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(AAN CAN) 110 Computer/Tech/Engineer AP ABAP IT SPECIALIST Kubota North America Corpo- ration seeks a “SAP ABAP IT SPECIALIST”. Employer is lead- ing manufacturer of agricultu- ral and construction equip- ment in the U.S. Job Location: Grapevine, TX. Bachelor’s in Software Engineering. Work Exp: 3 years. Send resume via e-mail to blakelee.hamerman @kubota.com with “SAP ABAP IT SPECIALIST” in the subject line. E.O.E. SENIOR APPLICATIONS ARCHITECT SMU seeks a Senior Applica- tions Architect in Dallas, Texas. Req: BS or MS in Info Security Sys; Comp Sci; IT, related fi eld or foreign equivalent. 5 yrs exp with BS which must include exp in Peopletools; 3 yrs exp with MS which must include exp in Peopletoools. Any suitable combination of edu, training & exp will be accepted. Interested applicants should visit: www.smu.edu, click on “quick links” -> “employment” - > staff careers, and search for job number INF00000114. Still paying too much for your MEDICATION? Save up to 90% on RX refi ll! Order today and receive free shipping on 1st order - prescription required. Call 1-855-750-1612 (AAN CAN) Never Pay For Covered Home Repairs Again! Complete Care Home Warranty COVERS ALL MAJOR SYSTEMS AND APPLI- ANCES. 30 DAY RISK FREE. $200.00 OFF + 2 FREE Months! 1-877-673-0511 | Hours Mon- Thu, Sun: 9:30 am to 8:00 pm Fri: 9:30 am to 2:00 pm (all times Eastern) (AAN CAN) 110 Computer/Tech/Engineer TEST LEAD Richardson, TX. Extensive trav- el to unanticipated client sites reqd. BS in CS, IT or rltd + 3 yrs exp. FPT USA Corp., vivien.Le@fsoft.com.vn. SYSTEMS ENGINEER(S)III XTGlobal, Inc. in Plano, TX is seeking Systems Engineer(s)III to dvlp Auto Train Operating Sys using C, control sys & Mat- Lab. No trvl; no telecom. Posi- tion is proj-based @ var. work sites w/in US. Relo may be req’d at proj. end. For details: www.xtglobal.com. Mail resumes to: HR, XTGlobal, Inc., 2701 Dallas Parkway, Suite 550, Plano, TX 75093. 145 Management/Professional INTEGRATION FACTORY LEADER Rexel USA, Inc. seeks a Integra- tion Factory Leader in Dallas, TX to create high-level design document. Req. MS + 2 or BS + 5 yrs exp. To apply, mail resume to: Rexel USA, Inc. Attn: John Lewis, 14951 Dallas Parkway 10th Floor Dallas, TX 75254. Must Reference Job Title: Integration Factory Leader. Code: 000196. EOE. TECHNICAL LEADER/MANAGER Aircom International, Inc. seeks a Technical Leader / Manager in Carrollton, TX. Will mge the op of the conform’ce & op’r accept test lab. Req bach deg or frgn equiv in Comp Eng, Comp Sci, Elec Eng or Telcom Eng and 5 yrs of prog resp exp in a telecom eng occ. Send CV to Lesley.giles@pctest.com. Pls ref code: TLEM. COMIC BOOKS WANTED!!! Comic Books, Baseball Cards, Sports Memorabilia & Much More! Top $$$ paid! Call Bill at 972-539-9190. DALLAS PSYCHIC FAIR 1st Sunday of Month | 11:30am to 6pm www.DallasPsychicFair.com 4343 Sigma Rd Suite 600 Dallas, TX 75+ Readers, Vendors, Wellness Practitioners. Admission $5. Readings $25 / 15 minutes MAGIC LATIN Massage 469.777.1484 Josey Ln and 635 Mon.-Sat. 9:30am-7:30pm I do not answer private/restricted numbers MT 109456 NOVEMBER 4–10, 2021 DALLAS OBSERVER CLASSIFIED | MUSIC | DISH | CULTURE | UNFAIR PARK | CONTENTS dallasobserver.com