MAGIC Massage 469.777.1484 LATIN ARE YOU BEHIND $10k OR MORE ON YOUR TAXES? Stop wage & bank levies, liens & audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, & resolve tax debt FAST. Call 877-414-2089 (Hours: Mon-Fri 7am-5pm PST) BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Affordable prices - No pay- ments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & profes- sional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 1-877-649-5043 (AAN CAN) BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! We edit, print and distribute your work internationally. We do the work… You reap the Rewards! Call for a FREE Author’s Submission Kit: 844-511-1836. (AAN CAN) DirecTV Satellite TV Service Starting at $74.99/month! Free Installation! 160+ channels available. Call Now to Get the Most Sports & Entertainment on TV! 877-310-2472 EARN YOUR HS DIPLOMA TODAY For more info call 1.800.470.4723 Or visit our website: HughesNet Satellite Internet – Finally, no hard data limits! Call Today for speeds up to 25mbps as low as $59.99/mo! $75 gift card, terms apply. 1-844-416-7147 (AAN CAN) Never clean your gutters again! Affordable, profession- ally installed gutter guards protect your gutters and home from debris and leaves forever! For a FREE Quote call: 844-499-0277 ICYMI IN CASE YOU MISSED IT DAILY NEWSLETTER DALLASOBSERVER.COM/SIGNUP 28 SUBSCRIBE TO OUR SUBSCRIBE TO OUR Water Damage to Your Home? Call for a quote for profession- al cleanup & maintain the value of your home! Set an appt today! Call 833-664-1530 (AAN CAN) 810 Health & Wellness General Attention: VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50 Pill Special - Only $99! 100% guar- anteed. CALL NOW: 888-531-1192 (AAN CAN) 420 Auto/Truck CASH FOR CARS! We buy all cars! Junk, high-end, totaled – it doesn’t matter! Get free towing and same day cash! NEWER MODELS too! Call 866-535-9689 (AAN CAN) 445 Miscellaneous DISH TV $64.99 For 190 Chan- nels + $14.95 High Speed Inter- net. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Re- mote. Some restrictions apply. Promo Expires 1/21/23 1-866-566-1815 (AAN CAN) TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fen- der, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Mandolins / Ban- jos. 877-589-0747 (AAN CAN) 100 110 Computer/Tech/Engineer SALESFORCE DEVELOPER Ventas Consulting, LLC in Fris- co, TX is seeking a Salesforce Developer to design, imple- ment, and lead the develop- ment of complex solutions within Salesforce including in- tegrations with other systems. Teleworking is permitted with- in reasonable commuting dis- tance of the Frisco, TX office. Send resume to Michael Malone at mmalone@ventas Please reference job title on resume. SENIOR DATA ENGINEER (Homecare Software Solutions, LLC dba HHAeXchange; Frisco, TX): Design and engineer vari- ous data components of the company’s business and tech- nical system software require- ments. Send resumes to: Homecare Software Solutions, LLC dba HHAeXchange, H.R., 130 W. 42nd St., 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10036. Employment 103 Auditions/Show Biz 105 Career/Training/Schools 110 Computer/Tech/Engineer 112 Construction/Labor 120 Drivers/Delivery/Courier 125 Domestic 127 Education 130 Entertainment 140 Financial/Accounting 145 Management/Professional 150 Medical/Dental/Health 155 Medical Research Studies 160 Office/Clerical 167 Restaurants/Hotels/Clubs 170 Retail 172 Sales 175 Telemarketing/Call Center 177 Salons 180 Security/Law Enforcement 183 Trades 185 Miscellaneous 190 Business Opportunities 193 Employment Information 195 PositionWanted 198 Non-Profit Jobs 527 Notices 110 Computer/Tech/Engineer MULTIPLE OPENINGS IT: NeutronIT INC; multiple openings; Irving, TX, SQL DEVELOPER: Anlyz, Ensure, Rev, Build, Investigate, Moni- tor, modify & Devel high quality database solutions. Reqs trav/relo to var unanticpt client locs t/o U.S w/ the ex- penses paid by the employer. Mmail resume & position to, Resource Manager, NeutronIT INC, 9901EastValley Ranch Parkway, Suite # 3015, Irving, TX, 75063. OPERATIONS RESEARCH ANALYST 520 Financial Services CREDIT CARD DEBT RELIEF! Reduce payment by up to 50%! Get one LOW affordable payment/month. Reduce in- terest. Stop calls. FREE no-obligation consultation Call 1-855-761-1456 (AAN CAN) Need IRS Relief? $10K - $125K+? Get Fresh Start or Forgiveness Call 1-877-707-5521 Monday through Friday 7AM-5PM PST (AAN CAN) 530 Misc. Services 4G LTE Home Internet Now Available! Get GotW3 with light- ning fast speeds plus take your service with you when you travel! As low as $109.99/mo! 1-888-519-0171 (AAN CAN) sought by MaxDecisions, LLC in Richardson, TX: Conduct big data extraction from various sources by Python & data ma- nipulation to dvlp risk/ credit/ response models. Dvlp data marts of loan life cycle frame- work & generate loan applica- tion & payment performance reports by using SAS, Python & Pivot table in Excel. Implmt portfolio fin’l analysis on per- formance in terms of total payment, principal paid, charge off, pay off, cumulative net loss percent & loss control charts. Dvlp algorithms for loan days-past-due calcula- tions, analyze underwriting rules, perform roll rate analysis to define bad accts. for under- writing modeling & generate rule validation reports. Per- form credit bureau reporting of consumer credit history & handle credit disputes in com- pliance w/ gov’t regulations. Dvlp credit risk reports & per- formance reports for fin’l insti- tutions. Rqmts: Master’s deg. in Info tech. & mgmt, bus. analytics or rltd quantitative field; Big data s/ware /system (Hadoop, HDFS) operations, in- gesting & manipulating data using various dedicated big- data tools (Hive, Pig), & ability to perform distributed analyt- ics prgmg w/ comp. langs. (Spark SQL, Python). Apply, Mail CV w/ Job ID# ORA0421 to Nicole, 400 Spectrum Center Dr., Ste 350, Irvine, CA 92618. SR. SAP FIORI/ADOBE FORMS DEVELOPER Baker McKenzie, Dallas, TX: Customize standard SAP Fiori tiles & enhance new function- ality efforts to meet rqrmnts. Dvlp customized apps to meet business needs for utilities us- ing both classical & object oriented ABAP programming. Design, test, debug, imple- ment, enhance, & support SAP modules. Must have a Bache- lors in IT, Engineering, or relat- ed; 6 yrs of exp in ABAP pro- gramming & performance tuning in SAP; 4 yrs of exp working w/Fiori dvlpmnt incl. OData & UI5 dvlpmnt; & 4 yrs of exp working w/ design, dvlpmnt & administration of Adobe forms. Must also have exp. working w/4 full lifecycle SAP implementations & 1 of the SAP modules (S2C or FICO). Exp. may be gained concur- rently. Apply to Baker McKen- zie online at www. bakermckenzie .com/careers. SR. SOFTWARE ENGINEER Sirius XM Radio Inc. (Irving, TX) seeks Sr. Software Engineer to bld, dvlp, & maintn high-qlty sftwre for web pltfm usng React app dvpmt & assoc’d tchnlgs. Wrk in hghly collabrt- ve team envrnmt w/in web engg team. Anlyze user rqmts & translate them into cmplx tchncl specs. Dvlp all core srvces & apps in var codng lnguages. Create tchncl/engg dsgns & archtctre, docmntng all tchncl dsgn, code, bld, & re- lease procdres. Reqs MS in CompSci, Applied CompSci or closely rltd fld +2yrs exp in offrd pos or sftwre dvlpr role or Bach in CompSci, Applied CompSci or closely rltd fld +5yrs prgrssv post-Bach exp in offrd pos or sftwre dvlpr role. All reqd exp mustve incld dvlpng React apps; usng front- end dvpmt tools incl JavaScrpt, Typescrpt, CSS, & HTML; testng & debuggng sftwre usng Mo- cha, Chai & Sinon; usng knwldge of MVC/MVVM dsgn pattrns & dvpmt best practces, as well as Agile/Scrum mthdlgs, SDLC, srce cntrl systms, & configrtn mgmt; wrkng w/ web srvces, HTTP protocl, & srvce orientd archtctre; use “clean code” dvpmt tchnqs & OOP dsgn princples; & exp w/ consmr facng web app dvpmt. Apply online at Ref P-2022-11. SR. SOFTWARE ENGINEER Sirius XM Radio Inc. (Irving, TX) seeks Sr. Software Engineer to dsgn, dvlp, docmnt, & intgrte compnents for SXM Radio sftwre dlvries to OEMs. Help implmnt & test sophstcated sftwre archtctres. Dvlp & dlvr sftwre of SXM features & functns, & sftwre tests for ve- rifcatn of sftwre functns. An- lyze, trblesht, & optmze sftwre test systms for proper oper- atn. Provde rsk anlys, priort- zatn, & schedlng of out- standng chnge rqsts (bugs) & feature enhncemnts. Provde rglr & accurte rprts to mgmt, & prfm special prjcts, lab/fld testng, & othr duties. Reqs Bach in CompSci, CompEngg or closely rltd fld +5yrs post- Bach prgrssv exp in offrd pos or sftwre engg role. All reqd exp mustve incld utlzng objct orientd methdlgs, C++ & STL in embdded envrnmt; dvlpng multi-thrded & multi-prcess sftwre apps; usng UML, sftwre dsgn pattrns & templates; & configrng mgmt & defect trackng tools. 3yrs of reqd exp mustve incld condctng sftwre dsgn & dvpmt of automotve in-vehcle infotainmt systms. Apply online at Ref P-2022-12. 110 Computer/Tech/Engineer SR. SOFTWARE ENGINEER Sirius XM Radio Inc. (Irving, TX) seeks Sr. Software Engineer to dlvr sftwre-based srvces on our connctd car pltfm. Anlyze rqmts & tchncl specs & implmnt assgnd dvpmt tasks usng var tchnlgs. Maintn & extnd exstng on-prem sftwre systms. Trblesht pre- & post- prod issues. Dsgn, dvlp, maintn, & debug cld-based mi- crosrvce APIs, Node.js code base, & frntend code base. Ad- here to rules estblshd to enfr- ce TDD/BDD, maintn wiki pgs, collab to maintn srce code via tools like Bitbuckt, code style, & condct grp/peer code rvw. Reqs MS in CompSci, Engg (Comp/Mech/Electrcl), IT, or closely rltd fld +3yrs exp in offrd pos or sftwre dvlpr role or Bach in CompSci, Engg (Comp/Mech/Electrcl), IT, or closely rltd fld +5yrs prgrssv post-Bach exp in offrd pos or sftwre dvlpr role. All reqd exp mustve incld dsgng, dvlpg, implmtng, testng & docmtng sftwre solns usng follwng tchnlgs/tools: Agile/Scrum mthdlgy; Java, Sprng Boot, Sprng Secrty, Git, Gitlab, Mavn/Gradle, Jenkns/Hudsn, Microsrvces; HTML, CSS, Angulr 2+, React JS, Vue.js; genratnl toolkts such as Sprng, Drop- wizrd, RESTEasy or Node.JS; IP, HTTP, JSON, XML; srvce orientd sftwre, lrge-scale distrbutd systms, & reactive prgrmmg; SQL-based or NoSQL DBs usng JDBC, JPA or similr frmewrks; cld-based systms covrng infr- strctre, pltfm & sftwre as srvces; modrn sftwre pattrns & anti-pattrns; dvlpng & dsgng web srvces thru APIs usng REST, HTTP, JSON/JSONP; dvlpng RESTful micro-srvce based apps; Git/Git-flow multi- branchd sftwre envrnmt; TDD or BDD dvpmt; CSS pre-pro- cessrs (Less, SCSS/SASS, or Compass); & Unx/Lnux OS. Ap- ply online at Ref P-2022-13. 140 Financial/Accounting BUSINESS ANALYST Richardson, TX. Extensive trav- el to unanticipated client sites reqd. BS in CS, SWE, IT or rltd + 3 yrs exp. FPT USA Corp., 145 Management/Professional FUNCTIONAL CONSULTANT MBA. 2 yrs exp. in SAP VP inte- gration. Exp to OTC, Product Definition, Order Management, and Sales and Operations Plan- ning, S/4 Hana, and SAP VC projects. Available for employ- ment at various client sites in US. Send resume to SV Evolu- tions LLC, 4817 Club Terrace Lane, Frisco, TX 75034 RISK ANALYST (2 OPENINGS) sought by MaxDecisions, LLC in Richardson, TX: Construct dif- ferent levels of data marts of loan application, payment & collection & generate timely report to support the mgmt team making bus. decisions. Perform data migration using ETL tools for customers mov- ing to our online data mgmt platform. Use Power BI & other data visualization tool generat- ing performance reports to make decisions on controlling risk & optimizing portfolio per- formance. Handle consumers personal & loan payment info & convert them into standard Metro2 format for credit re- port to the major credit Bu- reau. Prep loan performance analysis report for monitoring credit risk on loan status to provide early warning indica- tors to detect loans that will possibly default, & giving rec- ommendations based on re- porting, selection modeling & other ad-hoc analysis. Evaluate bus. data & determine the lev- el of default risk, incl calcula- tion of 1st payment failure rate to identify loan repaying ability of customers & adjust- ing pricing rules accordingly. Rqmts: Master’s deg. in Info Tech. & Mgmt, Bus. Analytics or rltd quantitative field. Apply, Mail CV w/ Job ID# RA0513 to Nicole, 400 Spectrum Center Dr., Ste 350, Irvine, CA 92618. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS TransAmerican Power Prod- ucts seeks Structural Engineers in Arlington, Texas. Read, ana- lyze & understand customer specifications to determine the most efficient design for the structures on the project. 100% Telecommuting permit- ted. Apply @ (Ref # 63235) Texas Jam Deep Ellum Texas Jam Deep Ellum is a premier music rehearsal studio and live venue rental space located 2 miles from the heart of Deep Ellum. We offer an impressive array of 8 rehearsal spac- es, a top-class live venue room, and affordable rates for hourly, touring prep, and monthly rehearsal rental space. Contact us (214) 502-5042 for rates & avail COMIC BOOKS WANTED!!! Comic Books, Baseball & Pokémon Cards, Sports Memorabilia & Much More! Top $$$ paid! Call Bill at 972-539-9190. WE LIKEYOU, LIKE US BACK! /dallasobserver JULY 14–20, 2022 DALLAS OBSERVER CLASSIFIED | MUSIC | DISH | CULTURE | UNFAIR PARK | CONTENTS