23 March 13-19, 2025 dallasobserver.com DALLAS OBSERVER Classified | MusiC | dish | Culture | unfair Park | Contents COMIC BOOKS WANTED!!! Comic Books, Baseball & Pokémon Cards, Sports Memorabilia, Vintage Records and Toys! Top $$$ paid! Call Bill at 972-539-9190. 103 Auditions/Show Biz 105 Career/Training/Schools 110 Computer/Tech/Engineer 112 Construction/Labor 120 Drivers/Delivery/Courier 125 Domestic 127 Education 130 Entertainment 140 Financial/Accounting 145 Management/Professional 150 Medical/Dental/Health 155 Medical Research Studies 160 Office/Clerical 167 Restaurants/Hotels/Clubs 170 Retail 172 Sales 175 Telemarketing/Call Center 177 Salons 180 Security/Law Enforcement 183 Trades 185 Miscellaneous 190 Business Opportunities 193 Employment Information 195 Position Wanted 198 Non-Profit Jobs 527 Notices 100 Employment 110 Computer/Tech/Engineer ANALYST BUSINESS SYSTEMS III Envision Physician Services, LLC seeks Analyst Business Systems III in Dallas, TX to understand the Provider Onboarding Plat- form in detail & effectively map product functionality w/ business needs. BS in Comp Sci, Comp Engg, or closely re- lated feld & 5 yrs of Healthcare Enrollment, Revenue Cycle & Provider Credentialing exp req’d. This position allows re- mote work from anywhere in the U.S. For position details & to apply, visit: https:// careers.envisionhealth.com/. BUSINESS OPERATIONS ANA- LYST (MULTIPLE POSITIONS) Tasacom Technologies, Inc. Dallas, TX To Analyze & opti- mize Bus. Process; leverage Comp. undst. Bus. Proc. Ind. Opr. & prof. with Entp. Apps. Tech.; No travel or telcomm. Send resumes to: career@tasacom.com ENT. LVL TO SEN. LVL. SW ENGNRS. are needed for our Dallas, TX Offce. May req. traveling. Send resume, Cvr Ltr., & Sal. Req. to Centillion Infotech LLC at 8951 Cypress Waters Blvd, Suite 160, Dallas, TX, 75019. MULTIPLE POSITIONS Exeter Finance LLC has the fol- lowing openings in Irving, TX: 1. Sr. Data Governance & Bi Analyst to capture and main- tain sound business glossary, data dictionary and data line- age. Telecommuting allowed from anywhere in the U.S. 2. SharePoint Developer Lead to lead the design and develop- ment of new features, work- fows, forms, and web parts on the SharePoint platform. Tele- commuting permitted for this position up to three days a week from anywhere in the US. To apply mail resume to Attn: Alex Estrada, Exeter Fi- nance LLC 2101 W. John Car- penter Fwy., Irving, TX 75063 and reference job title. PRODUCT SOFTWARE ENGINEER IV Wolters Kluwer United States Inc. seeks Product Software Engineer IV in Coppell, TX to design, build, test, and deliver high quality, complex frame- works and systems. Telecom- muting permitted. $149,781 - $212,000 per year. Medical, vi- sion, and dental benefts. Ap- ply at www.jobposting today.com Ref#87390 PRINCIPAL SOFTWARE ARCHITECT sought by CoreLogic Solutions, LLC in Irving, TX: Act as a techn’l liaison between bus., dvlpmt teams, & support. Hy- brid work is permitted. When not WFH, must report to Irving, TX offce. Apply at: https://shorturl.at/zSevv. Job code: Req16639. PROJECT ENGR (MULTIPLE POSITIONS) Dallas, TX: structural dsgn & other rel. tasks. Bach degree in Civil Engr. Prof’l Engr (PE) lic. in TX. Send resumes to L.A. Fuess Partners, Inc., at dhudson@lafp.com HEAD OF U.S. COTTON COFCO Americas Resources Corp. seeks a full-time Head of U.S. Cotton in Addison, Texas to manage and direct imple- mentation of proftable U.S. Cotton trading strategies and assume ownership of the US cotton trading PnL; supervise and direct US trade operations and warehousing; supervise and oversee global research team; develop and execute U.S. cotton trading strategies to generate PnL for the U.S. trading book; guide and super- vise cash traders at origin on optimal trade strategy execu- tion; manage the expansion of the US trading, including op- erations and global research teams; meet with cotton gins and growers to facilitate for- ward purchase contracts; over- see U.S. execution team to en- sure streamlined trade execution and effcient docu- mentation processes; super- vise trade execution staff; monitor all aspects of trade operational fow including Let- ters of Credit, shipments, quality claims, logistical issues and contract generation; opti- mize U.S. cotton asset usage to support overall trading strategy, with a focus on stor- age assets/warehousing (ICD); collaborate with destination traders to construct U.S. cot- ton supply plans for strategic customers at destination; su- pervise and oversee global re- search team, including gener- ating balance sheets, price forecasting models, analyzing global trade data and trade/cash matrix construc- tion; utilize CIL’s physical U.S. cotton trade to support and tailor ICE Cotton speculative strategies; and orchestrate cross-origin trading strategies to support the PnL of other cotton origins and grow CIL’s global market share. The position requires a Bachelor’s degree in Business or a related feld and 5 years of experience as a Cotton Trader or in a related occupation to include 5 years of experience with cotton trading, including destination markets in Asia and US origination; operational ex- perience, including fnancial trade execution and logistics; risk management of trading positions, including ICE Fu- tures, FX hedging and cross- exchange exposure; and cot- ton commodity research expe- rience, including balance sheet generation, creation of market consumption models, creation of economic models to fore- cast futures/spreads price fuctuations, generation of cash and trade matrices. The position requires 60-70% of in- ternational and domestic trav- el. Standard company bene- fts. In-offce work location is Addison, TX. A partial telecom- muting beneft may be available depending on com- pany needs. Apply online at www.cofcointernational.com. SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS Thrivesol, Inc. in Frisco, TX is seek’g Software Developers to anlyz user needs & dvlp sftwr solut’ns. No trvl, no telecom Job duties are proj-based @ unanticipated sites w/in U.S. Relo may be req’d @ proj. end. Salary: $105,997/yr. Email re- sumes to hr@thrivesolinc.com SR. DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR OSI Digital Inc. in Frisco, TX is seek’g a Sr. Database Adminis- trator to lead the coordination, implementation & confgur’n of Oracle DBs. Dom trvl req up to 5% of the time. No WFH or telecom. Salary: $133,869/yr. Send Resumes to: jpai@osidigital.com 145 Management/Professional ASSISTANT PROJECT MANAGER at Jacobs Project Management Company, Dallas, TX: Manage project development. Job du- ties project-based, may require relocation. Salary: $99,684 - $132,200/ yr. Apply at: https://careers.jacobs.com/ en_US/careers/JobDetail/ Assistant-Project-Manager/ 23831. FOOD PLANT MANAGER Global Gourmet Food Solu- tions, LLC, seeks to work in Garland, TX an experienced Food Plant Manager. In this role, you will be responsible for overseeing the daily opera- tions of the manufacturing plant and its employees. The duties include hiring and train- ing employees, reviewing pro- duction records to determine whether employees meet their performance expectations and coordinating with corporate management to enforce changes to plant budgets or safety procedures. You will be responsible for the start-up plant and the ongoing opera- tion of the facility with ac- countability for all functions that support the manufactur- ing facility, including produc- tion, equipment, maintenance, shipping, purchasing, schedul- ing, quality, IT and sanitation. Resumes via mail only to 3930 Miller Park Dr. Garland, TX 75042 NO CALLS. SENIOR PRODUCT MANAGER, GROWTH RewardStyle/LTK seeks a Senior Product Manager, Growth in Dallas, TX. Req: MS or foreign equivalent in Math, Business Analytics, Quantitative Mgmt or rel feld and 2 yrs of e-com- merce & product mgmt exp. Exp may be gained concur- rently. Position may be per- formed remotely from any- where in the United States; however, applicants living in MT, OK & ND must be willing to relocate to a different state because company requires employees to work from states where they are regis- tered as an employer. Reloca- tion expenses will not be pro- vided by the company. Interested applicants should visit https://company. shopltk.com/careers to apply. 112 Construction/Labor SENIOR DESIGNER I (LAND- SCAPE ARCHITECTURE) for LandDesign, Inc. to work at our Dallas, TX loc. Prep digital & hand drawings to communi- cate master plan, design ele- ments & site features. Support in writing proposals, change orders & developing fee bud- gets. Create project plans & align them w/ project fee bud- get. Ensure legibility & clean communication of construc- tion docs. Complete list of du- ties can be found on the employer’s website (https:// landdesign.com/careers/). Ap- plicants will be required to submit a portfolio of work relevant to required experi- ence and skills. May undergo background checks. Little na- tional travel may be involved to client sites, professional de- velopment opportunities. Trav- el not to exceed 60 days/year and length of a single trip not to exceed 5 days. Must have Bachelor’s in Landscape Arch or related feld and 4 years of relevant experience in land- scape architecture and re- quired skills. Alternatively, must have Master’s in Land- scape Arch or related feld and 3 years of relevant experience in landscape architecture and required skills. Requires skills (3 years exp) in: AutoCAD; Civil3D; Sketch Up; Adobe Creative Suite; Microsoft Offce Suite; graphic skills, hand and com- puter generated. Any suitable combination of education, training, or experience is ac- ceptable. Apply at https:// landdesign.com/careers/ ref job Senior Designer I (Land- scape Architecture) in Dallas, TX. STRUCTURAL (TRUSS DESIGN) ENGINEER Structural (Truss Design) Engi- neer needed: Utilize structural engineering methods to de- sign and analyze Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses for manufacturing using TrueBuild Truss and Layout and AutoCAD software; Modify trusses for all structural engineering codes and standards; resolve prob- lems to structural engineering issues regarding truss and metal connector plates; Assist software team to trouble shoot discrepancies in design software with regression test- ing; and create spreadsheets to assist customers under- stand analysis of the metal plate connected wood trusses. US Bachelors (or foreign equivalent) in Civil or Structural Engineering and 2 years expe- rience. Mail Resume to Eagle Metal Products, c/o Seth Hud- dleston-CFO, 11511 Luna Road, Suite 100, Farmers Branch, TX 75234. 530 Misc. Services 24/7 LOCKSMITH: We are there when you need us for home & car lockouts. We’ll get you back up and running quickly! Also, key reproductions, lock installs and repairs, vehicle fobs. Call us for your home, commercial and auto lock- smith needs! 1-833-237-1233 AFFORDABLE TV & INTERNET. If you are overpaying for your service, call now for a free quote and see how much you can save! 1-844-588-6579 AGING ROOF? NEW HOMEOWN- ER? STORM DAMAGE? You need a local expert provider that proudly stands behind their work. Fast, free esti- mate. Financing available. Call 1-888-292-8225 Attention: VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50 Pill Special - Only $99! 100% guar- anteed. CALL NOW: 1-866-472-4367 BEAUTIFUL BATH UPDATES in as little as ONE DAY! Superior quality bath and shower sys- tems at AFFORDABLE PRICES! Lifetime warranty & profes- sional installs. Call Now! 1-855-402-6997 Do you owe over $10,000 to the IRS or State in back taxes? Get tax relief now! We’ll fght for you! 1-877-703-6117 GOT AN UNWANTED CAR??? DONATE IT TO PATRIOTIC HEARTS. Fast free pick up. All 50 States. Patriotic Hearts’ pro- grams help veterans fnd work or start their own business. Call 24/7: 1-855-402-7631 NEED NEW WINDOWS? Drafty rooms? Chipped or damaged frames? Need outside noise reduction? New, energy eff- cient windows may be the an- swer! Call for a consultation & FREE quote today. 1-877-248-9944. PEST CONTROL: PROTECT YOUR HOME from pests safely and affordably. Roaches, Bed Bugs, Rodent, Termite, Spiders and other pests. Locally owned and affordable. Call for service or an inspection today! 1-833-237-1199 STOP OVERPAYING FOR AUTO INSURANCE! A recent survey says that most Americans are overpaying for their car insu- rance. Let us show you how much you can save. Call Now for a no-obligation quote: 1-866-472-8309 WATER DAMAGE CLEANUP & RESTORATION: A small amount of water can lead to major damage to your home. Our trusted professionals dry out the wet area and do repairs to protect your family and your home’s value! If you have wa- ter in your home that needs to be dried, call 24/7: 1-888-290-2264 We Buy Vintage Guitar’s! Look- ing for 1920-1980 Gibson, Mar- tin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D’Angelico, Stromberg. And Gibson Man- dolins / Banjos. These brands only! Call for a quote: 1-855-402-7208 YOU MAY QUALIFY for disability benefts if you have are be- tween 52-63 years old and un- der a doctor’s care for a health condition that prevents you from working for a year or more. Call now! 1-877-247-6750 The Stories Your Friends Are Sharing FOLLOW US