NOTICE OF SALE BEST LIEN SERVICES LOCATED AT:7290 SW 41 ST MIAMI, FL 33155 WILL SELL AT A RESERVED PUBLIC SALE AT 9:00AM THE VEHICLES LISTED BELOW AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS TO SATISFY LIEN PURSUANT TO SECTION 713.78 OF THE FL ST. TERMS OF THE SALE ARE CASH, NO CHECKS. SELLER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO FINAL BID. ALL SALES ARE FINAL, NO REFUNDS, NO GUARANTEES. VEHICLES ARE SUBJECT TO RELEASE PRIOR TO SALE. WHITT’S TOW AWAY:5885 COMMERCE LN S.MIAMI,FL33143 P#:305-226-9333 APR.22,2024 2024 BMW UT 5UX43DP03R9T57427 APR.23,2024 2013 TOYT VN 5TDKK3DC3DS353246 WHITT’S TOW AWAY:10736 SW188ST MIAMI,FL33157 P#:305-226-9333 APR.25,2024 2007 FORD UT 2FMDK36C17BB59984 2007 CHEV 4D 1G1AK55F177273760 PRESTIGE AUTO TRANSPORT TOWING & RECOVERY:1491 NE130ST N.MIAMI,FL33161 P#:305-947-1100 APR.22,2024 2018 HOND MC MLHNC5107J5400020 2000 TOYT 4D 2T1BR12E4YC290600 2008 BMW 4D WBANV13598CZ57349 2008 HOND 4D 1HGCP26828A145484 1998 NISS 4D JN1CA21D8WM903993 2023 NISS UT 5N1BT3BA9PC926117 2022 DODG UT 1C4RDJAG5NC217451 2022 JBLC MS L2BB8BCH3PB111018 2020 FORD CV 1FATP8FF7L5119454 APR.23,2024 2008 ALLE MH 5VBBA67A48A112306 2016 CHEV 4D 1G1PC5SHXG7187327 2013 FORD TK 1FTFW1EF2DKG28244 1999 TOYT 4D 4T1BG22K7XU412655 APR.25,2024 2014 BMW 4D WBA5B3C50ED536159 2002 MERZ 2D WDBLJ70G42T118584 2013 CHEV 4D 2G1WC5E37D1208932 2024 JEEP 4D 1C4RJHEG0R8951595 2003 FORD 2D 1FAFP42X03F430769 2019 KAWA MC JKAEXKG16KDA22587 APR.26,2024 2023 YNGF MS HZ2TABGF5P1003210 1991 MERZ 2D WDBFA66E5MF027676 2021 PORS 4D WP0AB2Y11MSA43735 L.L TOWING:188 NW27ST MIAMI,FL33142 P#:305-300-1317 APR.22,2024 2008 FORD PK 1FTRX12W68KC57450 2014 DODG 2D 2C3CDYAG1EH274150 APR.26,2024 2013 MERZ 4D WDDGF4HB7DA828434 FAST TOWING:3451 NW79ST MIAMI ,FL33147 P#:786-216-6647 APR.22,2024 2020 CHEV UT 2GNAXUEV3L6244935 2021 TOYT 4D 5YFEPMAE8MP168726 2022 DODG 2D 2C3CDZJG2NH246945 EC MAX TOWING:6895 W12AVE HIALEAH,FL33014 P#:786-270-3256 APR.22,2024 2012 CHEV VN 1GCZGUCA7C1200354 2014 HYUN 3D KMHTC6AE8EU210794 BISMILLAH TOWING:417 NW120AVE PEMBROKE PINES,FL33025 P#:954-504-2624 APR.22,2024 2016 CHRY 4D 1C3CCCFB5GN189034 2018 NISS UT 5N1DR2MMXJC654144 BUFFALO TOWING & CARS:5315 PEMBROKE RD HOLLYWOOD,FL33021 P#:786-444-7688 APR.22,2024 2011 KIA UT 5XYKU4A23BG126628 ACET RECOVERY:305 N.SEABORD RD N.MIAMIBCH,FL33169 P#:305-968-3867 APR.22,2024 2009 HD MC 1HD1KB4119Y628403 SUPREME TOWING:113 SW3AVE HOMESTEAD,FL33030 P#:305-562-5460 APR.22,2024 2020 KIA UT KNDP63AC7L7652519 ULTRA EMERGENCY TOWING:1520 W37ST HIALEAH,FL33010 P#:786-714-9678 APR.22,2024 2014 FORD UT 1FMCU0G92EUA06643 ISMEL TOWING:10541 SW184TER CUTLER BAY,FL33157 P#:786-619-6800 APR.22,2024 2013 NISS 4D JN8AF5MR5DT212474 PRIME TOWING AND TRANSPORTA- TION:10541 SW184TER MIAMI,FL33157 P#:786-672-8136 APR.24,2024 2009 MERZ UT 4JGBB86E29A462647 THE TOWMAN TOWING & RECOVERY:17050 NW3RD AVE N.MIAMI BCH,FL33169 P#:305-879-3509 APR.26,2024 2016 NISS 4D 1N4AA6AP2GC401225 NOTICE OF SALE BEST LIEN SERVICES LOCATED AT:7290 SW 41 ST MIAMI, FL 33155 WILL SELL AT A RESERVED PUBLIC SALE AT 9:00AM THE VEHICLES LISTED BELOW AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS TO SATISFY LIEN PURSUANT TO SECTION 713.585 OF THE FL ST. THE LIEN CLAIMED BY THE LIENOR IS SUBJECT TO ENFORCEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 713.585, F.S. AND THE VEHICLE MAY BE SOLD TO SATISFY THE LIEN.THE LIEN IS CLAIMED FOR LABOR, SERVICES PERFORMED, AND STORAGE CHARGES, IF ANY, AND THE AMOUNT DUE IN CASH ON THE DAY OF SALE, IF PAID TO THE LIENOR, WOULD REDEEM THE MOTOR VEHICLE.AT ANY TIME BEFORE THE DATE OF THE SALE OR PROPOSED SALE THE OWNER OR ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTEREST OR A LIEN ON THE VEHICLE MAY FILE A DEMAND FOR HEARING WITH THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN THE COUNTY WHERE THE VEHICLE IS HELD TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE VEHICLE HAS BEEN WRONGFULLY TAKEN OR WITHHELD FROM HIM OR HER. AT ANY TIME BEFORE THE DATE OF THE SALE OR PROPOSED SALE A CUSTOMER OR A PERSON OF RECORD CLAIMING A LIEN ON THE VEHICLE MAY POST A CASH OR SURETY BOND IN THE AMOUNT STATED ON THE INVOICE WITH THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT WHERE THE DISPUTED TRANSACTION OCCURRED.ANY PERSON(S) CLAIMING ANY INTEREST IN THE ABOVE VEHICLES SHOULD CONTACT BEST LIEN SERVICES (1-866-299-9391) AT LEAST 1 WEEK PRIOR TO THE LIEN SALE. 2021 TOYT TK 5TFEY5F14MX282569 APR.29,2024 AT: NEW AGE PERFORMANCE 9695 NW 79AVE #33 OPALOCKA,FL33016 P#786-290-6256 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $6,884.23 2007 TOYT 4D 1NXBR32E77Z848559 APR.29,2024 AT: QUANTUM BODY SHOP 8034 NW 103ST #17 HIALEAH,FL33016 P#954-422-2137 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $3,344.75 2012 BMW CV WBALZ3C54CC397529 APR.29,2024 AT: FIVE START BODY SHOP 3015 NW 23TER MIAMI,FL33142 P#305-731-1014 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $6,990.00 2016 NISS 4D 1N4AL3AP0GC259417 APR.29,2024 AT: TEMIS MOTORSPORTS 4270 NW 19AVE #F DEERFIELDBCH,FL33064 P#954-693-6040SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $1,415.00 2016 MAZD 5D JM1BM1K74G1339362 APR.30,2024 AT: VEGA MOTORS 3883 PEMBROKE RD HOLLYWOOD,FL33021 P#954-549-4409 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $4,600.95 2012 NISS 4D 1N4AA5AP9CC818412 APR.30,2024 AT: VEGA MOTOR 3883 PEMBROKE RD HOLLYWOOD,FL33021 P#954-549-4409 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$5,366.00 2017 NISS 4D 1N4AL3AP6HN345417 APR.30,2024 AT: ALEXIS AUTO 1994 NW 55AVE MARGATE,FL33063 P#954-294-7126 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS$5,441.10 2017 MERZ 4D WDDUG8CB5HA285346 APR.30,2024 AT: THE 1 AUTO SOLUTION 2550 ALIBABA AVE OPALOCKA,FL33054 P#786-508-1300 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $9,571.17 2018 HOND 4D 1HGCV1F1XJA239993 APR.30,2024 AT: D&R CLASSIC BODY SHOP 1725 W 31PL HIALEAH,FL33012 P#305-362-6598 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $10,637.63 2020 HYUN 4D 5NPEH4J28LH010630 APR.30,2024 AT: LEGACY A INCORPORATED13720 SW 143CT #106-107 MIAMI,FL33186 P#305-251-5401 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $9,796.00 2019 TOYT 4D 4T1B11HK8KU172141 APR.30,2024 AT: L&Y COLLISION CENTER10400 SW187 ST CUTLER BAY,FL33157 P#786-328-0030 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $9,496.45 2023 CHEV UT 3GNAXKEGXPL247497 APR.30,2024 AT: L&Y COLLISION CENTER 10400 SW 187ST CUTLER BAY,FL33157 P#786-328-0030 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $11,437.74 2019 HYUN 4D 5NPD84LF8KH404302 APR.30,2024 AT: NO LIMIT AUTO BODY 1450 NW 21ST MIAMI,FL33142 P#305-548-3232 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $2,616.00 2016 NISS 4D JN8AT2MT1GW014965 APR.30,2024 AT: ELIZ BODY SHOP 3350 NW S.RIVER DR MIAMI,FL33142 P#786-758-1906 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $10,125.01 2021 HYUN 4D 5NPLM4AG3MH008431 APR.30,2024 AT: ELIZ BODY SHOP 3350 NW S.RIVER DR MIAMI,FL33142 P#786-758-1906 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $16,125.50 2004 FORD TK 3FRNX65N24V664552 MAY.1,2024 AT: CJ MOTOR 14 337 W 75PL HIALEAH,FL33014 P#786-586-4602 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $8,489.60 2022 HOND 4D 2HGFE2F5XNH549610 MAY.1,2024 AT: SUN CITY AUTO MOTORS 8015 NW 64 ST MIAMI,FL33166 P#305-381-0726 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $1,635.53 2018 CHEV UT 1GNEVJKW6JJ167710 MAY.1,2024 AT: SUN CITY AUTO MOTORS 8015 NW 64ST MIAMI,FL33166 P#305-381-0726 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $1,952.92 2021 TOYT 4D 4T1G11AK8MU546086 MAY.2,2024 AT: A+AUTO COLLISION CENTER 8050 NW 58ST DORAL,FL33166 P#786-452-9912 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $1,230.67 2018 NISS 4D 1N4AL3AP4JC190156 MAY.2,2024 AT: D&E PAINT&BODY SHOP 8725 NW 117ST HIALEAHGDNS,FL33018 P#305-922-3857 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $10,666.97 2019 ALFA UT ZASPAJAN4K7C41136 MAY.2,2024 AT: Y&J AUTO REPAIR 4500 E 10LN HIALEAH,FL33013 P#786-992-5946 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $4,939.91 2016 AUDI 4D WAUFFAFL2GN016176 MAY.2,2024 AT: Y&J AUTO REPAIR 4500 E 10LN HIALEAH,FL33013 P#786-992-5946 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $7,412.46 2020 TOYT 4D JTDEPRAE5LJ074349 MAY.2,2024 AT: Y&J AUTO REPAIR 4500 E 10LN HIALEAH,FL33013 P#786-992-5946 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $9,509.79 2018 MERZ 4D WDDZF4JB9JA470106 MAY.2,2024 AT: HANGER MOTOR BODY SHOP 13450 SW 134AVE #B007 MIAMI,FL33186 P#786-393-2243 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $26,115.13 2018 CADI 4D 2G61M5S30J9117570 MAY.2,2024 AT: HANGER MOTOR BODY SHOP 13450 SW134AVE #B007 MIAMI,FL33186 P#786-393-2243 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $9,495.00 2019 MAZD 4D JM1DKDB71K0444231 MAY.2,2024 AT: HANGER MOTOR BODY SHOP 13450 SW 134AVE #B007 MIAMI,FL33186 P#786-393-2243 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $13,881.73 2022 FORD TK 1FT8W2BT2NEF75148 MAY.2,2024 AT: HANGER MOTOR BODY SHOP 13450 SW 134AVE #B007 MIAMI,FL33186 P#786-393-2243 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $25,352.04 2021 HOND UT 5J6RW1H56MA004303 MAY.2,2024 AT: RAIMBOW COLLECTION BODY SHOP 8725 NW 117ST #10 MIAMI,FL33018 P#786-716-2769 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $13,119.98 2015 NISS VN 3N6CM0KN2FK696451 MAY.2,2024 AT: FYNETUNE PERFORMANCE 14229 SW 139CT MIAMI,FL33186 P#305-971-0457 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $3,997.88 2019 FORD UT 1FMJU2AT1KEA58374 MAY.2,2024 AT: GF AUTO REPAIR 9605 NW 79AVE HIALEAHGDNS,FL33016 P#786-767-0017 SUM TO REDEEM VEHICLE IS $5,562.55 140 Financial/Accounting ACCOUNTANT Urdaneta Truck- ing, Corp. seeks an Accountant to record financial transactions; prepare financial statements/ reports; reconcile bank ac- counts/other financial instru- ments; manage accounts pay- able/receivable; assist with budgeting; ensure compliance with tax laws/ regulations; com- pute deductions for taxes; ana- lyze financial data/provide rec- ommendations; maintain general ledger/financial records; assist with audits/ financial reviews; prepare/pro- cess payroll information; ensure accurate financial reporting. Requirements: Bachelor’s de- gree in Accounting. Resumes Attn: J. Urdaneta 9900 W sam- ple Rd, Ste 300, Coral Springs, FL 33065. FINANCIAL ANALYST Arctic Industries, Inc. Financial Analyst Miami, Florida Resp: Oversee or participate in regular inventory cycle counts and set standard costs of manufactured goods. Collabo- rate with inventory team re- garding inventory count dis- crepancies or issues. Support financial cost containment by minimizing inventory loss, root- cause analyses, turnover rates and space requirements. Devel- op and analyze cost standards, process monthly journal en- tries, analyze material labor and other expenses to determine production costs, cost of sales and other cost-related perfor- mance measures. Maintain job costing functions and other financial and administrative sys- tems to ensure accuracy, integ- rity and cost control. Support monthly and quarterly invento- ry processes; provide analytical and data collection support to management on a monthly and quarterly basis. Prepare and maintain dashboard reporting for the company on weekly and monthly deliverables. Assist in the preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual financial statements. Req: Bachelor’s de- gree in accounting or a related field. Prior experience must in- clude 2 years of experience as a financial analyst or related posi- tion; 2 years of experience working with GAAP or IFRS; 2 years of experience working with Excel accounting func- tions; 2 years of experience working with accounting soft- ware such as QuickBooks or similar software; and 2 years of experience working with monthly, quarterly and annual reporting, and 2 years of expe- rience working with materials and inventory tracking. To ap- ply, please contact Yoryely Ber- nal at 145 Management/Professional AVP, REINSURANCE BROKER Arthur J. Gallagher in Miami, FL seeks AVP, Reinsurance Broker to maintain client & reinsurer relationships. Reqs BS + 2 yrs exp. To apply: mail resumes to Attn: HR, (000460); 2850 Golf Road, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008. Must ref: Job Title. EOE. BUSINESS OPERATIONS ANALYST Miami Gardens (Miami Dade County) Analyze data for potential busi- ness expansion and opportu- nities. Identify areas of im- provements. Identify automation opportunities. Gen- erate reports to understand business performance. Provide guidance to junior staff. Allo- cate resources and maintain cost efficiency. Ensure solutions meet business needs and re- quirements. Develop relation- ships with partners. Requires a bachelor’s degree in business administration. Send resume to: TMC Import & Export Company, LLC. CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER(S) Felman Production LLC seeks Chief Operating Offi- cer(s) in Miami, FL to oversee and manage production levels with U.S. and Georgian subsidi- aries based on sales and supply contracts. Oversee over 100 people through 4 direct re- ports. 40% international and 25% domestic travel required, including to Letart, WV. Mail re- sume to Daniela Rost at 10750 NW 6th Court, 2nd Floor, Mia- mi, FL 33168; reference job code M1757-00005. E.O.E. COLLECTIONS ANALYST II: Devel & impl customer segmen- tation, optimization models, & machine learning algorithms to drive strategic & tactical en- hancement of company’s col- lections strategies using knowl of machine learning, applied retrogression, time series, pro- gramming for data analytics (python, R & SQL) statistics deci- sion making, & data visualiza- tion incl dashboard tools (Pow- er BI & Tableau). Master. Remote work avail. Must report to HQ in Davie, FL 1X per quar- ter. $87,100 - $100K per year. Resume to: Gaby Serrano, Bank- ers Healthcare Group LLC 10234 W. State Road 84, Davie, FL 33324 COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST MIAMI (Miami Dade) Develop and implement a cus- tomer service center. Develop a greeting and communication manual for the customer ser- vice operators to follow. Devel- op a communication and adver- tising campaign. Develop media relations strategy. Coordinate all public relations activities. Create media content. Requires a bachelor’s degree in communications and at least one year of experience creating content and coordinating pub- lic relations activities through traditional and social media. Send resume to Megala Blinds & Shades Corp. FINANCIAL & INVESTMENT ANALYST, GAS STATIONS for LSC Investment, LLC in Mia- mi, FL. Analyze financial or op- erational performance of the different gas stations owned by the group to identify or recom- mend strategies to purchase & sale based on market condi- tions among other duties. Req: Bachelor’s degree in Business Economics or Finance or its foreign degree equiv. Mail re- sumes to LSC Investment LLC at 201 S Biscayne Blvd, Suite 1150, Miami, FL 33131 FT/PERM COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST DANVA HOME IM- PROVEMENTS, INC.2205 West 9th Avenue Hialeah FL 33010 seeks FT/PERM Communication Specialist to Strengthen social media presence & integration, dvlp PR strategies, anlyz digital metrics, enhance brand & create corp reports. Req: BS in Comm or Mktg & 2 yrs exp. As Mktg or Comm coord. incl 1 yr of prof. in social media (FB, IG, TW, YT, TikTok). Email CV: INTERNATIONAL MARKET RESEARCH ANALYST (dental health services) sought by a dental clinic in Miami, FL. Must have a bach deg in den- tistry. Will accept foreign edu- cational equiv. Among others, job duties would incl conduct- ing comprehensive research to identify trends, patient needs, & competitive activities in int'l dental health mkts. Send re- sume by mail to TMJ Dental Consultants, Inc., 7741 SW 62 Ave, South Miami, FL 33143 JR ASSOCIATE for Michael J Li- beratore PA in Miami, FL. Assist Senior attorney w/ review, as- sessment & eval of compliance w/immigr laws & policies + all transnt'l corp & int'l business law svcs to LatAm private & corp clients, among other du- ties. Req: JD degr or its foreign degr equiv.; license to practice law in the US; 1 yr of exp in the position. Exp must incl: Con- duct client intake & consulta- tions; Analyze legal issues & de- sign legal strategy; Prepare clients for govmnt interviews by conducting mock interviews. Mail resume to MJL Law, 1000 Brickell Ave, #450, Miami, FL 33131 LEAD QUANTITATIVE ANALYTICS: Leverage advncd targeting & modeling tech- niques using R & Python to seg- ment company’s marketable universe & build strategies to target prospects. Use SQL &Tab- leau. Master + exp. Remote work avail. Must report to HQ in Davie, FL 1x per quarter. $144,300 - $160K Resume to: Gaby Serrano, Bankers Health- care Group LLC 10234 W. State Road 84, Davie, FL 33324 LIGHTING DESIGNER Everlast Production, Inc. seeks to hire a Lighting Designer w/ AAS in Technical or related field (or fqn eqv). Candidate will lead the setup and dismantling of small to mid-sized shows.; collabo- rate w/ production team, pro- ject Manager and on-site per- sonnel; program/operate lighting console; create, circuit, and implement project design changes for projects using CAD; be adaptable to on-site techni- cal modifications; perform quality control on lights and prep shows; monthly travel to Palm Beach, Tampa, Orlando, Boca Raton, Houston and Nash- ville to perform work. Salary $50,000/year. Mail CV to Ivette Arias at 59 SW 12th Ave, Suite 110, Dania Beach, FL 33004 MANAGER, PRODUCTS AND TECHNOLOGY (MULT POS), PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services LLC, Miami, FL. Prvd Agile prjct mngmnt on cross-fnctnl teams & lead junr resurcs, ensurng prjcts follow strct tmelns, qulty stndrds & budgt. Req Bach’s deg or foreign equiv in Comp Sci, Bus Anlytcs, Comp & Info Sci or rel, + 4 yrs of rel wrk exp. 80% telecmmtng prmttd. Mst be able to cmmute to des- ignated local office. Domestic &/or int trvl up to 80% req. Please apply by sending your resume to US_PwC_Career_Recruitment@, specifying Job Code FL3998 in the subject line. SR. QUALITY CONTROL SPECIALIST USpharma LTD has openings for the position Sr. Quality Control Specialist with Master’s degree in Pharmacy, Pharmacy Administration, or related and 2 yrs of exp to manage and coordinate change controls and investigate prod- uct quality issues, OOS, and CAPAs. Perform internal and external audits and vendor qualifications. participate in regulatory FDA, DEA, and client audits.Review & Approve - cGMP SOPs, master and execut- ed batch records, validation protocols, reports,specifica- tions, and other related docu- ments. Provide support for product recalls and field alerts. Manage and oversee DEA/Con- trolled substances program/ use. Oversee equipment use and service agreements,main- tenance, and calibration, man- age stability program; Manage analytical software administra- tion in compliance with 21 CFR parts 210 and 211; Serve as an SME for Analytical projects - method development, method validation, verification, and method transfer; Support quar- terly and annual reports for products as applicable;Mentor and train Quality staff. Review and Approve quality data and issue Certificate of Analysis. Work location is Miami Lakes,FL with required travel to client lo- cations throughout the USA.Please mail resumes to 13900, NW 57th CT, Miami Lakes, FL 33014 or e-mail: mano.govindaraj 172 Sales DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGIST wanted in Miami, FL. Prepare reports of findings, illustrating data graphically and translating complex findings into written text. Collect and analyze data on customer demographics, preferences, needs, to identify potential markets and factors affecting product demand. Oversee the creation of client assigned SEM campaigns. Lead the communi- cation and development of as- signed client SEM presenta- tions. Optimize digital assets, multimedia assets for search engine optimization and usability of devise strategies. Acquire in-depth knowledge of client’s business; their key is- sues, competitive situation and industry trends. Track, report, campaign results in terms of lead generation, sales conver- sion, revenue and other SEO metrics. Identify business op- portunities and driving solu- tions with analytics. Prepare ac- curate and timely internal communication; cost adjust- ments; performance notes, media plan requests; estimates and status reports. Must have a Bachelor’s degree or foreign equivalent in marketing, busi- ness, finance or a related field and 2 years of progressive exp. in the job or related field or as a SEM Analyst. In-depth knowl- edge of digital marketing chan- nels, tools, and best practices. Must be post Bachelor’s. Mail resume: WWWorld Media Inc. D/B/A WMX Attn: Shane Phelps, 3401 N. Miami Ave, Miami Flori- da 33127. ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ANALYST: (Job Location: Boca Raton, FL) Conduct organizational studies and evaluations, design systems and procedures, conduct work simplification and measure- ment studies, and prepare op- erations and procedures manu- als to assist management in operating more efficiently and effectively, while optimizing our company’s organizational de- velopment, including its cus- tomer service, business devel- opment, staffing and financial operations. Plan study of work problems and procedures. Gather and organize informa- tion on problems and proce- dures. Analyze data gathered and develop solutions or alter- native methods of proceeding. Confer with personnel to en- sure successful functioning of newly implemented organiza- tional changes. REQS: Must have 2 years of experience in the job or in supervisory or managerial positions dealing with customer service, business development, staffing and financial opera- tions. Mail resume, Attn. Ruben Rosales, Scott Jay Senft, LLC., 126 South Federal Hwy., Suite 208, Dania Beach, FL 33004. PROJECT MANAGER Miller Glass & Glazing Inc seeks Project Manager in Pompano Beach, FL to oversee construc- tion project completion, define construction project objectives, scope, budget, & develop pro- ject plans/timelines/milestones. Create purchase orders for job materials. Create change orders received from the field and from contractor. Manage su- perintendents. Facilitate monthly billings. Monthly re- view of budget. Assist in close out paperwork and coordinate final inspection. Occasional after hours and weekend work. Req: 3 yrs same or related exp. Resumes: REAL ESTATE ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR: F/T pos. in Miami, FL. Bachelor’s deg in Ad- min comb Edu & Exp, or equiv. 12 mos of exp in Admin and Coordinating duties for an off. and 6 mos of exp working with Intl Real Estate clientele. Re- quired knwl of cross-cultural re- lationship between us and Lat- am to identify social and georg. characs. for bus dev and mktg purposes. Admin. daily off. du- ties for a Cert. Intl. Prep Sp. Off. Brkg. Send Resume to: Buy & Sell Real Estate LLC Cesar G Youkhadar, MGRM 5201 Blue Lagoon Drive Suite 800 Miami, Florida 33126 Email: SC BANKER – Miami, FL. This position requires up to 25% international travel. Telecom- muting permitted up to 20% of the week. This position requires oral, auditory, & written fluency in the Spanish language. Pro- vide wealth management ad- vice & solutions to families in LATAM, specifically in Argentina, Chile, &/or Uruguay. For reqs. & to apply, visit & apply to job #: 210504738. EOE, AAE, M/F/D/V. JPMorgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved. SENIOR QUANTITATIVE TRADER at Foris Inc. dba in Coral Gables, FL: Conduct research, pricing, execution & hedging to facilitate Market Making. Req Master’s in Finance, Math, Econ, Ops Research, or rtd & 6 mos exp. Telecommuting/remote work permitted up to 100% from any location within the U.S. Email resume to, ref Job# WXSQT1. TRAVEL/TICKETING AGENT for Vany Travel in Aventura, FL. Issue airline tickets following the policies for each airline. Cal- culate ticket price based on penalties, changes & provide exchange or collect fees, ac- cord. Contact counterpart in each airline for waivers & to solve problems arising with tick- ets, among others. Req: Asso- ciate's degree in Tourism & Hospitality Management or its foreign degree equiv. Send re- sumes to Vany Travel Inc, 17813 Biscayne Blvd., Aventura, FL 33160. 22 April 11-17, 2024 | New Times | EmploymEnt | REal EstatE | hEalth wEllnEss | adult | Classified |