23 May 25 - 31, 2023 dallasobserver.com DALLAS OBSERVER Classified | MusiC | dish | Culture | unfair Park | Contents Legal Notice Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for (BG) Wine and Beverage Retail Dealer’s on-Premise Permit, and (FB) Food and Beverage Certifcate by 7 Wok LLC, DBA Kurume Ramen & Izakaya, to be located at 1435 S Loop 288, Suite 117, Denton, TX 76208. Ofcer of said corporation is Meimei Chen, Managing Member, President, Secretary, VP & Treasurer. SENIOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPER TechFios Incorporated. Carroll- ton, TX. $135000/year. 40 hours/week. Job Respon- sibilities: Connect to third par- ty API’s, build out consumable services with enhanced stor- age layer and high availability; Work closely with frontend de- velopers & develop applica- tion’s features; Defne site ob- jectives; Envision system features & functionality; De- sign & develop user interfaces to internet/intranet applica- tions. Travel required for 4 months in a year in Austin, Vir- ginia, New York. Job Require- ment: Master’s Degree in Computer Science.120 months of experience in the position of Software Developer/Senior Software Developer/Tech Lead Special skill requirements: AWS Developers Professional Certi- fed, Java Spring framework, PMI PMP Certifed, WebLogic 12c Certifed, Oracle Cloud In- frastructure Certifed. Please email your CV at career@techfos.com SOFTWARE DEVELOPER (15 OPENINGS) Job Duties: Dsgn, dvlp, confg- ure & deploy s/ware applics. Dsgn user interface, generate reports, test, code, tune applic performance, track defects & resolve technical errors. Dvlp & enhance reports as per busi- ness reqmts. Write, review & implmt effcient code. Analyze s/ware reqmts, dsgn s/ware framework, dvlp components & modules. Troubleshoot, de- bug & upgrade existing sys- tems. Applicants must have exp in using 4-5 of the follow- ing technologies: Java, C#, Py- thon, ServiceNow, Selenium, Splunk, UCD (Urban Code De- ploy), TestNG, AWS, Artifactory, Bitbucket, Git, JIRA, Salesforce, Spinnaker, GitLab & MongoDB. Educ/Exp Reqmts: Master’s deg or foreign equiv & 6 mths exp as S/ware Dvlpr or in any IT Profession using 4-5 technolo- gies aforementioned. Field of Study: Comp Sci or Info Tech- nology or Electrical Engg or Comp Engg or Comp Info Sys- tems or Info Systems Tech- nologies or Engg Mgmt or any rltd feld. Job Locs: Richardson, TX or unanticipated client sites across the U.S. Must be avlble to travel & relocate to unantici- pated client sites for tempo- rary projects. Mail Resumes to: Vdrive IT Solutions, Inc. 800 E Campbell Rd, Ste # 157, Rich- ardson, TX 75081 ORACLE SOA DEVELOPER Oracle SOA Developer sought by Nucor Business Technology, Inc. for the Irving, TX loc. Can- didate must have Bach deg in Comp Sci & 5 yrs exp of Oracle SOA dvlpmt. Exp must incl: Working w/ Oracle EBS, QMOS, QCC or other MES Systems; Oracle SOA Suite, JavaScript, Oracle D/base, SOAP Web Ser- vices, PLSQL/SQL, REST Web Services, BPEL, Oracle Service Bus, or Oracle Data Integrator; Supporting Enterprise Business Applics; Dvlpg reports using SQL through BI Publisher w/ a focus on Oracle CCB D/base; Built SQL & PL/SQL packages on the respective Oracle D/bases for fow of data between dif- ferent Oracle D/bases; SOA 11g & 12c dvlpmt using BPEL, Me- diator (ESB), Adapters & Hu- man Workfow components; & creating robust, changeable, & scalable technology applics from concept, to prototyping to production delivery, across a mix of green-feld & existing modern applics. 25% of do- mestic travel to Nucor locs. Respond to: Attn: HR Dept., 5001 Statesman Dr, Irving, TX 75063 or apply online: https://nucor.com/careers PROFESSIONALS (Irving, TX): (1) Web Developers to design, develop, test, up- date websites, tools, process and graphics. Rqrs High School or frgn equv & 2 yrs exp in Web Dsgn or rltd fd & Certif- cation or course in Web Dev rqd; AND (2) Systems Analysts to anlyz and test sys, sols, tools (3) SW Devs to dsgn, progm, dvlp, test s/w apps (4) Business Analysts to anlyz biz process, fxnl rqmts, data gathrng and gap anlsis. Rqrs Ms/Bs or frgn equv &/or 0-5 yrs exp in rltd fd. Trvl rqd. Re- sume to Dexperts Inc., 3001 N SKYWAY CIRCLE, STE 100, Ir- ving, TX 75038. Job code: DEX23T SENIOR PROGRAM MANAGER Tavant Technologies Inc. has multiple openings at Plano, TX 75093 for Senior Program Manager (SPM 01-23): Lead the management and coordination of all aspects of system inte- gration from inception to in- stallation. Reqs. Bachelor or foreign equiv. in CS, CE, CIS, IT or reltd. + 5 yrs rel. exp. with 2 yrs of relev. skills. Email re- sume with job code to: rebecca.ranjit@tavant.com. TECHNICAL PROGRAM MANAGER Tavant Technologies Inc. has multiple openings at Plano, TX 75093 for Technical Program Manager (TPM 03-23): Manage and coordinate all aspects of system integration from in- ception to installation. Reqs. Master or foreign equiv. in ACS, CE, CIS, IT or reltd. + 1 yr rel. exp. with relev. skills. Email resume with job code to: rebecca.ranjit@tavant.com. 103 Auditions/Show Biz 105 Career/Training/Schools 110 Computer/Tech/Engineer 112 Construction/Labor 120 Drivers/Delivery/Courier 125 Domestic 127 Education 130 Entertainment 140 Financial/Accounting 145 Management/Professional 150 Medical/Dental/Health 155 Medical Research Studies 160 Office/Clerical 167 Restaurants/Hotels/Clubs 170 Retail 172 Sales 175 Telemarketing/Call Center 177 Salons 180 Security/Law Enforcement 183 Trades 185 Miscellaneous 190 Business Opportunities 193 Employment Information 195 Position Wanted 198 Non-Profit Jobs 527 Notices 100 Employment 110 Computer/Tech/Engineer AUTOMATION ENGINEER AT FIRST CO. Dallas TX. Dsgn & prgrmming of electric cntrl systms. Up to 5% potential dom trvl to visit a vndr 1 or 2 times a year for 2-3/days at a time. No intl trav- el. Req’d: Bach degree in electr eng/mech eng/mechatronic eng/reltd fd/forgn eqv’t + min 2yrs exp working as Auto- mation Engineer, Quality Engi- neer, Maintenance or related occupation + min 2yrs exp w/ elec dsgn + min 2yrs exp w/ mech dsgn + min 2yrs exp w/ machine interface & prgmming + min 2yrs exp w/ machine maint & quality + min 2yrs exp w/ controller/drives prgmming. To apply, send re- sumes to tkoschel@frstco.com COMP SYSTEM ANALYST Zyka Foods Inc. in Irving, TX seeks Comp System Analyst w/B.S. in CS & 5 yrs in job or 5 yrs as Solutions Architect. Exp w/ Risk & Vulnerability Assess- ment, Gap Analysis & Audits. Must have Data transformation & migration tools & NTFS Per- mission/Audit & reporter tools by Dell. Send res: asif@zykafoodssw.com LE-CRC BUSINESS ANALYST for Richemont North America, Inc. (Grand Prairie, TX). Analyze & support key users’ needs in problem determination for is- sues relating to the SAP Logis- tics Execution (LE) & Sales & Development (SD) modules. Remote work allowed 40% of the time. 20% domestic & in- ternat’l travel reqd. Reqts: Bach or foreign equiv in CS, Mgmt Info Syst., Electron. Eng’g, or rltd & 5 yrs exp in position offered or rltd, incl 2 yrs exp w/ work’g as a SAP Functional Consultant; work’g in SAP Material Mgmt (MM), SAP Warehouse Mgmt (WM) & SAP Plant Maint (PM) modules; devel, maint & prod support projects; req gather’g, de- sign’g, client interaction, on- site coord. & estimations; softw implementation, ops support, test’g & upgrade, in particular as it relates to SAP Supply Chain Mgmt (SCM) Ex- tended Warehouse Mgmt (EWM) & SAP Enterprise Re- source Plann’g (ERP) Logistics Execution (LE) softw; lead’g, coord’g & manag’g delivery of global solutions in SAP throughout the full life cycle & for covering solution design across different geo regions & template deployment. Resume to Richemont North America, Inc. at Jobs@richemont.com & ref position title in subject. MULTIPLE OPENINGS Slalom has multiple openings for the following positions at its Dallas, TX offce (various types/levels): TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANT, SENIOR [Job ID 60996]: Identify & develop technology solu- tions for clients. Must be available to work on projects at various, unanticipated sites w/n commuting distance of Slalom offce & throughout the U.S. Some telecommuting is permitted. IT PROJECT MAN- AGEMENT CONSULTANT, PRIN- CIPAL [Job ID 69276]: Plan, initiate, and manage informa- tion technology (IT) projects. Must be available to work pro- jects at various, unanticipated sites throughout the United States. Some telecommuting is permitted. TO APPLY: Go to www.jobpostingtoday.com, search for job ID & submit resume. MULTIPLE OPENINGS Cybersolve IT, Inc. has multi- ple openings for the following positions: Bachelor’s only/equiv.: Software Engineer (CSE23): Involved in all states of the software development cycle. Java Developer III (CJDIII23): Develop and maintain comput- er software programs. Mas- ter’s+2yrs exp/equiv. Software Developer I (CSDI23): Spring MVC, Spring Boot, JBoss, Java, PL/SQL, ora- cle, Junit and Unix. Mail re- sume with job ID # to HR:2245 Keller Way, Suite #370, Carroll- ton, TX 75006. Unanticipated work site locations throughout U.S. Foreign equiv. accepted. MULTIPLE POSITIONS Workday, Inc. is accepting re- sumes for the following posi- tions at various levels in Frisco, TX: Software Engineer/Software Development Engineer (20637.1292): Analyzes, de- signs, programs, debugs, and modifes software enhance- ments and/or new products used in local, networked, or in- ternet-related computer pro- grams. Exp Incl: Object-orient- ed design and development; Algorithms and data struc- tures; Programming language such as Java, C# or C++; & Da- tabase and querying languages such as SQL. Submit resume by mail to: J. Thurston at Workday, Inc., Attn: Human Resources/Immi- gration, 6110 Stoneridge Mall Road, Pleasanton, CA 94588. Must reference job title and job code. SR. QUALITY ENGINEER WWEX Franchise Holdings, LLC seeks Sr. Quality Engineer (Dal- las, TX) to Develop and imple- ment an automated testing framework that can be used for test driven development as well as continuous regression testing as part of agile scrum development including con- tinuous integration and con- tinuous delivery (CI/CD). Bachelor’s Degree (or equiv) in Comp. Sci., Engineering or rltd and 1 yr of exp with Testing MuleSoft Anypoint Platform applications, API and EDI (204, 210, 211, 214,820, 997) inter- faces. Resumes to Lizeth.Armijo@wwex.com 145 Management/Professional EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE /MARKETING ASSISTANT Grand Prairie, TX. Prov’d admin sup, market’g serv’s to the Pres. of Co. HS dip & 1yr of exp in offce admin incl’g fn/acct’g sup.& mgmt of internal proj’s. Mail Resume: Wellness Quest, LLC 2601 Osler Dr., Ste 6B Grand Prairie TX 75051 PERFORMANCE MARKETING MANAGER Performance Marketing Man- ager sought by Lucchese, Inc. in Dallas, TX to execute a full- funnel, channel agnostic per- formance marketing strategy across Lucchese’s digital mar- keting channels to increase visibility and engagement with Lucchese products. Email resume to: mbustillos@lucchese-inc.com Ref: 76117.17 PRINCIPAL, SITE RELIABILITY ENGINEER Workday, Inc., Frisco, TX. De- velop organization wide archi- tecture standards and best practices to drive effciency. Interested candidates send re- sume to: J. Thurston at Work- day, Inc. 6110 Stoneridge Mall Road, Pleasanton, CA 94588. Must reference job 20637.2018. 150 Medical/Dental/Health ASSOCIATE VETERINARIAN CityVet has multiple openings in Dallas, TX for an Associate Veterinarian, TX. Position re- quires Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine + TX license, and one year of related work experi- ence. Any suitable combina- tion of education, training and exp. will be accepted. Send resumes to CityVet at recruiting@cityvet.com. COMIC BOOKS WANTED!!! Comic Books, Baseball & Pokémon Cards, Sports Memorabilia, Vintage Records and Toys! Top $$$ paid! Call Bill at 972-539-9190. TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Consolidated Notice of Receipt of Application and Intent to Obtain Permit and Notice of Application and Preliminary Decision Air Quality Standard Permit for Concrete Batch Plants Proposed Registration No. 172650L001 Application. Estrada Concrete Company, LLC, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for an Air Quality Standard Permit, Registration No. 172650L001, which would authorize construction of a temporary concrete batch plant located at 600 East Wintergreen Road, Lancaster, Dallas County, Texas 75134. This application is being processed in an expedited manner, as allowed by the commission’s rules in 30 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 101, Subchapter J. AVISO DE IDIOMA ALTERNATIVO. El aviso de idioma alternativo en espanol está disponible en https://www.tceq.texas.gov/permitting/air/newsourcereview/airpermits-pendingpermit-apps. This link to an electronic map of the site or facility’s general location is provided as a public courtesy and not part of the application or notice. For exact location, refer to application. https://gisweb.tceq.texas.gov/LocationMapper/?marker=- 96.748764,32.616186&level=13. The proposed facility will emit the following air contaminants: particulate matter including (but not limited to) aggregate, cement, road dust, and particulate matter with diameters of 10 microns or less and 2.5 microns or less. This application was submitted to the TCEQ on April 28, 2023. The executive director has completed the administrative and technical reviews of the application and determined that the application meets all of the requirements of a standard permit authorized by 30 TAC § 116.611, which would establish the conditions under which the plant must operate. The executive director has made a preliminary decision to issue the registration because it meets all applicable rules. The application, executive director’s preliminary decision, and standard permit will be available for viewing and copying at the TCEQ central office, the TCEQ Dallas/Fort Worth regional office, and at the Lancaster Veterans Memorial Library, 1600 Veterans Memorial Parkway, Lancaster, Dallas County, 75134 beginning the first day of publication of this notice. The facility’s compliance file, if any exists, is available for public review at the TCEQ Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Office, 2309 Gravel Drive, Fort Worth, Texas. Visit www.tceq.texas.gov/goto/cbp to review the standard permit. Public Comment/Public Meeting. You may submit public comments or request a public meeting. See Contacts section. The TCEQ will consider all public comments in developing a final decision on the application. The deadline to submit public comments or meeting requests is 30 days after newspaper notice is published. Issues such as property values, noise, traffic safety, and zoning are outside of the TCEQ’s jurisdiction to consider in the permit process. The purpose of a public meeting is to provide the opportunity to submit comments or ask questions about the application. A public meeting about the application will be held if the executive director determines that there is a significant degree of public interest in the application or if requested by a local legislator. A public meeting is not a contested case hearing. If a public meeting is held, the deadline to submit public comments is extended to the end of the public meeting. Contested Case Hearing. You may request a contested case hearing. A contested case hearing is a legal proceeding similar to a civil trial in state district court. Unless a written request for a contested case hearing is filed within 30 days from this notice, the executive director may approve the application. A person who may be affected by emissions of air contaminants from the facility is entitled to request a hearing. To request a hearing, a person must actually reside in a permanent residence within 440 yards of the proposed plant. If requesting a contested case hearing, you must submit the following: (1) your name (or for a group or association, an official representative), mailing address, daytime phone number; (2) applicant’s name and registration number; (3) the statement “[I/we] request a contested case hearing;” (4) a specific description of how you would be adversely affected by the application and air emissions from the facility in a way not common to the general public; (5) the location and distance of your property relative to the facility; (6) a description of how you use the property which may be impacted by the facility; and (7) a list of all disputed issues of fact that you submit during the comment period. If the request is made by a group or association, one or more members who have standing to request a hearing must be identified by name and physical address. The interests which the group or association seeks to protect must be identified. You may submit your proposed adjustments to the application which would satisfy your concerns. See Contacts section. TCEQ Action. After the deadline for public comments, the executive director will consider the comments and prepare a response to all relevant and material, or significant public comments. The executive director’s decision on the application, and any response to comments, will be mailed to all persons on the mailing list. If no timely contested case hearing requests are received, or if all hearing requests are withdrawn, the executive director may issue final approval of the application. If all timely hearing requests are not withdrawn, the executive director will not issue final approval of the permit and will forward the application and requests to the Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled commission meeting. The Commission may only grant a request for a contested case hearing on issues the requestor submitted in their timely comments that were not subsequently withdrawn. If a hearing is granted, the subject of a hearing will be limited to disputed issues of fact or mixed questions of fact and law relating to relevant and material air quality concerns submitted during the comment period. Issues such as property values, noise, traffic safety, and zoning are outside of the Commission’s jurisdiction to address in this proceeding. Mailing List. You may ask to be placed on a mailing list to receive additional information on this specific application. See Contacts section. Information Available Online. For details about the status of the application, visit the Commissioners’ Integrated Database (CID) at www.tceq.texas.gov/goto/cid. Once you have access to the CID using the link, enter the registration number at the top of this notice. Contacts. Public comments and requests must be submitted either electronically at www14.tceq.texas.gov/epic/ eComment/, or in writing to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Office of the Chief Clerk, MC-105, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. Please be aware that any contact information you provide, including your name, phone number, email address and physical address will become part of the agency’s public record. For more information about this application or the permitting process, please call the TCEQ Public Education Program toll free at 1800687-4040 or visit their website at www.tceq.texas.gov/goto/pep. Si desea información en Español, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040. Further information may also be obtained from Estrada Concrete Company, LLC, 650 Skyline Drive, Hutchins, Texas 75141-4147 or by calling Mr. Josh Butler, Principal Consultant, Elm Creek Environmental, LLC at (469) 946-8195. Notice Issuance Date: May 23, 2023 Texas Jam Deep Ellum Texas Jam Deep Ellum is a premier music rehearsal studio and live venue rental space located 2 miles from the heart of Deep Ellum. We offer an impressive array of 8 rehearsal spac- es, a top-class live venue room, and affordable rates for hourly, touring prep, and monthly rehearsal rental space. Contact us (214) 502-5042 for rates & availability