activities such as new developments or to identi- fy possible solutions to tanker fleet transportation problems; evaluate current, past, future routes and clients; use AIS and API databases as well as IMOS, PowerBI, Python, and SAP soft- ware. REQS: Must have 2 years of experience in the job or in positions working with AIS and API databases as well as IMOS, PowerBI, Python, and SAP soft- ware. Mail resume, Attn: Gabrie- la Baez, Lauderdale Tankers, Corp., 1001 Brickell Bay Drive, Suite 2904, Miami, FL 33131. SR. DEVLPR (Fort Lauderdale, FL): Dsign, devlp & implmnt RESTful API applction prgrmmng interfce and Simple Objct Accss Protcl (SOAP) basd Websrvics for healthcre sftwre & IT cmpny. Remote workng option available, may telecm- mute from any location in US. Reqs: Mast deg or equiv in Comp Sci, Engnerng (any), Biz or rel & 2 yrs exp as Sftware Dvlpr, Sftware Engneer, Systms Anlyst or rel pstion. Alterntively, emplyr also accpts Bach deg or equiv in Comp Sci, Engnerng (any), Biz or rel & 5 yrs exp as Sftware Dvlpr, Sftware Engneer, Systms Anlyst or rel pstion. Any suitble combinatn of eductn, trainng or exp is acceptable. Mail resume to: HR, HHS Tech- nology Group LLC, 6600 N An- drews Ave, Ste 570, Fort Lau- derdale, FL 33309. NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO FORECLOSE SOUTH BEACH VACATION SUITES FILE: 35279.0030, 35279.0031 & 35279.0032 Pursuant to Section 721.855, Florida Statutes, the undersigned Trustee as appointed by South Beach Vacation Suites Condominium Association, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Association”) hereby formally notifies (See Exhibit “A”) that you are in default due to your failure to pay assessment(s) due for (See Exhibit “A”) pursuant to the Association’ s governing documents (“Governing Documents”) and you now owe Association unpaid assessments, interest, late fees, attorney fees, and costs. Additional interest continues to accrue. A lien for these amounts has been recorded against the following real property located in MIAMI-DADE County, Florida: (See Exhibit “A”) A (SEE EXHIBIT “A”) undivided tenant in common interest in Phase(s) (SEE EXHIBIT “A”) of SOUTH BEACH VACATION SUITES, A CONDOMINIUM (hereinafter the (“Condominium”), having an undivided interest identification number of (SEE EXHIBIT “A”) as described in the Declaration of Condominium thereof as recorded in O.R. Book 18590, Page 1588 in the Public Records of Miami-Dade, Florida, and all amendments thereto (the “Declaration”). Grantee/Buyer owns a Type (SEE EXHIBIT “A”) Vacation Ownership in a (SEE EXHIBIT “A”) Suite and shall be required to make a reservation for a Suite, with every (SEE EXHIBIT “A”) occupancy rights in accordance with the provisions of the Declaration. Together with an appurtenant undivided interest in common elements of the Project as described in the Declaration. (herein “Time Share Plan (Property) Address”). As a result of the aforementioned default, Association hereby elects to sell the Property pursuant to Section 721.855, Florida Statutes. Please be advised that in the event that the debt owed to the Association is not paid by 04/27/2024, the undersigned Trustee shall proceed with the sale of the Property as provided in in Section 721.855, Florida Statutes, the undersigned Trustee shall: (1) Provide you with written notice of the sale, including the date, time and location thereof; (2) Record the notice of sale in the Public Records of MIAMI-DADE County, Florida; and (3) Publish a copy of the notice of sale two (2) times, once each week, for two (2) successive weeks, in an MIAMI-DADE County newspaper, provided such a newspaper exists at the time of publishing. If you fail to cure the default as set forth in this notice or take other appropriate action with regard to this foreclosure matter, you risk losing ownership of your timeshare interest through the trustee foreclosure procedure established in Section 721.855, Florida Statutes. You may choose to sign and send to the undersigned trustee the objection form, exercising your right to object to the use of the trustee foreclosure procedure. Upon the undersigned trustee’ s receipt of your signed objection form, the foreclosure of the lien with respect to the default specified in this notice shall be subject to the judicial foreclosure procedure only. You have the right to cure your default in the manner set forth in this notice at any time before the trustee’s sale of your timeshare interest. If you do not object to the use of the trustee foreclosure procedure, you will not be subject to a deficiency judgment even if the proceeds from the sale of your timeshare interest are insufficient to offset the amounts secured by the lien. By: GREENSPOON MARDER, LLP, Trustee, 201 E. Pine Street, Suite 500, Orlando, FL 32801. EXHIBIT “A” – NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO FORECLOSE (35279.0030) Owner(s) Address TS Undiv Int ICN Year Usage Occupancy Suite Type TS Phase Vac Ownership Type COL Rec Info Yrs Delinquent Default Dt MARIA CLARA SALAZAR CARRERA 13 # 112-05 APT 603 TOWER NO. 2 PEREIRA, COLOMBIA, 7000/6,171,200, YEAR, 2 BEDROOM, 1, II, 33981/2643, 2023;LUIS FERNANDO RAMIREZ CARR 4 NO. 59-91 APT. 602 BOGOTA, COLOMBIA, 5000/6,171,200, YEAR, 2 BEDROOM, 1, IV, 33981/2643, 2023;DIEGO M. GOMEZ K44 #20 A 35 PASTO, COLOMBIA, 7000/6,171,200, YEAR, 2 BEDROOM, 1, II, 33981/2643, 2023;JULIO C FUNEZ & RIGOBERTO GUTIERREZ COLONIA UNVERSAL 2ND CALLE 18 Y 19 AVE NE #2127, CARRETERA VIEJA A LA LIMA SAN PEDRO SULA, 21103 HONDURAS, 5000/6,171,200, YEAR, 2 BEDROOM, 1, IV, 33981/2643, 2023;HUGO SANZETENEA & ROSARIO DE SANZETENEA CALLE LUGONES ESQ. AV LA SALLE CONDOMINIO EQUIPETROL 1, DEPTO 202-C SANTA CRUZ DE LA SIE, SANTA CRUZ 1111 BOLIVIA, 4800/6,171,200, YEAR, 1 BEDROOM, 1, I, 33981/2643, 2023;DAVID S. SHURTLEFF & JACQUI L. SHURTLEFF 2609 N 36TH ST BOISE, ID 83703-4801, 3400/6,171,200, YEAR, 1 BEDROOM, 1, III, 33981/2643, 2023;S. LYNNE BORKOWSKI, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS TRUSTEE OF THE S. LYNNE BORKOWSKI REVOCABLE TRUST, OR ANY SUCCESSOR AGREEMENT DATED FEB 17, 2009 17283 ROSY MOUND LN APT 310 GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417, 3400/6,171,200, YEAR, 1 BEDROOM, 1, III, 33981/2643, 2023;ROGER W.J. HUNT SHELLY BAY APT 5 1 CHURCH CRESCENT HAMILTON PARISH, CR01 BERMUDA, 4800/6,171,200, YEAR, 1 BEDROOM, 1, I, 33981/2643, 2022-2023;MEGAN L. HARDING & JOHN D. HARDING 3482 LADOGA AVE LONG BEACH, CA 90808-2950, 3400/6,171,200, YEAR, 1 BEDROOM, 2, III, 33981/2643, 2023;JUNE D. MAY 4111 18TH ST NE WASHINGTON, DC 20018-3201, 3400/6,171,200, YEAR, 1 BEDROOM, 2, III, 33981/2643, 2023;BRIAN R. PATIENCE & MARGARET J. PATIENCE 9 HILLCREST DR. PETIT VALLEY, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 14000/6,171,200, YEAR, 2 BEDROOM, 2, II, 33981/2643, 2023; EXHIBIT “A” – NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO FORECLOSE (35279.0031) Owner(s) Address TS Undiv Int ICN Year Usage Occupancy Suite Type TS Phase Vac Ownership Type COL Rec Info Yrs Delinquent Default Dt DENNIS R. ERLANDSON PO BOX 56 SALMON, ID 83467-0056, 4800/6,171,200, YEAR, 1-BEDROOM, 1, I, 33981/2646, 2023;DAVID A. YAW & BARBARA C. YAW 2965 ALLENTOWN RD QUAKERTOWN, PA 18951-4042, 5000/6,171,200, YEAR, 2-BEDROOM, 2, IV, 33981/2646, 2023; AMIMUL A. CHOUDHURY & SHAHEEN A.CHOUDHURY 5516 E DARTMOOR DR MONROE, MI 48161-5000, 4800/6,171,200, YEAR, 1-BEDROOM, 1, I, 33981/2646, 2023;YVETTE ST. JUST 1 CITY PLACE - APT. 307 WHITE PLAINS, NY 10601, 4800/6,171,200, YEAR, 1-BEDROOM, 2, I, 33981/2646, 2023;DANIEL ARTHUR HAYWARD & ELAINE ALICE HAYWARD 105 SE GILLILAND RD PENSACOLA, FL 32507, 4800/6,171,200, YEAR, 1-BED- ROOM, 2, I, 33981/2646, 2023;SHYAM PATEL GREENWAY SUNNYSIDE ROAD,SANDGATE FOLKESTONE, KENT CT20 3DR GREAT BRITAIN AND NO, 4800/6,171,200, YEAR, 1-BEDROOM, 1, I, 33981/2646, 2023;HARALD GETREYSCHLOSSBERGSTR. 2C WALLERFANGEN, 66798 GERMANY, 7,000/6,171,200 & 7,000/6,171,200, YEAR & YEAR, TWO BEDROOM & TWO BEDROOM, 2 & 2, II & VI, 33981/2646, 2023; EXHIBIT “A” – NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND INTENT TO FORECLOSE (35279.0032) Owner(s) Address TS Undiv Int ICN Year Usage Occupancy Suite Type TS Phase Vac Ownership Type COL Rec Info Yrs Delinquent Default Dt JOANIE BOWES-STEPHENS & MICHAEL STEPHENS 4845 GREENHILLS CIRCLE ANTIOCH, CA 94531, 3,400/6,171,200, 3,400-549, YEAR, ONE BEDROOM, 1, 33981/2649, 2023;GIANNI BOCCALETTI & HELGA MARIA HOCK BOCCALETTI VIA EUGANEA,52 PADOVA, 35141 ITALY, 4,800/6,171,200, 4,800/3026, YEAR,ONE BEDROOM, 2, I, 33981/2649, 2023;MICHAEL DAVID JOHNSON & HEATHER SUTHERLAND JOHNSON 7985 THUNDER RIVER WAY CUMMING, GA 30028-3666,4,800/6,171,200, 4,800-2715, YEAR, ONE BEDROOM, 2, I, 33981/2649, 2022-2023;FABIAN ROMANOS & HEATHER ROMANOS 43783 ELLESMERE CIR NOVI,MI48377-2308, 3,400/6,171,200, 3,400-3849, YEAR, ONE BEDROOM, 2, III, 33981/2649, 2023; HS Diploma at Home! earn your HS Diploma today. For more info call 1-800-470-4723 or visit NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 2023-021342-CA-01 Riechers, Jeremy et al Plaintiff(s) v. Boyce, Benjamin Defendant(s) Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a writ of execution issued in the above styled cause, I, Alfredo Ramirez III, Sheriff of Miami-Dade County, Florida, have levied upon and will offer for sale subject to all liens of records, all the right, title, and interest of said defendant BENJAMIN BOYCE, the below described property. The sale will be held at 601 NW 1 Court, on the 9th Floor, in Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida, on the 08 day of May, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. and continue from day to day, except Saturday and Sunday, until such property is disposed of to the highest and best bid- der for cash. The following property is offered for sale: Judgement Debtors Benja- min Boyce shall turn over his membership certificates, to the extent they have been issued or are in the Judgement Debtor’s possession and control, representing his 100% interest in (i) Kandy Boy LLC; (ii) Kandy Boy PC LLC; (iii) JBL Ventures LLC dba Reefcanna; (iv) WanderKeys LLC; (v) Vitamin MD LLC; (vi) Boyce Holdings LLC (vii) The Plug Direct LLC; (viii) Lash of London LLC; (ix) Algiers Point Fine Art LLC; (x) Boyce Capital LLC; and (xi) Distributor Benji LLC, pursu- ant to Court Order attached hereto. as the property of the said defendant, BENJAMIN BOYCE to satisfy said Writ of Execution. Dated this 25 day of March, 2024 Stephanie V. Daniels Director and Metropolitan Miami-Dade County Florida Miami, FL 33160 By: Sergeant E. Valdes, Deputy Sheriff SHERIFF'S SEAL ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF Roniel Rodriguez IV 150 West Flagler Street, Suite 1675 Miami, FL 33160 For information regarding this case contact Arianne Caceres at: (786) 469-3659 20 April 11-17, 2024 | New Times | EmploymEnt | REal EstatE | hEalth wEllnEss | adult | Classified |