2 MARCH 7-13, 2024 miaminewtimes.com | browardpalmbeach.com NEW TIMES | MUSIC | CAFE | CULTURE | NIGHT+DAY | NEWS | LETTERS | CONTENTS | Featured Stories ▼ Pigeon Jerky Florida jerky magnate blasted for hosting live pigeon shoot. BY ALEX DELUCA | PAGE 6 Reef Deadness NOAA finds mass coral death following marine heat wave. BY NAOMI FEINSTEIN | PAGE 4 Elvis Has Re-Entered the Building Juggerknot Theatre tackles stan culture in Conjuring the King. BY CAROLINA DEL BUSTO | PAGE 9 Beats Generation Nine Miami rappers to watch in 2024. BY OSVALDO ESPINO | PAGE 14 ▼ Contents VOL. 38 | NO. 52 | MARCH 7-13, 2024 4 Riptide 6 Metro 7 Night & Day 9 Culture 10 Cafe Taste Test .................................. 12 14 Music 16 Classified Section On the Cover: Photo-illustration by Kristin Bjornsen. Source images via Adobe Stock. N E D I T O R I A L EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Tom Finkel ASSOCIATE EDITOR Jose D. Duran NEWS EDITOR Izzy Kapnick FOOD EDITOR Nicole Lopez-Alvar COPY EDITOR Kristin Gallagher STAFF WRITERS Alex DeLuca, Naomi Feinstein CONTRIBUTORS Ashley-Anna Aboreden, Grant Albert, Celia Almeida, Dinniah Bartholomew, Rachel Costa, Nicole Danna, Carolina del Busto, Trae DeLellis, Nile Fortner, Isabella Marie Garcia, Mary Gibson, Luis Gomez, Shanae Hardy, Theo Karantsalis, Jen Karetnick, Douglas Markowitz, Sophia Medina, Mathew Messa, Ursula Muñoz-Schaefer, Michelle Muslera, David Rolland, Jesse Scott, Jess Swanson, Catherine Toruño, Liz Tracy, Yessy Urbina, Caroline Val, Elena Vivas, Ryan Yousefi A R T CONTRIBUTORS Kristin Bjornsen, Tom Carlson, Alexander Flores P R O D U C T I O N PRODUCTION MANAGER Mike Lugo PRODUCTION ASSISTANT MANAGER Jorge Sesin A D V E R T I S I N G ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Don Farrell SALES SUPPORT SPECIALISTS Daniel Gomez NATIONAL EVENTS DIRECTOR Jennifer Robinson SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING MANAGER Natalia Ortiz SOCIAL MEDIA COORDINATOR Sofia Jimenez SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Sarah Abrahams, Jeremy Boyd, Peter Heumann, Kristi Kinard ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Steven Greenberg, Trevor Morgan, Andres Marin Pereira, Cristina Rivera, Evan Schaffer C L A S S I F I E D SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Joel Valez-Stokes B U S I N E S S DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS & OPERATIONS Russell A. Breiter ACCOUNTING MANAGER Jeff Stewart CREDIT MANAGER Moses A. 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